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Moxy Fruvous on Touring Hiatus |
Posted by: Josh Woodward on Wed, Jul 31, 2002 For those who may not know, Moxy Fruvous is currently on a touring hiatus, since 2000. They're using this time to recover from their relentless touring of the 90's, and to persue solo projects. .David Matheson has released a wonderful solo CD. Jian Ghomeshi released a solo EP and is working on a full CD while juggling a TV show for CBC and managing Martina Sobara, Murray Foster is playing with the Lesters, and Mike Ford is working on children's music.
Moxy Fruvous on Touring Hiatus
yeah well i refuse to accept it :D they'll be back, or i'll,,, i'll,,, do something really
outrageous and crazy that'll make them realise how much they've missed touring
and they'll never split up again and everyone will be happy. or something. :D
"our final year will be the prizes year"
- spoken by a frulad about the year they would give away the prizes being their last year together. At least, i was told this by a reputable and well-practiced Fruhead. Now, they've bowled with all the people they owed bowling to, the Fruhead songs have been made, and Chris has a budgiedog on his a**. the prizes have been given away...Jian has his own TV show...all the lads seem to be happy with their current projects. and it's clear that as long as Jian has to do his show live every Thursday, there will be no touring. I wish I could share your optimism, but...I don't agree with you. But I know nothing about the matter, so don't take it from me.
possibly. but my point was only that simply saying they are "on hiatus" doesn't
mean it's the end., which it seemed people were interpreting it to mean.
whether or not there are other things known is not certain, and Josh's post was
basically a repost of what was on the old FHDC, so it's not really all that new,
nor did they announce anything more, as far as I know.
Point taken and understood, and digested resulting in an empty feeling where my
Moxy used to be. This may just be a hiatus, but it's like they're not here anymore.
No trips to be planned, no fun concerts to see, no discussing whether they're a
good date band, or wondering what the lowest highest point is. Just listening to old
albums (and downloads from Kaaza) and remembering the good 'ol days. Le sigh
However, there is life after Fruvous/during the hiatus. There are lots of bands out
there waiting to be discovered and before you know it, you'll be following yet
another band around show after show, making wonderful friendships along the
way. This has happened with me and Eddie From Ohio, and other Fruheads can
also say this is true, with different bands/performers as well.
Yes, it is a bummer than Fruvous is on hiatus right now, and if they perform again it will be a big celebration, but until then there is no need to wallow. Enjoy everything that is out there, and still be happy we have many great memories, past shows, and friendships thanks to the lads.
yes, there are so many other great groups out there. with fruvous on hiatus, i've finally been able to see past the end of my own nose, and discover so many other groups that I'd never really given a chance before.
if you're looking for a good band to listen to, head on over there <- and check out the "music picks".. you're sure to find something that will please.
Well, I never got to go bowling...but then, I've been oblivious since the hiatus started, and still have enough unused stamps for bowling, plus 3 extras to flaunt. Whoops, looks like I missed the boat again. Or, perhaps it's me who can keep your dream & theory alive & intact :)
whoa- did I miss something? Someone actually =did= get a budgiedog tattooed on their ass? If so, I'm jealous.
no, really. I fully intend to eventually get a budgiedog and spirit of the west's 'go figure' turtle both as tattoos. possibly a captain tractor anchor, as well. but... that's me, and I'm an odd one.
Yeah, Frucon I. Chris O'Malley had gotten more than the required 50 stamps on his fruhead card for the "Ultimate Prize" a fruvous ass brand. The problem was that this was a joke prize. The lads never expected anyone to go to 50 shows. So when Chris did it, they had to think of something, so they paid for him to have Larry Boniface Clebdon tattooed on his ass. There are shots of it in the segment the Mr. Jones TV show did on Frucon I.
Nah, their next tour will start any day now, I can feel it!
trunger is counting...
· 22 years, 9 months ago
As long as there is a Frucon every year for a while....
· 22 years, 8 months ago
I've never seen Fr�vous in concert - I became a fan in like July/August 2000 and
missed their last Southern California show by like 2 weeks. I was so angry! I hope
that they come off hiatus soon - I love their music and would do almost anything
to see them live. ^_^
Two weeks! Oh that's horrid. You missed a great time. Not that I was at that show,
but every one I've ever been too has been amazing!
· 22 years, 8 months ago
on all of it. I really wanted to head up to the frucon, but I live like 5 hours away (south) from the
canadian border so my mum didnt want to drive... merg! they didnt come to my town when i'd heard of them ( I think they did *once*... but as I said, not when I knew anything fr� ) so I totally missed out on the touring... merp!
I became a big fruvous fan once I saw them in concert for the first time. My good friend who got me into Fruvous could not go because of some important family stuff. He said he would catch them next time round.... I hope that comes soon. I feel bad. I want to go to another concert!!!!!
oh, at least you've seen them in concert. when ever they toured in my town they always played in bars, (and i started being their fan when i was really really young) so i could never go see them. i used to make my dad go see them and tell me about it, and once or twice he brought back a moxy fruvous tee-shirt for me, but they were alway way too big. it's all very sad....
oh good lord i want to see then in concert
· 22 years, 5 months ago
I agree that "hiatus" doesn't mean "never." I recently went to see the (punk) band Mission of Burma for the first time. I learned about them in the early 1990s, but they'd split up in 1983. Now that's a hiatus!
There's still hope. The guys have lives and haven't ruled out touring. I can wait. (And now I'm still somewhat bummed that I didn't go to Frucon 4 with Beth & Sterno.)
Heatseeker Tyco
· 22 years, 5 months ago
so I'm getting pretty damned antsy. I -miss- them. I know we all do, but damnit, how much time does Mike need with his family anway? I'm on the lookout for some "Lesters" performances in my area... get myself a little murray, and Tory Cassis in the bargain!
Carl Larson
· 21 years, 11 months ago
As a college student from Vermont, I know that a hiatus is not forever. We're still waiting for the return of Primus though...
And when Weezer came back, they were selling out arenas.� Not bad for a band USAToday referred to as only appealing to a small niche of music fans that also like TMBG and Fountains of Wayne.
100% dainty!
· 21 years, 9 months ago
It might be a while till they get back together, if they do. I think nothing is certain now.� jian himself said in an interview that he is confident about the future of fruvous.� "when we do go back to the studio, we'll each bring something unique that we learned' or something like that. i think i botched the quote. it's in an article on his website.� lots of bands go on hiatuses. . .they don't really announce them. . .and we dont notice b/c it's basically like "oh. . .we haven't heard from them in a while.� no new albums or tours lately."� fiona apple has been underground for a while.� actors do it too. it doesn't meant they're disappearing.� i think the fruvous guys needed a break. i'd rather them do that then stay on forever until they hate each other and burn out and break up.� plus. . . .i dont know about you, but i wasn't too fond of thornhill, and maybe the pursuing of solo careers,murray playing with lesters and GBS,Mike doing children's music,Jian and his show will help them bring the Moxy back into their next album, whenever that may be. Nevertheless, it probably at least won't happen until jian gets his solo album out and does some touring.�� BUT if they decide not to get back together, they'd probably announce it.� rather than leave their fans hanging. they know they have such a wide and devoted fan base that it wouldn't be nice to just leave us in limbo.� i think what they're doing now is keeping the option open.� Not saying "we will never perform again" but not setting a definite date for the resuming of their touring/recording. make sense?
Yes, that makes sense but I've/we've been hanging for how many years?!!? Oh the agony of not having a Moxy to follow. I do know one thing, as soon as they get back together, no matter where they play, I will be there...
yes. . .well, it hasn't quite been three full years yet.�� It's� a long time, but i'm doing my best to be patient. you know? maybe they're not ready to get back together yet.� think about it. they really did tour RELENTLESSLY for seven years.� not just summer touring, but for pretty much the entire year, and several shows in one city oftentimes.� they're to be commended for such diligence, but i guess it really is a well-deserved break.� just to regroup, do their own things for a while, be dads, join other bands, do tv, hit on young girls, etc etc. ;)� (sorry, that was just a reference to the pizza discussion at frff this year)� While I am jonesing for them to reunite their Moxy, I almost don't want them to get back together until they are absolutely ready.� But I do want them back.� (baby i wantchu back, oh yeah. do wop) While we all miss Fruvous, there is certainly life after Fruvous.� Camp Fruvous at the Budgiedome and Lower Camp Fruvous/Camp Edhead proves this.� Even though the band is gone right now, the fans remain, and have moved on to other groups.� For Fruvous to start playing again would be the icing on the cake. And it was amazing how while we were attempting to do Drinking Song one last time at the Budgiedome, we all forgot the words.� A sign?
Definetely not a sign. There are those of us out there who know all the words. All you need to do is go to a BC senior scouting (Venturer and Rover) camp and there will be those who know all the words. Last year at our winter camp our DJ was doing his last camp dance (yes, scouts dance; that's what guides are for) and as tradition has it, played the drinking song last. During the song, any of the camp that is still up gathers into a very large circle with their arms around each other. What ended up happening was a small circle including out beloved djPulse and some of his group, and me and a friend, and then the very large other circle around us. The inner circle was singing at the tops of our lungs until the last verse when we were told to "hush and see who else knows all the words". We were pleasantly surprised by the volume of singing from around us. Scouting is good for Fruvous..
· 21 years, 7 months ago
Magical Bob
· 21 years, 5 months ago
I found the Fru when I was little, but I was not smart enough to remember them.� Then in 2000, I was restored to grace.� I went out and bought all of their CDs (cept C, they don't sell in stores?).� I am going crazy now, wondering when they will be back.� Now I just listen to They Might Be Giants, Weezer, and other groups as a substitue.� I am hoping there will be something to fill this void. Maybe a support group?� I dunno.� But there needs to be something to help Fruheads out.� The rappers and the heavy metal people don't understand.� What we need is an agarian revolt.� Ya know... pithforks, a spade... com'n go after those people what's your problem! -Alex
Hmm...now that I think about it, you are absolutely right. Only I can't wait another four years.
· 21 years, 3 months ago
i discovered them through my girlfriend's dad just a week or 2 ago and i fall in love with their music so much, just to now discover that i can't go see them. its weird how band that sounds so happy and giddy and funny on their live album, can just split up, even temporarily. cry cry cry.
cry cry cry cry cry... anyway, ya moxy is so good, even to a punk ska fanatic like me.
· 21 years, 2 months ago
I'm thinking the the Fruvous definition of "hiatus" is 'we might get back together if we need to, but otherwise we're not going to ever play together again in public'. Come on. The website hasn't been updated since 2001, they're all doing their own things and doing well. I don't think we'll even see another Fruvous concert again. I've seen well over 35 Moxy shows. I'd love to go to another, even without a new album. But alas I think we'll all remain Fruvousless in the extended future.
The website not being updated has nothing to do with them. It has to do with Chris O'malley and our own Josh Woodward not having the time/impetus/inclination to do anything new with it. You can't draw conclusions about the band from that.
Why do you assume that just because they are all doing their own things now that they will never play again? Frankly I think they will play again, but I think the time frame is very very indefinite.
· 20 years, 10 months ago
Hey all! If we could convince the band to put out an album to tide us over until they get off their hiatus kick, what would you put on it? My thoughts would be to make a compilation CD (probably 2CD set), and round up all of their released tracks (for all I can recall, there are the 5 tracks on the indy tape, including the only legit release of Green Eggs und Ham; Today's The Day We Fight Back; and Maple Syrup Time); then add Huge On The Luge and the 10 fruvous.com tracks. After that, what else could/should they put on there (some would say, "Isn't that enough?", while others would reply, "NO!")?
· 20 years, 8 months ago
Get a bunch of people together, pitch in a certain amount $, figure out a decent location (i'd recommend toronto), and contact the booking angency and book the group? Anybody have any rich friends? Last look (years ago!) it was only around $2500 to book them. 25 people give $100 bucks, 50 people give $50.. some of us definatley would have spent more than 50 bucks in the past 4 years if they were actually touring...
just thinking....
A hiatus is a break with the intention of returning. hell of a long hiatus. Hell The Police have been on a "Hiatus" for nearly 20 some on years...waiting for that reunion.
It's a medical condition in which part of your stomach drifts up above your diaphragm causing chest pain from the refluxing stomach acids...in the name of all that is holy, can we find a CURE! Stop the hiatus! Steve
Was that a *heil hitler* salute in the first picture? Dan! I'm reading about these German kids who join the HJ...and they do all that kind of stuff. In school they learn about how horrible Jews are...and it's from the point of view of German kids who want to join Hitler, so its a different viewpoint. it's a really well written book. "Daniel Half Human and the Good Nazi" by David Chotjewitz. It's good. Check it out.
Anyway, about a Fr�vous farewell show...that's kind of...I don't know...sort of short sighted. I mean, Dan, you and I have never seen fruvous in an actual concert. And if they break up officially, then we will be left out in the cold. It seems fruvous concerts are like potato chips: you can't have just one. Can anyone confirm this? I think they should do a farewell tour...like Cher. She started out with one farewell tour, then it ended up going on forever. And there was a new CD- "The Very Best of Cher." Just saying---that might be a better idea. PS-like the second pic tho...much less offensive/scary. Jian's glasses are cool. Like the ones in the Sad Girl video..ooh that's a good song. I'll have to go listen to it now... Is that a picture from Oberlin College in Sept 96?!?� That was the first Fruvous show I ever went to!� I actually caught three shows in two weeks.� I had just gotten back from Air Force Basic Training and caught Oberlin, the Main Event in Toledo, and a show in Cleveland all in the span of two weeks. That show was great because they knew they were playing for a lot of music students and kept making music jokes.� At one point they started playing Tureen and when Dave strummed the chord right before the first verse it sounded absolutely horrible.� He then commented that that was a new chord: the A-Flat Demolished.� They came out to jazz music playing and started jamming with it.� Dave broke more guitar strings than I've ever seen him break...so much so that they had to have a couple forced banter sessions and even played a "pass the guitar" interlude while they passed some of Dave's guitars back to Lazlo or Tobey (can't remember which) to be restrung and retuned.� Lazlo also did a poetry recital.� Mike went out into the middle of the crowd and stood on a tale to do Spiderman. I have many fond memories of that show. *sigh* the good old days....
Fru Phile
· 19 years, 1 month ago
I have to say that I am QUITE over this hiatus...it's been 6 years!� Enough already!� Folks I think we need to get motivated again...remember our grassroots efforts to get fans to go to a Moxy Fruvous concert?� Well I say that it's time to employ those same efforts to get Mike, Dave, Murray and Jian to a Moxy Fruvous concert!!!! What do you say?� Is anyone out there?� I can't take it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!� Miss you all!
Was just thinking the same thing recently... I still listen to the lads and try to turn others on�to them, but its not the same as seeing them live.� Any hope for any sort of reunion... anyway have any news?
OK here's the plan. We book all four of them to play the same venue at the same night but don't tell them that the others are booked.
We could leave the plan there or include not letting them leave till they play together.
Steve McCornack
· 19 years ago
Couldn't we just get them together to sing 'Gulf War Song' on the evening news?
I suspect they are in Ecuador busking where the native panflutists have abandoned their posts to busk on the subways here! Peace! Steve
Marty Cosgrove
· 18 years, 11 months ago
I would have to agree with ChuckMan. I would love an end to the "hiatus," but I think our memories will have to do. I do miss my days of following the band all over Ohio and to NY. Life was simpler then, and I will always cherish those days.
On a semi-related note, it's nice to see that A.J. is still posting to these pages. I remember you from the oooooold days, A.J.!
Chris Canary
· 18 years, 8 months ago
"As of right now, there are no plans for a reunion. All member are
still friends and see each other every now and then, but they are busy with separate projects. There could be something in the future... you never know! Thanks for the note. You can currently hear Jian every morning on CBC, hosting Sounds Like Canada." Note from "Ashley", contact info on Jian's page, in response to my query regarding a possible reunion show/tour.
I think that canned response has already been used for years.
I kinda assumed the same, but was still ok to get any response and I want to be optimistic. :-)
I had managed to somehow forget how great they were...the Moxieness had retreated to a fond memory....then I saw Great Big Sea, and was shocked, SHOCKED, to see the illustrious Murray there on stage. So now I'm reminded, and listening again, and wishing for a concert again, and it's still all in vain.
Steve McCornack
· 18 years, 4 months ago
It is beginning to seem more like a 12 step program than a hiatus. I don't want to seem impatient or anything...but ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Boys, look at all that has happened in the world since you went on hiatus! Coincidence? I think not! VIVA FRUVOUS!
Major Fruvous
· 17 years, 5 months ago
I miss all the Moxy that Fruvous had, but with all the Fruheads still pining for the band. Why don't some of you start a Moxy Fruvous cover band to keep their music alive.
· 16 years, 5 months ago
Yeah, when I was young and apt to getting drunk Moxy was fun.
I remember when they came to U of S in Saskatchewan and I was struck by how EMPTY the place was. Moxy was talented, but they were a gimmicky fad band. Their following was a fringe, not a mainstream. That type of existence cannot sustain a band of any sort. Let it go and give it up guys. As far as where are they now? Just think of them as once having been the Kings of Spain, but now they are just serving pizza. It ain't a hiatus if it is really over. Hiatus means a hole, and this is not a hole, it is an infinite discontinuation. Let this site go away too.
I agree with everything you say, except the idea that this site was ever really about the band. It never was, as far as I was aware. It was a place for friends to gather. Granted, they were the excuse to create the site... and granted again, the site is now pretty much "on hiatus" because none of us keep in touch anymore. So, for that reason, perhaps the site should be scrapped.... but to say that this site was "about" fruvous is just silly. (Also, yes, I realize this was just a troll post, but, it amused me greatly.)
TyteFystedFolkie, is that you?
(You folks from the Falcon Ridge message board know who I'm talking about.)
Stephen Spencer
· 16 years, 2 months ago
OK... they went on hiatus when GWB was 'selected' for the Presidency.
He's gone.
Can we have Früvous back off hiatus now, please?
"Once I was the King of Spain! (Now I eat humble pie)"
"Hey Obama, Hey Putin, got problems, you phone me! (Now I eat humble pie)"
· 15 years, 7 months ago
Everybody needs to lay off Obama
Even the Mormon Church baptized his momma {btw, that's true} Why are people so scared of change that he brings? At least he's not Bush, always on presidential retreat! {yeah, very approximate rhyme there, lol} Man, "Obama" is way easier to rhyme than "Palin"... And then there's that woman who ran with McCain! Sarah Palin and Hillary are so not the same. She can see Russia right from her house! But since she resigned, she's quieter than a mouse... Okay, I just spent like twenty minutes trying to work in a rhyme with Russia in it. It's 4:08 am. I need to try to sleep again. ::/geeky English major:: You must first create an account to post.
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