Mike Ford Interview [Mike] Check out this great interview with Mike. |
Sep 2, 2008 |
194 |
Running On New Server I moved the site over to a zippy new server. It should take care of the slowness that we've had the past couple of months. Let me know if anything's hosed. |
Aug 2, 2007 |
4222 |
Logon Tweaks [Site News] There are new security features on FHDC. If you're having trouble logging on, or staying logged on, keep reading. |
May 1, 2007 |
7292 |
2006 Album of the Year! The annual poll is here! Who kicked the most ass in 2006? |
Dec 7, 2006 |
223 |
FruMessage Drafts Have you ever been typing a long FruMessage, just to have your browser crash? Read on... |
Jul 11, 2006 |
5699 |
Forum Signatures You can now set a forum signature using the Customize Profile link. Don't make it too big or I'll thwap you. :) |
May 10, 2006 |
6593 |
Ajaxified Front-Page Wall Help me test out a new wall feature - click the "Config" button underneath it on the front page, and turn on the updating for the front-page wall. It will transparently refresh every 5 seconds. Hopefully. Please report any bugs. :) |
Mar 14, 2006 |
9538 |
Server Move I moved FHDC around a bit, and upgraded some software. Let me know if you see anything funky going on - thanks! |
Feb 24, 2006 |
7427 |
Fruhead Songs are here! [Fruvous] For your listening pleasure, 41 mostly unheard Moxy Fruvous songs! |
Jan 4, 2006 |
548 |
2005 Album of the Year [Site News] It's that time of year again! Vote on your favorite albums of 2005. Discuss your thoughts here. |
Dec 5, 2005 |
386 |
IMPORTANT: FHDC Email Aliases If you have an existing FHDC email alias ([email protected]), you need to confirm that you still want it. Click for details. |
Aug 21, 2005 |
4028 |
FHDC Running On New Server The migration is complete and we're on a new server. Please let me know if you see anything at all that's not working. Thanks! |
Aug 17, 2005 |
4590 |
Get Yer Johnny Saucep'n T-Shirts Check out what Brent & Marianne have been cooking up. They're extra tasty! |
![/share/mod_news_images/148-thumb.jpg]() |
Apr 7, 2005 |
1659 |
2004 Album of the Year Voting [Site News] What's the best album to come out in 2004? Let us know what you think! Then discuss the results here. Click for more info. |
Dec 14, 2004 |
275 |
New Feature: Localized Forum You can now easily talk and conspire with people in your area. You can plan local events, tell people about good local concerts, etc. Click for more information! |
Oct 3, 2004 |
12094 |
Happy Birthday, FHDC! Fruhead.com is now five years old. Here's a retrospective. :) |
Aug 9, 2004 |
5205 |
Order Mike Ford's CD Mike's first solo CD is now available. Pick it up for cheap at MapleMusic! Also check out this article about it, and his swanky new website! |
Jun 3, 2004 |
5101 |
FHDC Flaky for Awhile I'm a dumbass and let the domain expire, so over the next couple days, FHDC will be acting strangely. Try fruhead.fruvous.com if fruhead.com isn't working. |
Apr 19, 2004 |
4359 |
FruCon Photos Some FruCon 7 photos are hosted on FHDC. If you'd like to post yours here, just drop me a line. |
Feb 25, 2004 |
4164 |
Torrent-ial Downpour Information about where to post torrents. |
Jan 9, 2004 |
3621 |
Green Eggs Cover on Songfight There's a fun cover of Fruvous' version of Green Eggs & Ham on Songfight, recorded by Feldspar for the Gift of Music trade (on the 2nd page). |
Jan 5, 2004 |
4334 |
FruCon 7 Information [FruCon] FruCon 7 is February 21st in Toronto. Plan away! |
Dec 30, 2003 |
3999 |
2003 Album of the Year Voting [Site News] What's the best album to come out in 2003? Let us know what you think! Then discuss the results here. Click for more info. |
Dec 3, 2003 |
4435 |
David Matheson in Toronto Play [Dave] Dave is costarring in a Toronto play about the life of Tim Hardin. Click for more info. |
Nov 4, 2003 |
3840 |
Mike Ford Rocks Toronto [Mike] Mr. Ford is opening for Tom Paxton on Fri, Nov. 14th at Hugh's Room in Toronto. |
Oct 21, 2003 |
5116 |
Jian Interview in Galatea's Pants The latest issue of Lauren's zine, Galatea's Pants has an interview with Jian. |
Aug 18, 2003 |
4907 |
New Tag You can now use the tag <user> tag to link to a FHDC user. Just type their username in between these tags and it'll do the rest. |
Aug 5, 2003 |
4266 |
No New FHDC Homepages [Site News] Due to a lot of non-Fruheads sucking up bandwidth, I'm disabling new homepages. Existing ones will continue to work. Be sure to bookmark the homepages site because the link will go away soon. Also, new profile photos will be screened for off-topic photos. |
Jul 31, 2003 |
5455 |
Falcon Ridge is Almost Here!
Jul 16, 2003 |
4240 |
Hey, Fruhead Bloggers! Are you a Fruhead? Do you have a blog? I'm putting together a list of blogs for easy syndication. If you'd like to be included, drop me a line with your blog info. It must either be LJ, Diaryland, FHDC, or another blog supporting RSS. |
Jul 16, 2003 |
3597 |
Movies of Murray with GBS [Murray] Thanks to Mike Yoshioka, here are some photos and videos of Murray playing with Great Big Sea. |
Jul 8, 2003 |
4347 |
FruClothes Auction Is On! [Random] Come bid on rare Fruvous clothing! Runs from Monday until Friday. |
Jun 30, 2003 |
3934 |
FruClothes Auction Coming Monday [Random] Father O'Malley is auctioning off a ton of Fruvous clothing, starting Monday. |
Jun 27, 2003 |
139 |
New HTML Editor We're now using a vastly improved HTML editor. Please let me know any bugs you find. You can turn it on/off here. |
Jun 5, 2003 |
4321 |
Hugh's Room EFO/Mike Concert Cancelled [Random] Friday's show in Toronto with EFO and Mike Ford has been cancelled, according to Hugh's Room's website. Pass it on. |
May 29, 2003 |
4149 |
Hey, Peter Mulvey Fans! [Random] FHDC's new sister site for PM fans is now live - try out MulveyFan.org! |
May 18, 2003 |
4091 |
Frums Work Again There was a database problem during Tuesday night that caused FruMessages to spit out an error when you send. It's fixed now, but any messages you sent didn't go through. They are, however, in your message archive, so you can copy/paste. Sorry bout that! |
Apr 29, 2003 |
3764 |
New Feature: Diary Reader [Site News] FHDC now has a diary reader that can read Diaryland, LiveJournal, and any other RSS news source. Click for more info. |
Apr 7, 2003 |
4562 |
FHDC Turns 5,000 Congrats to Jeff Couchman, FHDC's 5,000th member. |
Apr 4, 2003 |
4019 |
New Feature: IM Still in beta mode, but it should mostly work. Think of them as "private powerwalls", best for ongoing conversations. Use the "IM" button on the profile pages to send. Click for more info. |
Apr 2, 2003 |
5651 |
Images Not Loading? [Site News] Click for more information about this bug. (Updated) |
Mar 15, 2003 |
45043 |
Jian Update: Love Coffee, Not Bush [Jian] |
Mar 6, 2003 |
4488 |
Jian Update: Peaceniks and Warhawks [Jian] |
Feb 28, 2003 |
4246 |
HTML Text Entry [Site News] WYSIWYG text editing is now available on FHDC. It requires IE 5.5 or above . Please let me know any problems you have, and go here to turn it off. |
Feb 17, 2003 |
4232 |
Jian Update: Baby Mammals and Sock Hops [Jian] |
Feb 7, 2003 |
3307 |
Polls Submission Works Again [Site News] Sorry for those who tried to submit a poll recently and got an error. I tracked it down, so suggest away! |
Dec 30, 2002 |
3928 |
FruCon VI: Feb. 15th, 2003 [FruCon] It's that time of year again! FruCon 6 will be held at the Comfort Suites Hotel in Toronto. Please register online if you plan to attend, and discuss in the FruCon forum. |
Dec 21, 2002 |
209 |
Peter Mulvey CD Release Party: Saturday [Random] Shameless plug: if you're in the Boston area, come out to see Peter's huge bash. Click for more info. |
Oct 4, 2002 |
5314 |
New Feature: Forums [Site News] For your chatting pleasure, FHDC now has forums. They're fairly new, so as always, let me know any bugs you find. |
Aug 30, 2002 |
4359 |
Post Moderation Is Gone [Site News] For now, I'm removing the post moderation scheme. It's not really needed and it causes too many problems. Don't all start trolling, though, or you'll feel my wrath! ;-) |
Aug 28, 2002 |
4298 |
Nields to Perform as Moxy Fruvous - Tonight [Fruvous] |
Aug 16, 2002 |
5649 |
TMBG Celebrates 20 Years [Random] |
Aug 14, 2002 |
253 |
Moxy Fruvous on Touring Hiatus |
Jul 31, 2002 |
62215 |
Melinda Beasi's New CD [Site News] Our own Melinda Beasi has just released her debut CD, Dorrie's True Story. Check it out and buy it on CDBaby! |
Jul 16, 2002 |
5207 |
Welcome to the New FHDC! [Site News] |
Jul 8, 2002 |
3376 |
FHDC Acceptable Use Policy [Site News] |
Jan 1, 2002 |
54678 |