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Past News

Title Date #Views
Mike Ford Interview   [Mike]
Check out this great interview with Mike.
Sep 2, 2008 194
Running On New Server
I moved the site over to a zippy new server. It should take care of the slowness that we've had the past couple of months. Let me know if anything's hosed.
Aug 2, 2007 4222
Logon Tweaks   [Site News]
There are new security features on FHDC. If you're having trouble logging on, or staying logged on, keep reading.
May 1, 2007 7292
2006 Album of the Year!
The annual poll is here! Who kicked the most ass in 2006?
Dec 7, 2006 223
FruMessage Drafts
Have you ever been typing a long FruMessage, just to have your browser crash? Read on...
Jul 11, 2006 5699
Forum Signatures
You can now set a forum signature using the Customize Profile link. Don't make it too big or I'll thwap you. :)
May 10, 2006 6593
Ajaxified Front-Page Wall
Help me test out a new wall feature - click the "Config" button underneath it on the front page, and turn on the updating for the front-page wall. It will transparently refresh every 5 seconds. Hopefully. Please report any bugs. :)
Mar 14, 2006 9538
Server Move
I moved FHDC around a bit, and upgraded some software. Let me know if you see anything funky going on - thanks!
Feb 24, 2006 7427
Fruhead Songs are here!   [Fruvous]
For your listening pleasure, 41 mostly unheard Moxy Fruvous songs!
Jan 4, 2006 548
2005 Album of the Year   [Site News]
It's that time of year again! Vote on your favorite albums of 2005. Discuss your thoughts here.
Dec 5, 2005 386
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