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Logon Tweaks |
Posted by: Josh Woodward on Tue, May 1, 2007 There are new security features on FHDC. If you're having trouble logging on, or staying logged on, keep reading. I made a few changes to the software a few days ago that may have logged you out if you've been logged on the same computer for ages. The new login system is much more secure, and will protect your account if you use it on public computers. The main changes:
If you're having any troubles with the new system, let me know what's wrong and I'll twiddle some switches.
Logon Tweaks
*shrugs* Why not?
But it's actually an upgrade to the core Entropy software, since my customers were requesting it.
Can we at least have the option of staying logged in in multiple places, then? I mean, I'm not exactly concerned about my FHDC account getting hacked. What's the worst someone can do with it? Delete it? Oh darn, I guess I'd just have to create a new one, then.
Lawrence, seriously... breathe.
In.... out.... In.... out.... Cleansing breaths... In.... out....
No, seriously. I'm just saying, the ability to stay logged in would be a nice feature. This isn't a bank, so I'm not worried about people stealing ... well, anything, really, given access to it. I don't use the same password here as anywhere else, anyway, so even if someone guessed it, I'd still lose nothing.
And it's not like it's that big an inconvenience to re-login in. Especially if you have Mozilla remember your password. :) I was wondering about it, but didn't really care beyond wondering how I got logged out.
You get the Starfox Seal of Approval. Just make sure you feed it fresh fish.
Gordondon son of Ethelred
· 17 years, 11 months ago
Ahhhh, that explains it. I log in on both work and home.
So the days where I could log in at the Knitting Factory then come back months latter and find myself still logged in are over. You must first create an account to post.
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