The lights of Falcon Ridge is definitely a breathtaking site to see.
Oooh..and first post!
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Poll: Other than Fruvous, who's your favorite FRFF vet? |
Other than Fruvous, who's your favorite FRFF vet?
ChrisChin is Getting Old
· 21 years, 4 months ago
The lights of Falcon Ridge is definitely a breathtaking site to see. Oooh..and first post!
Even *I* wouldn't have voted for Peter in this poll. It's far too big of a venue for him to play - the intimacy is lost. I didn't really get anything out of it when I saw him there. *shrugs*
Gordondon son of Ethelred
· 21 years, 4 months ago
I voted for the Kennedys but if we count people who have been to only one FRFF then it would be Richard Thompson. I think the Kennedys would agree with me on that. Maybe they'd vote for Dave and Tracy. I've been thinking a lot of Dave recently.
No Adam Brodsky is banned too.
I love Dan. I've been following him from the very beginning. I see him every time he plays there area. All that being said, I totally understand his being banned. He went out of his way to get banned. He was asked to not play "spaceman fucked the monkey" and he did it anyway. FRFF is a family oriented event and I can understand the organizers concerns. So many parents would object to that song.
you'd think some parents might also object to, say, "enormous penis," "who da bitch now," or "shaving off my muff for you," but dvn and eric have played frff for several years now. i think it has as much to do with whether or not the organizers like you as it does with the "objectionable" content of your songs.
No it has to do with the fact that they asked permission first and did it at a workshop where they warned everyone before hand. There is a huge difference.
I second that. There's a big difference between the main stage and the workshop stage. i picked susie, but i bet that wasn't a surprise. . . .although i was leaning towards the nields too. . . .cause I :heart: them so much.
J. Andrew World
· 21 years, 4 months ago
Moxie Furvous guys!� Thay were kinda cool.� And Janis Ian.� And the Paperboys!!!!!
ChrisChin is Getting Old
· 21 years, 4 months ago
You left out my favorite, crapface! Is crapface the new insenstive clod? :) No, crapface is a new favorite act.� I said Dar, but off in the far reaches of Fantasyland I'd like to see Dave and Tracy again.� I also favor more performances by the Paperboys and Mopy Frootloops.�
Chaya Papaya
· 21 years, 4 months ago
ummm...I don't really have much to say about this...except that they needed a forum thread...and it is SO cool when Julie's voice fills the hill. And what would the gospel wake up call be without them!?!
Me three. Or four. �The lyrics. Ugh. So ugh. I know, likely to piss people off. But I just don't think Julie should write songs.
I think the reason Ferron nd Susan haven't appeared is because they got eaten by the killer tents.
it was bound to come to this ... someone we loved would eventually fall victim.
Melinda J. Beasi
· 21 years, 4 months ago
I voted for Vance, because he is a truly great performer, and I wouldn't miss his mainstage show for the world, but I have to give mention to Jeff Lang, who has become one of my dear favorites. I've only ever seen him at FRFF, and he manages to blow me away every time.
John J. Ryan
· 21 years, 4 months ago
Honorable mention goes to: Greg Brown The Kennedys Erin McKeown Vance Gilbert Tracy Grammer Arlo Guthrie C&M Thompson
If I had another vote it would go to Arlo. I always want to see Arlo. I actually do get to see him pretty much every summer for free. It is always a treat.
yes, i would love to see arlo again--and this time, i'd like to *not* be suffering from strep throat and a high fever in the first aid tent. :)
Yes while of course everyone should have the arlo/strep experience once, twice is just too much of a good thing :-)
I've seen Arlo when Carey had strep, and when Carey didn't have strep, and I thought he was much more enjoyable when Carey didn't have strep. Even though she wasn't there to have strep.
Well, it made sense to me. ;)
· 21 years, 4 months ago
for some reason, my computer won't allow me to reply, seeeooooooo.......
1. who is this 'fruvous' that you speak of? 2. susan werner generally does the fest every other year{as her road manager told me once when i did lights for her, so mayhap we'll see her this year. 3. most people{fruheads, i mean} skip gospel wake-up call anyhoo coz of it's earlyness, competition with other workshop, etc..., so i guess then if GREAT DAY bothers them, they just suffer through it to get to the rest of the stuffs... 4. i must say that i{if the only person} appreciate the up-tone of GREAt day because, ya know what...a LOT of people complain and whine and worry{i myself am a worrier...}, so sometimes iffin i listen to that, i -do- have more faith in myself and that everything'll work out coz i can handle it. *shrug* 5. it also wouldn't let me click on lawrence's link, so i dunno what juliesongs� he deemed ok, so i'm gonna put in a defense for 'it ain't worth', imagine me, all i ask, no rules, and various others offa her albums. 6. re: the performers writing aboot their kids. for the most part....yah. agreed. coz though cute and funnily earwormy, one must admit that 'amelia's little red dog' and its pals are not musical masterpieces.{and nate, i don't mean coz of the voices...heh} 7. if there were a way possible to see dave & tracy again, i'd SO be there....whereever..... i still remember appel farm last year when care and grrrodan and i went and sitting there and telling carey i could listen to them forever........ *wistful sigh* 8. so -how- many days did you say it was til FRFF, john??? *g*
Just in terms of Julie-reply. It's not so much the sentiment of the songs I know that I object to, it's the execution. I just don't think she has a handle on lyric writing yet. It's especially clear when put alongside the talents of robbie or mike.
> 7. if there were a way possible to see dave & tracy again, i'd SO > be there....whereever..... i still remember appel farm last year > when care and grrrodan and i went and sitting there and telling > carey i could listen to them forever........ *wistful sigh*
*duplicate sigh* Who was to know that would be the last time I'd see them? Forever, and in the hereafter, I amend.
same here. i will also always regret that i could have seen dave carter's very last show, at jammin' java, but i opted out at the last minute because "after all, i'll be seeing him in just a few weeks at frff."
lawrence wasn't linking to julie songs, he was linking to the "demotivational" posters at think he showed them to you one time at my old apartment.
i do like "it ain't worth" a *lot*'s the one julie song i know that's got some real darkness and depth to it, instead of the kind of saccharine and simplistic stuff like "hey little man" and "in paradise." You must first create an account to post.
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