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Viewing User: K-Lyn

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Basic Information

Username: Kristy
First Visit: Aug 10, 1999
Last Visit: Sat, Jul 31, 2010, 8:27pm
Location:Portland, Oregon
About You:My goodness. I guess I should come up with something terribly interesting and witty to say here. Oh the pressure! The fates took over and pointed me towards Moxy's first ever concert in Oregon and I've been eternally thankful. I immediately bought every album and haven't quit obsessing yet. I feel like I'm stuck on the wrong coast though.... Shows I've been to include 6/2/99 Portland, 10/19 Portland, and 10/23/99 San Francisco. I know it's not that many but it got me a keyfob and I promise to do better next time they revisit the 'left coast'. Hiatus Schmatus.. As for me. I have a boring day job but my theatre company is my passion. I'm the Company Manager for a local company and I also stage manage and do other backstage work around town. No, I don't act. AND I love getting mail so drop me a line! I have 200 ZacquesPoints!!!!


Claudio!My old headshotMaid of HonorMy favorite city, next to Portland, OR
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