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Breakfast at Tiffany's |
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Fruvous you mean? No. It's a song by Deep Blue Something. It's not on any Fruvous CDs. I can't say whether they ever did it live.
a lot of users on file-sharing programs credit an a cappella version of this song to fruvous, when it's actually by a college a cappella group, i think.
I'm willing to bet that all college a cappella on the net is mislabeled as Fruvous. Just like half the Fell In Loves that are out there are by the Brown Derbies. And half the Green Eggs And Ham are just from an audio book of the same name.� Look out when it says "Dr. Seuss Version". All funny songs are by Weird Al or TMBG.� This includes King of Spain.
actually, these are the rules of file sharing:
1. all parodies ever written were written by Weird Al Yankovic(h)(k) 2. all funny songs that aren't parodies are by They Might Be Giants 3. all a cappella songs that aren't already by TMBG or Weird Al because they're funny or parodies are by Moxy Fruvous
i`ve also seen that song credited to Rockapella.� any rockapella fans out there know if it`s theirs?
Guys, Rockapella never did a cover of 'Breakfast at Tiffany's.' Check out the first question on here to see all the ones they have been wrongly credited for - http://www.rockapella.com/ask.htm I was just going to come in and say "no! It's not Rockapella!". It's one of those songs that I wouldn't be surprised if they'd stuck in live somewhere, because they seem to do that with random songs, as a cappella groupds are wont to do, but they didn't record it. The version that gets labeled as Rockapella/Fruvous sounds to me like it might be the Brown Derbies... but not -quite-. It could be any number of groups, I guess. *nods* Dude, all I know is that it's my favourite song to hear on the radio... I refuse to download it (although I fell for the a capella one... it's definitely not Fr�vous, you can tell) because that makes hearing it on the radio just that much more special. And I have been hearing it quite often... I found that there are two radio stations in the Philly area that have been late-90's songs heavy because, quite frankly, music today just hasn't been as good! --Rachel
100% dainty!
· 21 years, 10 months ago
And speaking of the acapella miscreditings on napster and kazaa. . . .there's a version of 'and so it goes" that says its moxy fruvous. . .but i'm not sure it's them. if it is, they are very young. but i can't recognize any of the voices. . . .the reason it might be them is because after the song ends, they go into "king of spain" and then mess up. . . .but again, it could be a college group just singing songs.� any info?
Probably just bad college a cappella. :)� There is an a cappella arrangement of And So It Goes by Gary Fry.� The original is by Billy Joel and can be found on the Storm Front album and Greatest Hits Vol. 3.� The song is about Billy's fling with Elle MacPherson before he met Christie Brinkley.
That's either The Brown Derbies or the Rochester acapella group... I forget which
Defintely not Fruvous because there seem to be five voices. ;) It's the standard a cappella arrangement of the song, which has been performed by most a cappella groups that I'm familiar with... so, again, it could be just about anyone. In fact, there may even be a few different recordings of it floating around.
This is a specific recording though, where at the end of the track they include a false start of KoS where the lead singer gurgles and chokes at the end and everyone starts laughing, and I remember hearing it on an original CD beloging to a Fruhead... and I think it was either Angie or Misch, which is why I think it was a Rochester group.
Carlos Nobazac
· 21 years, 8 months ago
I tracked down the group that actually sings the version frequently credited to Moxy Fruvous. They're the University of the Philippines College of Allied Medical Professions Choir (really!). It's worth a hear if you don't already know it; any Fruvous fan could use this. You can download their male-voice choir a capella rendition of Breakfast at Tiffany's here: http://www.angelfire.com/on/campchoir/download.html Carlos
100% dainty!
· 21 years, 8 months ago
You'll say that they've got nothing in common No concerts, no recordings And they're falling apart You'll say there's nothing new they're singing Their lives have come between them Still I know they'll come back soon And I said what about Breakfast at Tiffany's She said I think I saw that on Napster As I recall I think it wasn't them singing And I said oh well. so much for that I see them, the only ones who knew us Oh how we all miss Fruvous I guess we'll just wait. . .. So what now? It's plain to see they're over And I hate when things are over When so much is left unsung And I said what about Breakfast at Tiffany's She said I think I saw that on Napster As I recall I think it wasn't them singing And I said oh well. so much for that �� out of curiosity, how do you write so there aren't two spaces in between each line?
or....get a mac. ;)
seriously, though. I've never had that problem unless I'm at school. Running windows. Because I rock. *ends mac elitist rant*
Tim Schultz
· 21 years, 7 months ago
The official Rockapella website said that they never did a version of Breakfast At Tiffany's
· 20 years, 4 months ago
Sorry to bring this up so late after the thread was truly active. I was perusing the old threads, clearly.
But I'm pretty sure that the song on the file-sharing networks is a version done by the six-man a capella group Voice Male. If you listen closely you can hear at certain points all six different parts (one on bass, one doing drum effects, two harmonizing on background, two harmonizing on main).
Jeff Marsden
· 19 years, 11 months ago
Might it be Deep Blue Something?� It sounds just like it.
· 19 years, 10 months ago
As a little kid I thought it was a restaurant.
I used to think she was a teen pop star that played Judy Jetson in the movie.
yes it's quite expensive jewelry.
As my cow orker noted when we were trying to buy a bracelet as a gift for someone who is leaving the company: $350 for silver?!!? WTF?!? Yeah, hearing about the movie when I was a kid made me thought that it was a really expensive restaurant with really fancy light powder blue doggie bags. You must first create an account to post.
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