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New Obsessions

   Discussion: New Obsessions
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 22 years, 3 months ago
A number of us still have musical obsessions without Fruvous. Off the top of my head I can think of
Betsy and Erica - Mike Errico
Leanne - Stephan Fearing
Shelly - EFO
Carey - DVN, David Morreale
Me. DVN, The Kennedys, Christine Lavin

Who else has an obsession?

I guarentee I'm forgetting people that I know about.
Andrea Krause Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
Me! Peter Mulvey!
John J. Ryan Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
Me - They Might Be Giants, Beatles, EFO, Dream Theater.
John J. Ryan Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
And now Guster.� Thanks Lawrence.
goovie is married! Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
Mmmm...DVN. Mmmm...David.
But you forgot one very important thing.
(For those of you who aren't Gordon, allow me to translate that I've also started stalking We're About 9. And I have just a teeny tiny crush on Pat. Yeah. Teeny tiny. It's not like I've ever said anything like, "I think I'll change my FHDC name to, 'I WANT TO HAVE ALL OF PAT'S BABIES, YUM YUM YUM!" or anything. I mean, really. Let's have perspective here, people. :)
Shut up, Gordon. :)
I can see the bunny Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
Hey, I also have my little obsessions with The Supers, Starling and The Lesters.

And for the record, just because Stephen sends me emails and I know his webmaster and probably know what Stephen is doing at any given moment does *not* make it an obsession. :)
emilie is CRANKY Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
(chanting) DVN! DVN! DVN! ;)

okay, so i only have one of their cd's. but i'm nagging mommy to get me some more for my birthday in 6 weeks. muahahahaa. :D
beth-pseudocanuck! Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
me - efo, indigo girls, five o'clock shadow, lucy kaplansky
Eri Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
I LOVE FOCS! *swoon*
betsy =) Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
i wouldnt call it an obsession..... i'd call it, um..... erm.... a fixation.... no. a preoccupation.... no. ok. that's right! erica and i have unhealthy behaviors whereas mike errico is concerned. ha! ive admitted it, but i dont have a problem! no! *moohahaha*
erica is so cold Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
who wouldn't have unhealthy behaviors when there is a tall sweaty very talanted man that give good hugs involved! god love our boy...
but recently Jaosn LeVasseur...i have a wee crush on him he rocks and OK GO i love them!
Jill Leopardina Fr�dman Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
This is totally musically off topic, but your icon suggests that you too, are obsessed with Something Positive. Yay, Something Positive! ^_^ -J
betsy =) Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
erica and i love something positive! we *heart* choo-choo bear!
erica is so cold Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
yay for choo choo bear!
Eri Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
I love choo-choo too! :)
Eric Bloom Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
just saw a rusted root show live and have to say it was one of the greatest live shows ive much better in person than their albums. their encore consisted of a 30 minute improv drum circle, followed by almost an entirely complete suprise 2nd set. unreal. i was skeptical going in, but they converted me.
John J. Ryan Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
It was my sister who took me to my first Rusted Root show of all people. She's a radio fan through and through, but somehow she latched onto this group before they were even signed, back in 93.

Wow, an entire 2nd set that was unplanned for? That's unreal!
theri quite contrary Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
Rusted Root kick total ass. They're one of my favourite bands of all time (a list that does not include Fruvous). I would kill to see them live. So..yay, conversion!
nate... Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
Rusted Root would be amazing if they'd only shoot that jibbering "singer". Musically they're a lot of fun, and their drumming rocks.
Just.. that guys voice drives me nuts... and I don't think I've ever heard a song of theirs where you could understand more than 2 words.
*shakes head*
theri quite contrary Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
Oh man, I LOVE Michael Glabicki's "jibbering" voice. Yet I can see why other people find it annoying. Anyway, just had to get my $0.02 in. ;)
100% dainty! Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
Rusted Root is so energetic and it makes me happy. They came to my school for free this april. it totally rocked.
angelmusicmaven Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
I've obsessed over the same people since college... most of them are still together and touring cause they're obscure but do well enough and get along.
Jellyfish (RIP but have a box set out) and their offshoots such as Jason Falkner...
Lowen & Navarro...
Matthew Sweet...
the B-52's...
Martin Sexton fan since 99...
I guess I have links on my profile for most of the really big ones. But they're so great :)
I need to say again that the current Andy Stochansky record is my favorite of the year so far!
iPauley Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
Not that much of an obsession, but my Great Big Sea CD collection is nearing completion -- only Play and Rant And Roar to go.

(and yes, I know there's nothing new on Rant and Roar -- it's the whole completeness of the collection thing. :))

-- Pauley
Arbie Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
*nod* Yup, If I'm gonna listen to East Coast Celtic (and I have all my life, not allways willingly, when I was young I had a passionate dislike for it) its usually GBS. In other genres..... Blues: aside from Frulie's band, I really like Robert Cray. In punk/rock/pop I really admire Biff Naked, she is so damned intelligent and she really seems to enjoy rockin' the house down. And BNL. And The Tragically Hip. And Blue Rodeo. And anybody who writes intelligent lyrics and good the same song is even better.
Melinda J. Beasi Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
Me- Andy Stochansky, John Wesley Harding

(there are plenty more for whom i have biiiig fandom, but these are the two i'd go see just about anywhere)
Jody Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
Oooh! oooh! Me = Guster. Mmmm: drums, bri, ry, and adam!
Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
yeah.. I'm right into Bruce hornsby right now!
seems like his last 3 were my faves..this new one is growing on me.. he throws a great live show.. and I love his song writting...he's been an under-dog with the big-wigs for soooo long, so I like supporting him.
K-Lyn Back · 21 years, 2 months ago

Great Big Sea...but I can stop whenever I want to. Really. I can.

Non-musical obsession of the moment...bigger than Eddie Izzard. The man is a genius. I saw his Sexie tour in September and I've not come down from the high yet. Run, don't walk, the video store and rent Dressed to Kill...or just buy it. You won't be sorry!

Talcott · 22 years, 3 months ago
Right now, it's anyone who will tour in Ohio.

This fall is looking like a good concert-season though. Peter was in Dayton a few weekends ago. TMBG are playing Cleveland on Halloween....

And I'll get to see DVN at long last in November!

Josh Woodward Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
> Right now, it's anyone who will tour in Ohio.

This reminds me of one of the reasons that Peter Mulvey ritualistically tours Alaska during the dead of winter. When he shows up at a village, he's treated like royalty and almost everyone shows up for his concert. They're so starved for culture during the winter that a warm body would do the trick. The fact that Peter is a minor god is icing on the cake. *grins*
Andrea Krause Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
Minor god? MINOR? Pshaw. *grin*
emilie is CRANKY Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
grrr. i should've bleemin' seen him when he played in london a few months back. argh. :P
John J. Ryan Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
Note to self: Move to Alaska and become a professional musician in winter months.....
Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
heh... and pack warm undies if you're heading up north in the winter...and learn how to play guitar with mittens on!
goovie is married! · 22 years, 3 months ago
This time, he forgot our mutual obsession for Slaid Cleaves, Rod Picott, and Oliver Steck. (Rod's new album is finally coming out! Go buy it! And give him money for a good haircut! :) )
Oh, and I'm ashamed to say that I forgot to mention Eric Schwartz before.
Doo da doo-doo, doo, doo-da doo doo.
Jill Leopardina Fr�dman · 22 years, 3 months ago
Dan Bern rocks my face.

I've seen him five times, and I've even taken my family to see him! They *loved* him!

He's got two shows next month that I'm *aching* to go to.
Nov 11th at Lee's in Toronto, and Nov 15th at the Iron Horse.
Anyone want to do a Rachacha->TO or Rachacha->NoHo trip? Anyone? ^_^
Jºnªthªn Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
I love Dan, but the last couple shows I've seen where he was
solo (not with The International Jewish Banking Conspiracy) he either had no energy, or was just a complete asshole. He played in SF a few months ago, and spent most of the time complaining about the audience, playing a few bars of a song and giving up, or talking about Barry Bonds.
Maybe he'll be more mellow after his europe tour...
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
I guess I should have mentioned Dan Bern too. I've seen you at at least 3 of the fives shows you've been to. Lisa and I try to see him every time he comes to town.
Rachel Beck · 22 years, 3 months ago
I was reading a feminist history of rock 'n' roll last year and read about Robert Johnson--a large number of the musicians interviewed called him a significant influence. So I took a couple documentaries out of the library, and---whammo---decided I had to buy the boxed set. He only recorded 31 tracks (32?) in his relatively short life, so I don't have much more to collect. Robert Lockwood, Jr., Johnson's stepson and an extraordinary blues musician in his own right, plays a couple of tunes he said Johnson taught him but never recorded. If I could bring anybody back from the dead to play a house party, it'd definitely be him.
Other obsessions besides Fruvous: Pet Shop Boys and Ani DiFranco (although I probably won't see Ani in the Twin Cities in November because I'm broker than broke).
I can see the bunny Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
Robert Johnson was amazing - very colourful reputation he had too. The sign of a great Delta bluesman. Lots of great blues music happening right now too. :)
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
I love Robert Johnson. He's one of the half dozen most influencial musicians of the 20th Century. (Please don't ask me to name the other 5) I think his was the first boxed set I bought. Right now I"m the only one that listed him as a music pick. Come on fellow fans, move him up the charts.
I can see the bunny Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
Okey dokey - I can do that. :)
Shelly · 22 years, 3 months ago
what is this 'EFO' that you speak of???? edmonton flight organization???

i have never -been- to edmonton. *g*

and as far as music goes, the thing i have been listening to the -most- in my car in the last few months has been dave and tracy.

and i like seeing DVN as well as the kennedys as far as people i've seen more often, i just wouldn't call myself 'obsessed with' them.

actually...nor would i say that re: EFO. it's just different than before; now i not only look forward to -hearing- them as a band, but -seeing- them coz they're my friends.
theri quite contrary Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
EFO think the world of Shelly. That was obvious to everyone at ShellyCon. Currently, I am so impressed with Robbie Schaefer. Not obsessed. Just...highly impressed. ;)
Shelly Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
actually, i had first put up a -me- icon, then felt the need to use this one instead. mainly just for that post.

coz i'm just sassy like that. ;)
Shelly Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
well, actually, i got angry with myself for changing it to the me one, so i put the first one you made the comment about -back- up. coz i figure fuck it. why should i care?{which, is -not- directed AT jaci, for the record}

besides, the pic is just TOO sua-vay to -not- share. ;)
Eri Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
Never been to edmonton? You should change that, girl!

Come stay on the supercomfy futon at my new place. :)
Eri · 22 years, 3 months ago
I, too, have a new obsession.. in addition to the long running anything-a-cappella fetish, that is. :) :) :) New obsession is evidenced by personal pic.
Eri Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
And I haven't taken any flack about it yet. Go me!
John J. Ryan Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
Well, boy bands aren't exactly my cup of tea, but the times I've heard N'Sync sing without slick producers with computers; or the sappy I-can-write-a-#1-song-in-my-sleep songwriters; or the let's-teach-them-choreo-that's-a-little-more-hip-that-barbershop, they've shown me they can actually sing and show harmonizing talent. Of course, they've had LOTS of training too.
Eri Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
Lots. and Lots.

I agree that:
sappy I-can-write-a-#1-song-in-my-sleep songwriters
is the worst part. *nods*

And boybands other than this one aren't my cup of tea, either.

Mmmmm... cup of tea......
Snarki_Fru · 22 years, 3 months ago
Heh, current musical selections not to your liking? Well then, go create your own band!

I had me a funky jazz tribal jam called GreppaZooey... knock yerselves out :D

Jºnªthªn · 22 years, 3 months ago
Very cool. Theatrical, punkish. Just played SNL, so now everyone will like 'em as much as I do.
theri quite contrary Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
You ROCK!! The White Stripes are one of my favourite bands! I saw them play live in January. It was the first I'd ever heard of them and they knocked me right over. Meg and Jack are just so goddamn cool. And "Fell in Love With a Girl" is one of the best songs in the world. Well...*my* world, anyway.

Woah. Over-enthusiastic babbling. I believe this qualifies as "obsessive".
Jºnªthªn Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
Now that's the kind of enthusiasm I was hoping for!
Dig in deep ;x · 21 years, 2 months ago

My obsessions fall more or less under the same genre, goth/industrial/darkwave/newwave. I love it all, they're all my obsessions, I can't just name a few musicians. Lol. Yeah, randomly posting in old forums. [shrugs]


Gordondon son of Ethelred · 21 years, 2 months ago
I think Nellie McKay should be everyone's obsession. Check out her homepage
100% dainty! · 21 years, 2 months ago

The obsession closest to my heart will probably always and forever be SUSAN WERNER.� Moxy Fruvous is right up there, and probably on the same level, but she became my first favorite singer when I was in 4th grade, so she wins, ahnds down.

Runners up: Jane Siberry, Heather Nova, and Trout Fishing

Phoenix Back · 21 years, 2 months ago

Susie Chanteusie should be everyone's obsession in any possible way.

I'm now known as Susan Werner in 10 days. Hee!

100% dainty! Back · 21 years, 2 months ago

awww man where are you seeing her??? i wish she would come out to arizona.� i guess i'll have to wait for Upper Merion again. sigh. . . .(not that those are bad concerts. i love them)

so many of my favorite people have never even been heard of here. on FDC, if you click on Arizona, it says "sorry. fruvous has never performed in this state/province" and i dont think Susan or Deirdre or Jane (siberry) have been here either. I guess most people just do California for the west coast thing.

Phoenix Back · 21 years, 2 months ago

I'll be seeing Susan in Fall River, MA. Actually she's promoting a rather new venue there and my singer/songwriter friend Kellie Lin�will be the opening act. So this will be memorable in every respect. I just can't wait any longer...

I can really understand how you feel being geographically dispriviliged concert-wise Just check my profile and see which place�I call my home :).�Susan's schedule�doesn't like Arizona that much. My sympathy is with you.

Sheesh. I will miss Jane Siberry by a few days. What a pity. And she hasn't been touring so much lately. Deirdre is Deirdre Flint? She's currently�teamed up�with Carla U (hilarious. oh my) and �Jamie Anderson as Girls Gone Funny. This must a blast...

Yvonne · 21 years, 2 months ago


Yes.� Maybe even moreso than Fr�vous.� Nah, that's impossible.

ChrisChin is Getting Old Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
Well for me Dar was my initial obsession with folky music, which is still a current obsession.�Other obsessions include�EFO,�Susan Werner, DVN, Suzanne Vega, and more recently...The Mammals, Peter Mulvey, We're About 9, Robbie Schaefer and Russell Wolff.� Anytime they even come close to performing in NYC, I get all jumpy and happy excited. :)
Bruce Rose Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
I've used that exact quote, especially in the weeks just before a Dar show. :-)
*joolee* · 21 years, 2 months ago

Mmm, TMBG most definitely with a bit o' Rockapella on the side.

Been working on my DVN obsession....

Nathan · 21 years, 2 months ago
I tend to be pretty obsessed with most of the musicians I like. TMBG is still at the top of my list, and Frank Black has gotten pretty high up there. I'm not quite as obsessed with Weird Al as I once was, but I still am to an extent. And I wouldn't say it's an obsession, but I've been listening to the Sugarplastic quite a bit as of late.
I can see the bunny Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
Ooooh - Frank Black is awesome. :)
Bruce Rose · 21 years, 2 months ago

I'm obsessed with the Donnas.� I can't explain it; because the musicianship depends mostly on volume and the lyrics are... not good at all.

oO Police blitz all night long/ Gonna party like Cheech and Chong/ Let's go drink some Schlitz/ It's a police blitz Oo

oO Stop drivin thru my heart/ You ditched me at the mini-mart/ Stop drivin thru my heart/ You've gotta finish what you start ... I need a doctor kinda sorta/ What's wrong with me/ He said there's a skidmark on my aorta/ And there's no remedy Oo

It gets worse when you go to earlier albums.� But for all the failings, they're insanely catchy.

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