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Secret marriages to musicians |
Secret marriages to musicians
Gordondon son of Ethelred
· 19 years, 8 months ago
I was talking to a singer/songwriter and she told me that she was married to John Gorka, only he doesn't know it.
I've never gone quite that far, I've just been engaged to women that did't know it, Natalie Macmaster for instance.
So who is your secret fiance/spouse?
My current one is Aoife O'Donovan.
If she finds this in an ego search it won't be a secret any more.
well, nora o'connor is my secret rock star girlfriend. and anyone else i'd list knows me in person, so i'm not going to mention them here. :P
Well, I'm secretly engaged to a certain TO guitarist who is featured in my LJ icon. But he's been known to google so I am totally not putting his name here. ;-)
Of course, not only doesn't he know that we're engaged and getting married but he also doesn't know about that torrid affair I've been having with John Cusack....
That is totally my problem. I figured I met Aoife but no way will she know who I am.
Hey wasn't everyone's engagement to Frulads publicly acknowledged here where they could google them?
I'm paranoid enough that one of the boys in the band will stumble across something I've said about them on the wall - they'd definitely know who I am if they did *g*
*looks around* I am secratly married to Ellen Rowland. *hides* > *looks around*I am secratly married to Ellen Rowland.*hides* ��� Wow.�� I wonder when my first album is coming out?����
oh wait *your* first album? And not me screaming on a drum?
100% dainty!
· 19 years, 8 months ago
I am totally married to Brian Gundersdorf and am having hot sex with Stuart Davis and a lesbian experimentation affair with Ty Greenstein.
what? was he stinky at FRFF?� I want details!!� Well, hahaha, not really.� But if anyone has good Lowen & Navarro stories from FRFF... frum me or share them here!� Let me live vicariously.� My friend Victoria (who, I believe, has a secret marriage to Bruce Cockburn) said poor Dan had his�young'un�there, who kept running off, so the joke thru the fest was "Have you seen my son?"�
well, the smell thing was an assumption, because several times throughout the weekend (friday, and again on Sunday night, when we saw him and his family at Four Brothers Pizza, and again monday morning, as he drove away in a van) he was wearing the same Lowen & Navarro t-shirt, which made him totally THAT GUY *and* made us wonder if he had other clothes, or if he maybe lost his bag and just had to start wearing merch.
And he was totally giving his son a "talking to" as we left the restaurant Sunday evening. hee. :D
wow, HYPER!!! Yeah, there definitely had to be a bag snafu, I really feel he would hate being THAT GUY on principle.� LOL... Thanks for the story Kat���
http://www.theloner.com/ahrslideshowlinks.html Kat et. al. Here are some pics a L&N fan took at FRFF so you cna be assured there were some wardrobe changes, LOL. Yeah, I like that one, seen him in it before and told him to stop beating up Weird Al and taking his clothes!
You can have more than one husband but you can't be anyone else's ho!
Will work for anime
· 19 years, 7 months ago
I'm married to Liam Gallagher from Oasis
just don't tell Richard...even tho with his new haircut he looks exactly like Noel You must first create an account to post.
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