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Thurs. FRFF CD?

   Discussion: Thurs. FRFF CD?
Songbill · 19 years, 8 months ago
Did anyone get the CD of the live recording of Thursday at Falcon Ridge? I'm specifically looking for the Arrogant Worms set. I'd love to make arrangements to get a copy.
John J. Ryan Back · 19 years, 8 months ago

I'm curious as to what their set was and how it was received.� And most importantly, did they perform "Mounted Animal Nature Trail" for all those uninitiated?

And next time I think about not going to FRFF, someone please knock some sense into me and talk me out of it!

Songbill Back · 19 years, 8 months ago
We missed you. It was a good one.
Kat Kunz Back · 19 years, 8 months ago
no mounted animal nature trail, and that breaks my heart, as it's totally my favorite on Live Bait. But after waiting years and years to finally see them live, it was absolutely everything I hoped for. (And, for once, to have a Rolling in the Aisles workshop where every act was actually funny? amazing!)

but to answer your question, Bill, I have the Worms live set... haven't listened to it yet, though, so I don't know how good the sound quality is, but word on the nields nook is that K&N's live CD turned out really well, so I have equally high hopes for this one. Send me a frum if you'd like a copy and we'll work out a trade for a first-born child, etc.
J. Andrew World Back · 19 years, 8 months ago
There solo live CD is good?� Good to hearbecause their full band live CD sucked, even though the shows they recorded was great.� They really dropped the ball on that CD.
Kat Kunz Back · 19 years, 8 months ago
yeah, I don't listen to live from northampton much, either, but I didn't get a copy of the FRFF performance for myself so I honestly can't speak to the comparison. I was definitely impressed with the older material they dragged out, though (alfred hitchcock??!).
trunger is counting... Back · 19 years, 8 months ago
i would cook dinner for you for that cd...then i can use that to barter with bill....

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