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Poll: is it really necessary to know so much about other fruheads' sex lives? |
· 20 years, 5 months ago
I'm surprised to see so few 'yes' answers. I guess it's just that the people who are most obsessed with knowing every aspect of every fruhead's sex life are just more vocal about it and make a lot more polls and such.
I honestly don't mind the idea of polling about such things, but the problem is that they general end up in WTMI discussions and things we really really don't need to know. (although a lot of times, the existence of a poll or forum is a reflection of the position of the poster, or can at least be assumed to be)
Gordondon son of Ethelred
· 20 years, 5 months ago
What's the problem? If you aren't interested no one is making you read anything.
then again, kris put "sex" in quotes and said we could define it "however we wish." i think that's pretty ambiguous right there, regardless of the subject line. :)
· 20 years, 5 months ago
I consider it private information, but others don't and want to talk about it. I don't mind being asked about my sex life, but I will usually politely decline to answer, and if it goes beyond that then I get annoyed because it is rude. If you want to share details on your sex life great, if you don't, great. If you don't want to hear about other people's sex life, don't click on the poll/forum. :)
goovie is married!
· 20 years, 5 months ago
i think you're missing my point here.
the point is not, "oh emmm geeee, the fruhedz are forcing me to reed about sex becuz i dont noe how to uze a mouse!" the point is, i don't get why some people on this site feel it necessary to share all the details of their sex lives and know all the details of everyone else's, too.
i don't know, i don't really get it either. but.
why do some people feel it neccessary to bring inside jokes into the site? why do some people ask for homework help? why do some people feel it neccessary to spam the wall with cutsey flirting? ick. why do some people feel it neccessary to talk about their mental imbalances and ask all the details about everyone else's, compare medication or so on? that's pretty personal too. fhdc is now a pretty topicless community. *shrug*
I take it all as part and parcel of the whole "community" ideal. It makes some of us feel less alone to know that someone else here is also on Damnitol� or a chronic masturbator or is saving himself for marriage (and Christ knows *that* could be a long wait for me). Besides, there are some people for whom there *is* no TMI, at least for me.
ooh, fun. then the polls about virginity loss can start a tv show, the polls about masturbation can join a celtic rock band, the polls about how often people have sex can record a pleasant country-folk cd, and the posts filled with tmi can give educational concerts in public schools.
Come on... we ALL have subjects we talk about that annoy the fuck out of other people in the community... . That's just... kinda the way it works. I'm sure *I* talk about things some of you find obnoxious.. and I *know* that many of you talk about things that I constantly roll my eyes at. The fact of the matter is, we all clearly have a common ground, or we wouldn't be here.... so.. hey... live and let live, eh?
hmm. renita, what was that about inside jokes again? :D
actually, sorry if you thought that was a personal remark--it wasn't meant to be. lord knows we ALL do it. you've done it, i've done it, jaci's done it, george's done it. and now i have that dumb ass song in my head... .oO let's do it, let's fall in love Oo. it was more just, random commentary on stuff that goes on here that doesn't appeal to everyone :) *hug*
dude. aj, you're totally right. i withdraw the question. :)
Two words just came into my mind when I read your response to Leah:� ass. hole.
> Isn't that one word? :hides: �Well yeah.� But it sounded like two in my brain:� ass. hole. vs. asshole
I'm not humor impaired, I just thought it was an insensitive and inappropriate response to a serious statement of belief.
> Oh yah? Well I hear you are lousy in bed...
You are just saying that because she saw how small your penis is.
Kris 'engaged' Bedient
· 20 years, 5 months ago
The only reason I made a poll about sex was because it seemed like no one was communicating a whole lot. I figured sex would elicit conversation. It worked.
· 20 years, 5 months ago
If you don't care to read about it, then don't read it. Some people are interested in sex matters, and some like to talk about it. if you aren't one of these people, skip to a thread you care about. That's what i do with threads i don't give a damn about!
problem solved.
I agree, I wonder why so many people are quick to jump on something like this and start an anti-said-topic post.� Is there a rule list that a whole bunch of us our missing about what can and can't be a topic on fhdc without being flamed, or in this case just ever so slightly singed?
Like what was said in the last post, if you don't like it on such a level that you feel the need to open a new forum talking about another forum, why not just stop reading it? When you respond with a forum like this it does hurt a bit, the person that posted the original forum. *Not that I feel you don't have every right to your opinion, I just wonder why it can't be posted on the original forum.
i find it interesting that people who didn't create the sex forum are taking this so personally and feeling so injured, while the person who *did* create the forum reacted to this one by posting a nice, calm, rational response above.
erm, those were tongue-in-cheek. people around here tend to have self-deprecating senses of humor (hell, two people even voted for the "ugly" option.) i thought those would be more fun than "yes" and "no."
anyway, if you don't like this forum, why are you reading it? isn't that the advice you gave me just a few posts up?
pauley's pretty much right.
and if you want to complain about extraneous threads, this seems to be an odd one to pick on. for example, we have two forums about LUSH opening in new york city, because the person who started the second thread didn't feel like searching for the first one. i'm not even going to count how many individual threads we have for each frucon ("frucon vii! three months, two weeks, and two day from now!", "frucon vii! three months, two weeks, and one day from now!"), or for "help! how do i use bittorrents!", or threads that would be much more appropriate as personal blog posts. which. is par for the course when forums are unmoderated. but that's another subject entirely.
and i was just posting my thoughts and an answer. :)
honestly, the anal-retentive loser in me really wants to spend a day playing "forum cleanup" and consolidating and streamlining everything. *is lame*
Doktor Pepski, kommie
· 20 years, 5 months ago
I can't use the words sex and life in the same sentence really seeinga s I really have none. But you know, asexuality is starting to become chic, so meh...
· 20 years, 5 months ago
It's interesting, really: No matter the topic, there is always someone offended.
This makes me happy, to be honest. It's a relief to know that not EVERY single person on fhdc things EXACTLY the same way. Share your thoughts. Speak your mind. And be happy that we can do this here. *shrug*
Michael (foof) Maki
· 20 years, 5 months ago
I just knew I wasn't going to be the only one using that answer. I love this place.
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