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what pple derserve in life |
what pple derserve in life
I disagree, do people deserve respect? or is respect something that is earned?
Myself, I have sort of a "default level of respect" that applies to people I do not know. as I get to know people, then they earn a real and proper respect, in my regard. Respect that isn't earned is next to meaningless. IMNSHO.
People, by virtue of their being born, are entitled to respect in the sense that their rights and liberties must be respected.
No one *deserves* respect beyond that until they earn it.
Gordondon son of Ethelred
· 20 years, 11 months ago
People deserve cake. If they are good, chocolate cake.
Kris 'engaged' Bedient
· 20 years, 11 months ago
who says that people deserve anything? one of my favorite recent rants is how people feel too big of a sense of entitlement.
um, yeah, sure that's what I was saying, pple derserve (misspelled according to the forum thread title) Latin. people, on the other hand, do not derserve latin.
I think in Latin, therefore I deserve to be smacked.
kris deserves it. both for her anti-entitlement ranting and her apparent mad kissing skilz. people in general? they deserve what they want to give others.
100% dainty!
· 20 years, 11 months ago
People deserve your mom . . . dot com . . . in a shoebox . . . .of LIIII-EE-IIII-EE-IIIIIIEES!"
goovie is married!
· 20 years, 11 months ago
ppl dsrev to be humphed wit dildoes in there clints.
u gett my dildoe othr ppl hav dildoez to dont u no n e thin?
Jela do u hav a dildoe lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!1!!11!$!@#5413~~!~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!! carree is a LAZBEAN LOLOLOLOLOLOL (I'm really starting to scare myself)
jelo iz a lazbean 2 lolololololololhahahahahabitchez!!!1!!!!!!!
have i sent you the link to The Worst Lizzie McGuire Fic EVAROMG?
J. Andrew World
· 20 years, 11 months ago
pple is not a word. In a title you shouldn't abreviate. I know I am not one to speak when it comes to spelling or grammer, however, unlike people who use internet speak, I try. I think internet speak has dumbed down America and people who use it deserved to be thwacked!
agreed, with the possible exception of text messaging, which is where the whole practice of using such abbreviations originated. when you have a limited number of characters available, you sometimes have no choice but to use "r" and "u" instead of "are" and "you."
what I really worry about is if the people who over abbreviate online also extend the practice to writing things by hand. in 15 years, are people going to start receiving thank you notes for wedding gifts that say "OMG!111 THX 4 TEH CHINA!!!11! IM GLAD U MADE IT 2 R WDDNG!!!!!1!!"?
Language changes. I doubt that the abrev. will make it that far, but I'm sure some of it will, and no one will really care or notice. While I find it annoying, it's no less "pure" than anything else in English is. So long as people understand it, it serves its function. There is a place/need for a formal form of English, but in the long run, it wouldn't make a difference if the abbreviated speak was the formal form. Lawrence,�you are right about IMing on a phone, but when you are face to face with someone they shouldn't say "Tee Tee Why El" or "Oh Em Gee" Which I find annoying.� I so desperatly want to smack them.� Didn't Prince start the whole thing years before text messaging?
The next step is arguing it's a language.� Fortunally Scotland is nipping it in the bud (see above post).� Or are you one of those people who 'axe' a question?
Well, it could be well on its way to being a kind of dialect.
Threatening to suspend a kid for using text-speak isn't going to put an end to it. Nor would every school system in the world doing the same. If I were the teacher in that case, I would have the kid go back and put it into more formal English, just as I would if they turned it in heavy with slang. That's all it is, another form of slang. As for the "axe" vs. "ask". Is that somehow worse than "Sir-up" vs. "Sear-up"? There isn't a platonic idea of pronunciation that makes one dialect better than another. More formal, yes, but not better or worse.
"As for the "axe" vs. "ask". Is that somehow worse than "Sir-up" vs. "Sear-up"?"
In my opinion, yes. Because your example constitutes two different ways to pronounce the "syr" letter construction. Neither of which are invalid on their face. But a-s-k has a sequence of sounds that is put out of order when you pronounce it a-k-s. Pronunciation of a syllable is a liberty I can understand taking. Rearranging of the word's parts in order to affect the pronunciation...not so much. :)
Hmm.. good point.
Although taken that way, I miss how it's the same (or similar, or related) to the txt-speak. If I had the time, and background, I'd be curious to track the progression of it and 1337 and see if there are either direct connections, or a similar pattern...
hehh oh I'm totally not aking a positon on the argument at large, I was just addressing that queston of yours. :) (damn tis keyboard)
I think I tend to be more tolerant of the txt speak when it genuinely is saving keystrokes. there's at least a logic to that. It's when it saves all of one keystroke or none--it's just for cuteness...then it gets on my nerves. Because at that point you have the ability to make the effort to do it correctly, you know? I also have a higher tolerance for it in more casual speak. I have a coworker who uses it in all her emails, even to the team (incuding our bosses). That just seems to scream laziness and immaturity. Snobby on my part? Probably.
Actually, it annoys me quite often too, but I don't think it's going to cause the end of language either ;-)
I don't know if it screams laziness in the emails (because, as you pointed out, it sometimes uses more characters), but it does show immaturity (particuarly in a coporate email). In casual usage, I find it annoying, but I don't think it's any worse than any other type of slang. It's just not a kind I like ;-)
.oO Mean Annie.... Mean Annie... Mean Annie gonna axe her mother Oo.
all hail queen abby
· 20 years, 11 months ago
this converasation went from wat pple deserve in life to something waayyy different
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