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Ingrained responses

   Discussion: Ingrained responses
Andrea Krause · 20 years, 11 months ago

Along the quirky catch phrases lines....what things from movies do you tend to automatically throw into conversation without thinking? Things that are programmed into you when folks say a certain thing to prompt it. A couple I do that I can think of:

When people say "no way" I very often can't help but say "Yes way, Ted!"

When people ask questions like "why do I do....?" I often can't help answering "because you're an idiot" a la Heathers.

goovie is married! Back · 20 years, 11 months ago
whenever neal or i say, "i hate this song," we have to follow it with " ghost." from the space ghost episode with michael stipe. and whenever we hear the word "wicker," we have to say, "rattan!" which is a b-fest thing. oh. and when i say, "common!" gordon says, "ro!" :)

there's lots more. hrm.
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 20 years, 11 months ago
goovie is married! Back · 20 years, 11 months ago
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 20 years, 11 months ago
Nathan Back · 20 years, 11 months ago
I used to always reply to "What's up?" with "the opposite of down," but I don't do that so much nowadays.
Andrea Krause Back · 20 years, 11 months ago
When people ask me "what are you/have you been up to?" my usual answer is "about 5'9""
A girl named Becca Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
I used to say "the ceiling," but now I just tend to look up before responding.
Laura P. Back · 20 years, 11 months ago

When people say "no way" I very often can�t help but say "Yes way, Ted!"

I usuall just think "Way."

The other day I had to stop myself from following up "Smooth move" with "...Ex-lax."

Andrea Krause Back · 20 years, 10 months ago

Heh just encountered one I have. It's always there, but I only thought of it once it happened. When someone says "i hate when that happens" my automatic response is "look, it's all over my bullets and everything!" Old taco shell commercial with bandito guys. Must be said in silly accent and all!

Bruce Rose Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
I do that too... but usually as a non-sequiter, not as a response.� Wasn't the character El Guapo from The Three Amigos?
Andrea Krause Back · 20 years, 10 months ago

Similar stereotyping but it wasn't the same guy/character.

But I do quote El Guapo a lot as well whenever anyone uses the word "plethora"..."Would you say I have a...plethora...of pinatas?"

A.J. · 20 years, 11 months ago
"Who are you gonna call?" "Ghostbusters" I can not help myself with this one. I do it every time.
goovie is married! Back · 20 years, 11 months ago
hee. there was a great buffy moment about that last season. :)
ellen · 20 years, 11 months ago

damn. I seem to be appending this onto EVERY sentence these days. It's all I can do not to say it at work. :/
goovie is married! Back · 20 years, 11 months ago
yes! and "tricksy, false."
100% dainty! · 20 years, 11 months ago
yep. . .always do the ghostbusters thing . . . as well as many monty python references.

Does anyone say "And bob's your uncle" after everything?

This isn't movies, but my friends and I have taken to singing every four-syllable phrase to the tune of Kick in the Ass. If someone says it, we just automatically sing it.
Zach Back · 20 years, 3 months ago
the python references made me think of this. It's not really a response, but this instance was funny:

I was walking somewhere with my friend Rob, and we were talking about the Star Wars prequels (as such nerds frequently do). I said there were TWO good things about the prequels: Natalie Portman (a given), and...

Then he cut me off and mentioned something I hadn't thought of, so I said there were THREE good things....and he cut me off with another. This continued up to about five things before I said, "Geez, Rob. I wasn't expecting the Spanish Inquisition!"

You can tell where it went from there.
sheryls Back · 20 years, 3 months ago

my python ingraned responses are..

if someone says "aaaaaaaaaaaaagh" i say, "the castle aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh??"

if i say the word "weirdo" i have to say it like they do in the�life of brian.

and of course, no one can resist a good swallow reference.

Mamalissa! · 20 years, 11 months ago
Four thirty. It's always four thirty.
goovie is married! Back · 20 years, 11 months ago
omgsotrue. damn the spin doctors. damn their eyes.
Bruce Rose Back · 20 years, 11 months ago

I was secretly hoping that I was the only one that remembered the Spin Doctors.� I should have known better.

angelmusicmaven Back · 20 years, 10 months ago

Please... the Spin Doctors are so much better than I expected live... at least in the last couple of years... I really enjoyed their set at Last Fling in Naperville a couple years ago, they were easily the best of the weird 90s bands there... and they played a street festival last year and did a great job there too...� We often use "Biscuit Head" around my office too... we have variations on that, I get called "muffin head."� Heh!

Silly Spins.

Mamalissa! Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Oh, I have nothing against the Spins. In fact, they were pretty much the first non-arena show I ever went to. My sis was a huge fan - there are some concert pics in Rolling Stone where you can see her.
Rachel Marie aka RAI Back · 20 years, 3 months ago
"One of."
"...One of what?"
"One of the reasons you need to get a watch!"

...I'm an awful person. ::shame::
Adam Hartfield · 20 years, 11 months ago
Any time anyone asks me to guess something, my response is always "The Dodge Dakota is full of surprises?" from the ubiquitous marketing campaign of a few years ago.

Alternate responses: "You'll do better at Balise?" (a local car dealership) or "Sound Playground is having a sale this weekend?" (a now long-gone electronics chain that had sales every weekend, natch).
nate... Back · 20 years, 11 months ago
Chicken butt?
Shelly Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
heh. one of my best friends and i always did that, 'cept we did it theeeeeeeeeeeees way:

"know what? chicken butt"

"know why? chicken thigh."

*sigh* i miss him................
Jºnªthªn Back · 20 years, 11 months ago
I have a similar thing - whenever anybody asks me to guess what they've got or bought, I say "A red bike." Long story....
hkath Back · 20 years, 11 months ago
my family has something similar. Whenever anyone is trying to guess what's in a mysterious, large present, either at Xmas or for their birthday, we tell them it's ice skates.
Real-Accordion! Back · 20 years, 11 months ago

When ever someone says "You know whats weird?"�I say "Nkyspa!"

I got�it from my friend, she'd say�"You know whats weird?" and I'd say�"Yes, but go on"� then she'd say "Nkyspa!"

(Nkyspa is spanky slit in the middle.� Apparently spanky is one of her many nicknames.)

And whenever someone says "Do what?" I have to say "Do wop!"

Jºnªthªn Back · 20 years, 11 months ago
And some times, when people say "But, um" (which a lot of people seem to do), I say "Bum." (picture a drum hit)
Annika · 20 years, 11 months ago

A lot of what I say is from being raised to be a super people pleaser.� If someone says they're sorry that I'm sick or whatever the immediate response is, "It's not your fault, I'm fine."� Or if someone wants to go do something late at night when I'm totally burned out, and said person is all like "are you to tired to go?"� I will always respond with "Oh no! I'm great, I'm not tired."� Anytime anyone asks if I want something to eat it's, "No, thank you, I'm not hungry."�
No matter what I'm always fine, I'm always wide awake, and I'm never hungry.� That's what I gained from living with my parents.

A girl named Becca Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
My French host family thought I was insane because I was never more than a little hungry, never sleepy, never too cold, etc...
*joolee* · 20 years, 11 months ago

Whenever anyone asks me what I want, in any situation, I always say - A PONY!

Not that I really want one that bad, but it's a good answer...though, if you want to get me one, I'd prefer a purple one.� :)

betsy =) Back · 20 years, 11 months ago
see, i always say i want a raise and a puppy. from the animaniacs sketch on rasputin.
K-Lyn Back · 20 years, 11 months ago

When people ask me what I want my standard answer is "diamond earrings and a trip to Europe".� Drove my ex crazy 'cause he thought I was serious...

No that I don't want those but, ya know.

Jºnªthªn · 20 years, 11 months ago
When people ask me "what's new?" I almost always respond "c/lambda."
Kat Kunz Back · 20 years, 11 months ago
oh my god.� my astronomy/physics double major roommate said that all the time--she'd crack up, we'd just kinda stare in disbelief.� heh.
John J. Ryan · 20 years, 11 months ago
beth-pseudocanuck! Back · 20 years, 11 months ago
similarly, from my dad--

"i have a question [for you]."
"i have an answer. let's see if they match."

and a lot of phrases make me hear RENT lines in my head... among them--

"you teach?"
"i teach computer age philosophy."
Bruce Rose Back · 20 years, 11 months ago

My dad does the same thing, but about the time you'll start to ask, he'll chime in his answer.� It's usually a number, like 42.� I found myself using it, but giving a date (October 10, 1955).� We're an odd bunch.

A girl named Becca Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Oh my God don't even get me started on the Rent lines.
Samantha Back · 20 years, 3 months ago

> Oh my God don't even get me started on the Rent lines. :)

so I'm *not* the only one. Last time a friend of mine decided to quote "Bond, James Bond" ... I ended up blurting "And pussy galore, In Person!"..

and the last time somebody was like "You came prepared!".. I,of course replied with "I was a girl scout once.. And a brownie.. until some brat got scared"

god bless you Jonathan Larson

Bender Back · 20 years, 3 months ago
Person: How old are you?
Me: I'm 19, but I'm old for my age... I'm just born to be bad!
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 20 years, 3 months ago
I don't really agree with the sentiment but if the subject of fear comes up I say, "I'm from New York, fear is my life." I am from New York and the character that says the is named Gordon, I can't resist.
Jill Leopardina Fr�dman Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
I say "Quest away." A boy I had a huge crush on when I was 13 always said it, so of course I copied him.
Bender · 20 years, 11 months ago
one of my drum majors when I was in band in high school sneaked up behind a group of us and softly whistled a certain whistle, and we all snapped to attention... and she laughed and laughed....

A.J. · 20 years, 11 months ago
"Is THAT any good?"

"Yes, that's any good!" ;)
Talcott Back · 20 years, 11 months ago
.oO sha la la Oo.

now I'm earwormed ;-)

lawrence · 20 years, 11 months ago
whenever someone mentions their brother, I'm forced to quote Schizopolis.

"Your brother. $15000. 8 hours."
goovie is married! Back · 20 years, 11 months ago
does it have to be all three? :)

i can't get thru a day without quoting that movie.
ellen · 20 years, 11 months ago
oh yes, and there's the ubiquitous




....excuse me.

... there's no exusing you!
lawrence · 20 years, 11 months ago
we don' need no steenkin' badges!

really. every time I'm somewhere where badges are handed out. just ask  Invisibility Wig and  Waiting for Festivus pack about New Year's Eve.
Mamalissa! · 20 years, 11 months ago thanks, I'm trying to quit.
iPauley Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
from an episode of the Late Show:

David Letterman: "Would you some complimentary coffee?"
George Carlin: "No thanks, I just ate a bar of soap."

-- Pauley
nitsita Back · 20 years, 10 months ago

along the same lines... thanks, it's against my religion.

rufus t firefly Back · 20 years, 3 months ago

I ALWAYS say I'm trying to quit.

And if I'm giving someone something, I always say, "take two, they're small."

nate... Back · 20 years, 3 months ago
"oh, no thanks, I just ate."

usually said when offerred something one would not eat.

dirty life & times Back · 20 years, 3 months ago
whenever somebody asks me for something random i say "i seem to have left it in my other pants." which is a line from peter david, i think.

if somebody asks me for something that i might be expected to have but don't, i say "not on me." which has lead to several innuendoes in the past.
Laura P. · 20 years, 11 months ago
Whever there is a question where the answer is a person and I don't know the answer, I say "My mom."

(Trivial Pursuit)
husband: Who won the Heisman trophy in blah blah year?
Me: my mom
A girl named Becca Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
My high school quiz-bowl-type team uses Harry Potter. (Not that I was on it. I was never confident enough to try out. But, my little brother was the league's top scorer. So I live vicariously.)

Who were the three English kings during the blahblahblah period?
Uh...Edward....James....and....Harry Potter.
iPauley Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
I'm reminded of a celebrity episode of "The Weakest Link," featuring the cast of "Third Watch"... I don't remember the question, except that it was a math question, like what is 32+115, or something, and Anthony Ruivivar's I-don't-know answer was "Michael Beach" (one of his costars) :-P

-- Pauley
iPauley Back · 20 years, 3 months ago
Months later, another answer -- My friends Glenn and Mary play Password quite often... You're only allowed one "pass" for a word per team, and the person that's been passed to can also pass it back. Glenn's brother sometimes gets around this by giving the clue "elbow." No matter what the password is. :)

-- Pauley
Magical Bob · 20 years, 10 months ago
Every time someone says 'everybody,' I have to yell out: "La dee do dee do!" Also, whenever someone says 'I'm sorry.' for something that isn't their fault (ie. my cold), I always say, "I forgive you. Just don't do it again, or else!" Also, whenever my friend and I hear the word 'Earth', we yell out "Wind" and "Fire" and put our hands together like the kids from the Captain Planet show. Man, that was a good show. Whatever happened to it, I wonder? When I hear "Guess what?" I always cry out in disbelief, "You can fly?!? Whoa, that is so cool!"

-The Ever Magical Bob
A girl named Becca Back · 20 years, 10 months ago

I believe that was, "Earth! Fire! Wind! Water! Heart!"

Magical Bob Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
OMG you rock!� I will incorporate that now.� Thanks a bunch!
A girl named Becca Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
You're welcome! :)

Goooooo Planet!!

(Captain Planet, he's our hero...gonna take pollution down to zero......)

emilie is CRANKY · 20 years, 10 months ago
time you got a watch. :P
A girl named Becca Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Well, it's gotta be close to midnight.

(I think it was Beth who mentioned all the ingrained responses from Rent...well, that's one of mine.)
Real-Accordion! Back · 20 years, 3 months ago
When ever anyone asks me "what time is it" I usually just say " wolf."
nate... Back · 20 years, 3 months ago
see, I just say "4:30".

damned spin doctors.

Andrea Krause Back · 19 years ago

I don't usually wear a watch anymore so I tend to look at my bare wrist and then say "half past the freckle".

Gordondon son of Ethelred · 20 years, 10 months ago
Andrea actually said this on the wall yesterday but Bad Carey and I always do this one.

Why do I [fill in the blank?]
Because you an idiot.
Oh yeah, that's right.

Another one we do is.

[fill in the blank] is dead.
So are the Krell, and Einstein, and Rosencranz, and Guildenstern.
angelmusicmaven · 20 years, 10 months ago
going along the Homestar lines, if I make a smart aleck remark and my roommate's around, he always says, "ooh! Look who thinks he's Clever Dan!" I of course respond with Cheat talk.

Also, at work, we ALL talk like Towelie fmor South Park, mainly "I have no idea what's goin' on."
Joy- new picture! Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
No! no no! No! No! Parakeet!
angelmusicmaven Back · 20 years, 9 months ago

"did you just say parakeet?"

I love Marshie too...� "*cough cough* musta gotten a TOENAIL caught in my THROAT!"� don't know why, but I LOVE that!

iPauley Back · 20 years, 3 months ago
"I'll scare your dad!"

"Stack'em to the heavens! Stack'em to the heavens! I could write a song called 'Stack'em To The Heavens!'"


o/` they're orange... da-do do...
they're black.... da-do do...
Look for the ones with me... on the bag!

(dressed as a vampire...) o/`

-- Pauley
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 20 years, 10 months ago
 Felon on the loose: Why are you my friend?
 goovie needs light.: Because you give me presents.
iPauley Back · 20 years, 3 months ago
Spotted on a women's t-shirt...

"Size doesn't matter... as long as you buy me things."

-- Pauley
goovie is married! · 20 years, 10 months ago
i just remembered this one on the wall, from a commercial for a lame early '90s educational robot toy...thing...

person: says who?
me: says 2XL!

i'm a loser.
Andrea Krause Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Dude, I *had* 2XL. Loved that little robot with its 8track tape deck and quizzes and I could play 8tracks in it and that's where I learned all the Beatles songs the wrong way from the Sgt. Pepper movie and was all shocked and upset when I heard the real ones and realized the Got to Get You Into My Life was not in fact a funk/soul song and all that jazz. :)
Bender Back · 20 years, 10 months ago

"A peanut is neither a pea nor a nut"


Nick Collins · 20 years, 10 months ago
this from a T.V show, I forget which one, but whenever I am speaking about a conversation or interaction that I previously had with someone, I try to always end it with, "And then we fashioned crude nunchucks out of wooden spoons and fought valiantly do the death."
Jill Leopardina Fr�dman · 20 years, 10 months ago
In my family when we give gifts for Christmas, Hanukah, birthdays, what-have-you, the script usually goes like this:

person is handed a gift
Giftee: Is it a puppy? A trip to Europe? Oh!! I know! It's socks and underwear! My favorite!

We're big dorks in my family.
Bender Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
that's adorable
Bender · 20 years, 10 months ago
whenever we eat chinese food (which is a lot), either my father or my sister says a form of this when opening their fortune cookie, "It says... 'Help. I'm trapped in a Chinese fortune cookie factory."

whenever I try to do it, my sister says I'm lame and would I please not do it again ;P
lawrence Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
heh. depending on who I'm with when eating Chinese food, the fake fortunes I'll read are usually either "all your base are belong to us" or "you will find true love on flag day."
Magical Bob · 20 years, 9 months ago
I just remembered my biggest ingrained response. Every time someone says 'Shoot!' when something bad happens, I yell 'Bang!' Interestingly enough, my girlfriend then starts to sing, 'A boomer-boomerang is love...' (ABBA lyrics; she is obsessed with ABBA and is passing it on to me). I think I picked that expression up from one of my parents... creepy...
Andrea Krause Back · 19 years ago

I do the "bang!" as well.

Nik Chaikin · 20 years, 7 months ago
whenever anyone mentions scallions i always say "most folks call 'em green onions but they're realy scallions" or if anyone says destiny i sing "destiny, destiny. no escaping that for me."
Andrea Krause Back · 19 years ago
Heeee!� When people are talking about candles sometimes I can't help but throw in a "Put....ze candle...BECK!"
Andrea Krause · 20 years, 3 months ago
We on the wall ran into this one today. It's hard to hear or read "9 times" without going into Ferris Beuller mode. I read it with the principal's voice in my head. If someone says it out loud I have to repeat it with his inflection.

Also, in the Ferris Beuller realm...I very often say to people "[Their full name], you're my hero". with Cameron's inflection.�
dirty life & times Back · 20 years, 3 months ago
my friend's professor, whenever he asks a question & no one is forthcoming, says "anybody? anybody? bueller?"

(or something. i don't remember the movie.)
Victoria Back · 20 years, 3 months ago
Oh, man, now when anybody asks/says something like "Can anybody do this?" I will have to answer, "I can do it! I will do it nine times!"
Bender · 20 years, 3 months ago
When I hear the phrase, "Welcome to Canada!" I have to bite my tongue to keep from going, "It's the Maple Leaf State, you know. Canada... it's great! All the people are nice and speak French, too. If you don't like it, then you sniff glue."

Also, an actor Doug and I know, Sandy Jobin-Bevins... I just keep calling him Sandy Rubin-Vega. Which makes sense in my sick head. Not to his face, though.
rufus t firefly · 20 years, 3 months ago
"I'm feeling better" is always followed by "You're not fooling anyone, you know."

rufus t firefly · 20 years, 3 months ago
I was BORN ready.
goovie is married! · 20 years, 3 months ago
"that's crazy talk."

"no, crazy talk's my brother."
iPauley Back · 20 years, 3 months ago
My brother Matt once got a ton of experience points while role playing for quickly thinking of a BHC2 quote... the GM had an NPC (non-player character, for the uninitiated) who thought he recognized my brother, and called him on it. Without pausing, Matt fired back, "No, that's not me, I'm from Buffalo."

-- Pauley
dirty life & times · 20 years, 3 months ago
i will often say, "no, but thanks for asking."
Victoria · 20 years, 3 months ago
I have a few from Homestar Runner. The main one being "Good jorb!" when someone does something stupid. Also, "Yeah yeah, wight wight."
iPauley Back · 20 years, 3 months ago
I've often come up with a "yeah, you're pwobably wight..." from time to time... I've tried using an occasional "That's Bupkiss!", but it just doesn't work. :-P

-- Pauley
dirty life & times Back · 20 years, 3 months ago
i heard an hip-hop song utilizing the word bupkis today! i didn't know yiddish was "in."
sheryls Back · 20 years, 3 months ago

oh, it so is :P

my jordanian co-worker was blasting arabic and hebrew rap yesterday. other co-workers commented that, to the untrained ear, arabic and hebrew sounds like complete and utter gibberish :P

Bender Back · 20 years, 3 months ago
I was so proud of doug yesterday when used the word "nebbische" properly.
sheryls Back · 20 years, 3 months ago

did i tell you my co-worker story?

i always tell people, if they have a lint fuzzy or something, they had a schmutz.

so the other day my co-worker goes up to another co-worker�who had a fuzzy and goes "hey. you have a schmooz."


Jody · 20 years, 3 months ago
"what's a nubian?"
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 20 years, 3 months ago
In duplicate bridge you are supposed to explain your partner's bids if your opponnent's ask. Our favorite explanations is:

"My partner's is his hand."
Victoria · 20 years, 3 months ago
Andrea Krause · 20 years, 2 months ago
I'm sure I'm with many of you in not being able to hear someone say "now I know" without finishing it as "and knowing is half the battle." It's funny to observe the blank stare/laugh ratio change depending on the ages of those you say it to. :)
nate... Back · 20 years, 2 months ago
yeah, totally. :)

sheryls · 20 years, 2 months ago
if someone says "HEY. YOU."

you're at least THINKING - 'GET INTO MY CAR!'..if you're not saying it. :P
jen · 20 years, 2 months ago

i recite movie and tv lines so much in ordinary convo that i barely notice it anymore. and sometimes i'll say an obscure one and when someone gets it it shocks the crap outtta me. let's see how many i can think of:

-from heathers: -when someone's complaining or something, i say "whats yer damage heather?" i noticed will said this on will and grace once; it ruled.

-when i'm having problems: "well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw!" (similarly, a la adam sandler: fuck me in the goat ass!")

-when im talking about the perceived grossness of something: "whats the upchuck factor on that?"

-lastly from heathers: (ya i love that movie), if i gotta be somewhere: "i gotta motor if im gonna be ready for..."

-from cheers: when someone asks what are you up to: "my ideal weight if i was 11 feet tall" (norm)

-from Ace Ventura: when someone contradicts me: "oh yeah? and yer ugly!"

-from the Outsiders: when someone mentions texas: �texas man, god� (the way matt dillon says it :)

-from Billy Madison: when it is hot out: �its too damn hot for a penguin to be just WALKIN around��

-from European Vacation: whenever someone says when in Rome�: �I said Rome, Rome not Paris. This is Paris and you're drunk.�

-once in class I started doing the billy madison thing: �No I will not make out with you. Did ya hear that? this girl wants to make out with me in the middle of class. You got Chlorophyll Man up there talking about God knows what and all she can talk about is making out with me. I'm here to learn, everybody, not to make out with you. Go on with the chlorophyll!� hahaha it was fun times. i know theres lots more but i can't think right now.

>It's hard to hear or read "9 times" without going into Ferris Beuller mode. I read it with the principal's voice in my head. If someone says it out loud I have to repeat it with his inflection.

Hahaha, YES!! See, its not so much the quote but voice intonation... when i hear "9 times" all i can picture is squirelly jeffery jones :)

Andrea Krause · 19 years ago
Nate on the wall just reminded me of one. Whenever someone says a sentence with the structure "I blah blah blah blahed once" or "someone did blah blah once", etc...I have to add that extra "...ONCE", a la Johnny Dangerously.
nate... Back · 19 years ago

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