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most annoying song?
Hands down - The Rockafeller Skank by Fatboy Slim. Gah!!
I can see the bunny
· 21 years, 3 months ago
o/~ Let's party like it's your birthday ~/o
Really close second... "or we could nominate ANY jian song in the last several years the band was together." But When she talks. .� that song needs to not exist. Persian Cowboy is all Jian.� And as far as the most talented songwriter in the group goes, that's a tough question.� I think they all bring different talents to the writing process.� As far as solo stuff goes though, Dave is where it's at. .oO I luv you like a fat kid luv cake Oo. 50 Cent is full of great tracks, isn't he? *sarcasm*
I can't believe how many cds that guy sells - he's the lamest rapper I've ever heard in my life! But what can you expect from a guys whose proud of the fact he's been shot 6 times...
Snow In Summer
· 21 years, 3 months ago
"Hands Down" Track 1 off the newest album.� My boyfriend really likes it, but I suppose I've grown (more) cynical over the years & require a little more out of my music.�
I was an assistant stage manager for a play in High School that featured Cotton Eyed Joe (during which a cast of 30 performed an elaborately coreographed dance while assembling a life-sized hay wagon onstage).� We started rehersals in october and by june when the play disbanded, i think i heard that song in the neighbourhood of about 6 000 times.
elfy, teacher of many
· 21 years, 3 months ago
... that never ends, it just goes on and on my friends.� Somebody started singing it, not knowing what it was, now they'll just keep on singing it forever just because it is the song that never ends, itjustgoesonandonmyfriends. Somebodystartedsingingit, notknowingwhatitwas, nowthey'lljustkeeponsingingitforeverjustbecauseitisthesong...
I don't know what you're talking about. Lousy Boy is quality, man!
when I see "The Sweater Song"
I think of Meryn Cadell. Now if the sweater has, like, reindeer on it or is a funny color like yellow... I'm sorry, you can't get away with a sweater like that The Full Lyrics Are Here
meryn!! eeeee!
i never would have heard of her if mollie hadn't sent me a cd. which is just one of the many reasons why mollie rocks.
The earlier version of Hands Down (from the So Impossible EP) is much better.� It's a quieter acoustic version and much easier to understand.� After all, a song about the best date ever shouldn't thrash that much.
I love that song! I was just earwormed with it the other day.� Any time I see a label that says '100% Acrylic,' it's in there for a couple hours. Must find this on CD... I've only heard it on old Dr. Demento shows. I feel the same way about Pink Floyd.� And most of Radiohead's catalog. Rod Stewart I can handle... in small doses.� But only when my Sissa's not around. :-) "I don't know what you're talking about. Lousy Boy is quality, man! " Clearly, Lousy Boy = Quality Man.� That should be the sequel song. ;) One of my big problems with When She Talks is it doesn't make sense!!!� And has anyone else noticed that Jian's voice sounds radically different on Thornhill than on all the earlier Fru albums?� It's nasaly-er or softer or something. . .It's kind of like the difference between Mark Hammill's face in ANH and in TESB.
Doktor Pepski, kommie
· 21 years, 3 months ago
I am shocked that you all have gotten over the pain of hearing Whitney Houston's "IIIIIIIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII will always love yoUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-UUUUUUU!" But then again, I am not like most people so my opinion may be different.
"do you believe love lasts forever?"
"no, but this song does."
Okay, so why is it everyone (including myself) skips that track? I know there's just something inherently evil about it, but what is that evilness? Where does it come from? Why are there french fries in my pants? And will I ever get them out?
Rachel Marie aka RAI
· 21 years, 3 months ago
that would be "the first cut is the deepest," and it's a cover of a cat stevens song.
haha, Creed came along a decade too late to be the worst band in the "grunge" scene...
EEEK!! or anything by Mariah Carey *shrieks in horror*
Will work for anime
· 21 years, 3 months ago
well, if we're going to go by most annoying aritstis in general...i think anything by Robbie Williams (or even the man himself) should be one of the top of the list.
as far as songs go: i definatly agree with that damned Milkshake song...that Nora Jones song that was so big last year....Timberlake's "Rock Your Body"....Outkast's "Hey Ya" ....and most anything they play on the "soft rock" musak channel at work.
Alan Mendelsohn
· 21 years, 3 months ago
Josh. Groban. Ew. A co-worker gave me one of his cd's for christmas. buhhhhh *does the Sideshow Bob thing*
Magical Bob
· 21 years, 3 months ago
One band name: Effiel 65
That group was pure garbage. If you can't remember, they came out in the 90's (band split afterwards, thank the lord). They were that group that sang Blue (Da ba dee). If I ever want to laugh, I listen to it. Somehow I got that song... ew... yeah... pure trash
Magical Bob
· 21 years, 3 months ago
I forgot to say, ANYTHING that group wrote is annoying. The guys wrote a song about their Playstation for goodness sake!
Wow - It's nice to feel that I'm among friends! I thought if I ever said anyting bad about Jian's solo stuff or "I Will Hold On" people would kill me with sticks. I did have the pleasure of being in a Philly Folk Fest audience that when he said "I was going to do 'I Will Hold On'" shouted back "NO!" Re: Songwriters, not sure, but I think Bittersweet might be my fav song, which I believe is Murray singing...and maybe he wrote ot?� I'm not as up on my Fruvous as perhaps I ought to be before posting in this discussion. That said, anyone know about The Mountain Goats?� No, they're not at all like Moxy, but all my friends who like Moxy, tend to like The Mountain Goats. *shrug*
Deacon Nailbat
· 21 years, 2 months ago
Most annoying song is a loaded question.� There are songs that can aren't all that annoying until you've heard them 7 million times and are still overplayed. I refer you to almost anything by Creed For pure I-can't-bear-to-listen-to-this-anymore-or-I'll-eat-my-own-hair annoyance, there's a Ben Folds (solo) album that contains instrumental and spoken word type stuff, and William Shatner appears as a guest vocalist.� It is not pretty, but not the most annoying thing ever... I'd be hard pressed to remember his name, but I was introduced to a classical "composer" that would plot common mathematical functions on a musical staff and the result was rather like removing your own vertebrae with a dental hook. "Lots of people shoot Apu.� It's just a hundred dollar fine now"� - Marge Simpson
Well, I'm not sure that it's the kind of thing you would want to either promote math or music to impressionable youths, but I'll dive in a bit to see if I can find out who put out that album.
Well, I'm not sure that it's the kind of thing you would want to either promote math or music to impressionable youths, but I'll dive in a bit to see if I can find out who put out that album.
· 21 years, 2 months ago
People who do covers of artists songs and add nothing new to it but try to copy it exactly and destroy it. Like the country group who wrap themselves in American flags and sing other artists hit songs. A long time ago B.W. Stevenson did a great album it had a hit My Maria. Brooks & Dunn redid it and ruined it (didn't even give him credit though he wrote it).Do I sound upset??
Yeah - agreed about cover songs - If you're going to do it, add something interesting to it. I have the same gripe for movie remakes.� The remake of psycho was completely uninspired.� He used more or less the same music as Hitchcok, exact same script, etc.� I want those hours of my life back.� That said, the remake of Romeo and Juliet in the 90's, while I didn't LIKE it, at least had an *idea*. While we're at it for bad cover songs, Sheryl Crow doing Sweet Child o' Mine and Ugly Kid Joe's "Cat's in the Cradle"....and anything covered by Tori Amos.� Someone please stop her. *I await wrath from Tori fans*� Note - I know she's good - I just don't like her Hrm - for group - Let's talk about Rush.� A perfect example of how you can put together 3 completely amazing musicians and write god-awful songs.� See also: Dream Theater For annoying, though, how about Linkin Park or any other growling complaint rock group that the music industry thinks we like this month. By the way, Fionna Apple's boasting that her new album is being compared to Outkast and Tom Waits.� Un...believable Physics for sure for waveforms and interference patterns.� I'm a big fan of music theory and the mathematical principles in place there. I have a gut feeling that psycology enters into it somewhere, but I don't know enough about the subject to make a bolder stance than that.��I think�there are certain ethno-psycological factors (even if it's just familiarity) that make people from Latin America prefer sounds of phrigian mode and certain asian peoples enjoy the sound of nostril chant and quarter steps.� Music rocks Tempest..... I've never walked out on a band more times than Tempest
I'm torn between following the Kennedys' philosophy of peace love and understanding and simply tearing you to little pieces and feeding them to the crows. How about I compromise and feel sorry for you?
OK, we all know that I'm joking right? Well about the crows, not about the feeling sorry part.
When She Talks is practically universally hated (which pisses Jian off, because obviously he likes it) I think I've seen the rest of the guys roll their eyes a bit a that song, so he may be the only one who likes it, or maybe they all like it, since they let it get onto the album. Frankly I wish they'd have quashed it, and NOT follow the road, which is a wonderful song and they should have let him work on some more.
OTOH, I Will Hold On is a pretty song, and it is complex. Even Jian says he isn't sure what it means. I think most fruheads like IWHO, especially if we are talking the original pre album version before they took out all the wonderful backing vocals (which most people continue to sing anyway, I'm pleased to say). *Descending upon Tori haters* Tori once said something to this effect, "If you're going to do a cover song, it has to be a complete challenge."� With that concept in mind, every cover she's done has served her purpose.� While most people use covers to draw in another artists fans, hers are more guided to making people think about the song in a different manner.� As an example, listen to her version of "'97 Bonnie And Clyde" from _Strange Little Girls_. I used to hate Tori's covers, but loved her originals.� I think my reasoning had something to do with her 1992 cover of "Smells Like Teen Spirit."� I was in the height of my grunge era (as was most of the world), and just didn't get it.� Now, I think I'd rather listen to her version than the Nirvana.
Teri and Zil compared the Kennedys at FRFF to watching their foreplay.� I don't think I've been able to listen to a Kennedys album since.� Not that I've ever been able to listen to a full album in one sitting.� It's too... much.
Heard both, as I said, I just_don't_like her.�It's rather like Yo Yo Ma or Yngwie Malmstein.� Just because they're talented doesn't mean I'm going to like what they do.� Tori just doesn't do anything for me. I myself have a whole arsenal of music from talented musicians that people have dubbed the "worst music they've ever heard" (Mr. Bungle - California for one...) Personally, I think doing a cover song is a great way to get the artist to see their song in a different light.� I will someday send Ozzy our bluegrass band's rendition of Crazy Train.� I'm of the opinion that Ozzy didn't know he wrote a bluegrass song when he wrote it, so we're here to set things right *joke*.
Hrm - so I see you already know what I'm talking about below with Tori
The first two tracks are pop masterpieces. The next two tracks are absolute sludge. The last two are pretty good.
Yeah, what's the deal with that guy, anyway? Nobody disputes that he's got a "good" voice, but who listens to that stuff? Ugh.
> I myself have a whole arsenal of music from talented musicians that people have
> dubbed the "worst music they've ever heard" (Mr. Bungle - California for one...) *drool* I adore that album. "Retrovertigo" is one of the best damn songs ever written. By anybody. The rest of the stuff on that CD is beautifully schizo. Overall, I like their self-titled album better, though. Egg? Carousel? Quote Unquote / Travolta? The Girls of Porn? Squeeze Me Macaroni? Slowly Growing Deaf? Stubb-A-Dub? Hot damn, that's just a consistently brilliant CD.
Adam Hartfield
· 21 years, 2 months ago
Hrm - the thing about Weezer is at least they know who they are, not serious musicians, but just surfers that play music.� At least they're not pretentious enough to think that "The Sweater Song" is going to be remembered as a masterpiece in the music world. Creed has an air about them that says (if not explicitly in interviews) "We are amazing" "I'm the best vocalist/songwriter ever"� "Our songs are wonderfully complex, and it's stunning that anyone would ever compare my vocals to Eddie Vedder's" *blech* Being a fan of ska and John Zorn, I'm really into the self titled album also the whole dark carnival mystique is brilliant. The thing that really does it for me about California is how they rather "grew up", musically and lyrically speaking.� I'm all for innuendo and shock value, but it is something of a relief to see that they don't *need* those themes to write incredible and complex songs. Disco Volante is a little harder for me to sit down and listen to than either of the other ones, but I think they were still figuring a lot of stuff out :) That said, ever see them live?� Crazy.� Will happily share some MP3 clips�of live shows. Was it a love song? Interesting point, though - I'm hard pressed to find something that just _doesn't_ deserve a song.� Whether the song written about the thing is a�good song, is really the point, isn't it? I mean, what if you wrote a song about "Petey the Playstation" that wanted to play PS2's games, but all the newer game consoles said "You're too old to play our games" but then he ends up making some kid who doesn't want to pay $60 for new games really happy because Petey's games are all less expensive and there are more of them about This song could teach a valuable life's lesson about how things that are can make people happy too.� *warm feeling* Wouldn't that be special? Patti LaBelle, Michael Bolton, let's get these out of the way...
Me too. I wonder how the people who were at the video shoot feel about the song. I was sick of it for a while but now I like it again.
Re: When She Talks making the album vs. Follow the Road not making it - That's always mystified me. I know that Jian's been told some pretty disheartening things about Follow the Road, from someone whose opinion he obviously trusts (or trusted, anyway) above his own. Why that same person let When She Talks exist is kind of beyond me. Unless Follow the Road was shot down earlier on, and then he stood up for himself when When She Talks, which was written at least 6 or 7 months later, came under similar scrutiny. Either way, I'm pretty impressed that he managed to keep in it the regular setlist, despite how bored the other guys (especially Mr. Ford) looked while they were playing it. It was never one of my favourite songs (duh) but I never liked how much people criticized it. I might not like it as much as any of his other songs, but at least I respect it as a part of his body of work, which, in my opinion, is progressing. There.
See, I have an MP3 of him singing "Natalia" during a Fr�vous song and it was awesome just piano and voice. But then I got the CD and was like, "Crap!" because it was. Proof once again that there's such a thing as an overproduced song.
The only solo stuff I've heard that I've liked is Dave's album. It's addicting. It's so classic and great guitars and melody and lyrics. I like every song on that album.
Actually, I have to agree with Radiohead. It's a guy band. Almost all the guys I know like Radiohead and all the girls raise an eyebrow or two. This is a blanket statement, of course, and there are excpetions, but this does indeed seem to be the trend.
There is nothing wrong with a bunch of boys writing their own corny love songs. It's better than having people write the songs for them.
Boy or girl, if you stick a human alone in a dark room with nothing more than a pair of headphones hooked up to a CD player containing "OK Computer", they will leave a Radiohead fan. :)
Best... album... ever...
He may have spoke about that during the IRC chat, but the first time I can remember was from the August 1999 Milestones/Rochester show when Thornhill was released.
He was talking about a thread on the newsgroup of most hated fruvous songs and even brought up "Lazy Boy" (I think I would have to listen to the CDR again) as being one.
They should never have taken out the backup parts out of IWHO.
How many of us sing them while listening to the CD? now that should be a poll. :)
I also think of Meryn Cadell when I hear that.
It's a shame she only released 3 CDs. :( Her last one didn't even contain anything with spoken word.
Her CDs are out of print.
Try eBay or see if she's updated her webpage. The first CD was supposed to go back into print. http://www.meryncadell.com
here you go! i actually have the mp3 downloaded, and it's rather fascinating. check it out. :)
I'm a lydian and phrygian guy, myself. Dorian's cool, too.
I'll beat up any of you Ionian fans, though. Hate you guys.. hate you guys.. Agreed - I never said they have no future, in fact, if they're coming up with top 20 hits in thier teens, good for them. The topic, though, was annoying songs. Do you disagree that mmmbop was annoying?
i never found "mmmbop" annoying. it was cute and fun.
on the other hand, around that time, the spice girls came out with "wannabe," which had incredibly annoying verses and a crazy lame chorus, and they didn't redeem themselves by being cute little boys, either. :) Yeah, but if you're going to let people off the hook for being *cute* then you immediately leave room for the Olson twins and the next manifestation of Steve Urkel And leaving Mmmbop out of the picture, have you heard Hanosn's X-mas CD?� I was working in a music store when that came out, and it is unforgivable.� Their voices were starting to change and it only got worse from there.
she only let boys off the hook for being cute so the olsen twins still get to burn in hell.
I shouldn't say that they made a lot of money for John Forster and he rocks the Casbah. He wrote a lot of their songs. As you might guess he also wrote lots of good songs. He is a spirtual follower of Tom Lehrer.
but now that they've gone thru puberty, they sound good again. so there. :)
hanson were/are cute and *talented*. the olsen twins are evildevilspawn. which doesn't keep me from watching their shows and movies, tho, so there you go. :P
john forster will always have my respect, because he wrote my very favorite kids' musical, how to eat like a child. oOdevo is music, so are the clash...kiss is music, this is trashOo Reading that correctly, it IS amazing that anyone would ever compare his vocals to Eddie Vedder's. I outgrew Pearl Jam pretty fast, but I wouldn't put Creed in anywhere near the same class.� That's like comparing the Baby Animals to the Rolling Stones... or something similar.
One of these days, when you're at work, I'm hanging that poster.
She has some bad covers, it is true. "Happiness Is a Warm Gun" is really the worst one ever. On the other hand, I do like "Only Women Bleed," "Time," "Rattlesnakes," "Angie," and �"A Case of You" to name a few. I also like Sloan's cover of� "A Case of You." It's a good song to cover, I guess. I think Rasputina did some of the most creative covers.
I'm a big PJ fan, and I see Creed as a 3rd generation PJ rip-off. Not that their singer sounds like Eddie, necessarily, as much as it is the fact that their evolution is easily traced back to PJ.
Oh, and the fact that they suck doesn't help.
They toured overhere recently and two of my friends went to see them.�� The crowd was full of girls in black hoodies and baggy jeans.� MOst of them wer big fans of Black Sabbath and the like.�� Hanson fans are metal fans now and i do not think even "Snowed In" ws truly annoying sonically justthe corny pictures got to me.� Most of the songs were covers anyway and very competently done.�� Hanson songs are not annoying and never were, I know some annoying Hanson fans theyannoyed me in their interviews but the music was fine.
I OWN Hanson's Xmas CD, thank you. (I was 14 at the time it came out). Actually, I have to agree. Most of the songs are crap. But one of their originals isn't bad at all, and I think it's because Issac is singing it (he's the oldest with the most mature voice) and the lyrics and melody are decent. The song I'm talking about is "At Christmas" BTW.
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