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Sunscreened Fruvous!! :)

   Discussion: Sunscreened Fruvous!! :)
100% dainty! · 21 years, 4 months ago

Ladies and gentlemen of the Fruhead community:

Go to Falcon Ridge.

If I could offer you one tip for the future, Falcon Ridge would be it.The long-term benefits of attending Falcon Ridge have been proven by folkies, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering and very dorky life.I will dispense this advice now:

Enjoy the power and beauty of Thornhill.Oh, nevermind.You will not understand the power and beauty of Thornhill until Fruvous is long-gone.But trust me, in 20 years, when the radio is playing nothing but crap, you�ll listen to the songs on this album, and recall in a way you can�t grasp now how much creativity it contains, and how musically inventive it really is.�When She Talks� is NOT as annoying as you imagine.

Don�t worry about when Jian will release his first album. Or worry, but know that when he finally does, it might be a sign of the apocalypse.�The Last Six Songs . . . .ever!�

Answer one poll every day that scares you.


Don�t be reckless when trading your taped shows.Don�t put up with people who are reckless when trading their taped shows.


Don�t waste your time trying to figure out the true lyrics of the songs.Sometimes it sounds like �panned.� Sometimes it sounds like �banned.�Sometimes it sounds like �comin� disaster.� Sometimes it sounds like �common disaster.�

Remember the Philly Folk Festival concerts.Forget the Troc.If you succeed in doing this, tell me how.

Keep your old Falcon Ridge bracelets.Throw away your receipts showing how much money you spent on music there.


Don�t feel guilty if you don�t know how you�ll survive without Frutrips.That�s what FruCon is for.Some of the most interesting twenty-something Fruheads go there.Some of the most interesting 40-year olds go too.

Be kind to DaVinci�s Notebook.You�ll miss them when they�re gone.

Maybe Fruvous will get back together.Maybe they won�t.Maybe Mike will have more kids; maybe he won�t.Maybe Jian will never admit when he turns 40; maybe they�ll all sing �The Drinking Song� to a huge crowd on Murray�s 75th birthday.Whatever happens, don�t work yourself up too much about the future of the band.Their choices are a mystery.(So�s your mom.)

Enjoy the C album.Don�t be afraid of it, or what other people think of it.It�s Fruvous�s greatest inside joke and shoutout to We the Fruheads.And it might be their last CD you ever own.

Dance to �Michigan Militia,� even if you have nowhere to do it but your own dorm room and your roommate looks at you like you�re on crack.

Read the lyrics, even if you make up your own.

Do not listen to Pete Best, it will only make you feel ugly.

Get to know Vance Gilbert and Greg Brown.You never know when they�ll be devoured by the Killer Tents.Be nice to Great Big Sea.They�re your best link to Fruvous, being from Canada and featuring Murray on bass, and the band most likely to tour near you in the future.

Understand that bands come and go, but for the Fruheads you should hold on.Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography, because the older you get, the more you need people who knew you when you were a dorky Fruvous fan traveling across the country to go to every show.

Camp in Lower Fruvous once, but leave before it makes you hard. Camp in the Budgie Dome once, but leave before it makes you soft.Songswap.

Accept certain inalienable truths:The Lowest Highest Point is not in Delaware.Napster and Kazaa are almost always wrong in crediting cover songs to Fruvous.Josh has a sweet ass.

Respect Cal and Tobey.

Don�t expect to get any sleep when you go to Falcon Ridge or FruCon.It�s generally impossible.And why would you want to sleep anyway?

Don�t mess too much with your hair, or by the time you�re 40 it�will look like Marion Fruvous�s.

Be careful whose albums you buy, but be patient with new music groups.There are tons of bands out there waiting to be discovered and obsessed over. Some of them will be incredibly fabulous.Some of them will suck so much you�ll want to break the CD in half.

But trust me on Falcon Ridge.

K-Lyn · 21 years, 4 months ago

My co-workers think I'm nuts.

Really, I'm still giggling...

Thank you.

goovie is married! · 21 years, 4 months ago
possibly the only way in the universe that mary schmich could be made bearable. thank you. :)
100% dainty! Back · 21 years, 4 months ago
you're welcome!! :)

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