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Your favourite lyrics to sing...

   Discussion: Your favourite lyrics to sing...
John J. Ryan · 21 years, 4 months ago

This was stolen from the Dream Theater board:

These are the lyrics that, whenever they come on, you always feel the need to sing along with them.� LOUDLY.

Adam Hartfield Back · 21 years, 4 months ago

In the car, I am compelled to sing along to whatever is playing if I know the lyrics. TN, MF, Patsy, Fruit, and Handel's Messiah especially. Note: Georgia O is a fantastic highway driving song. Zooooooom.

It can be embarrassing at times.

At home and work, I don't usually sing along.

J. Andrew World Back · 21 years, 4 months ago
Go Shopping by Bran Van 3000!� "No one does it better, in the pimp game I am a trendsetter!"
Shelly · 21 years, 4 months ago
but. my abso-SMURFLY favorite is

"HE LEADS A DOUBLE LIFE" and "HE SAYS HE'LL LEAVE HIS WIFE" in 'eddie's concubine by EFO

others include~

'i sold my computer for a used acoustic guitar' in 'this town is wrong by the nields

"HE DOES'NT EAT THAT STUFF!!!" in GE&H back in the day..


"some may recall the singin' of the sirens lured in the sailors who'd wreck and drown, some say they still hear the fightin and the flirtin and the preachin of the daughters of farmer brown', which MUST be sung whilst 'doing the joe' from, of course, 'the three fine daughters of farmer brown' by EFO{this is dangerous to do while driving. trust me :)}

the chorus to 'life is large' by the kennedys

"HERE I AM STU-PID AM-ER-I-CAN" from the song by the same name by EFO. coz it's funnn.

and of COURSE, 'I TAKE A LOOK AT MY ENORMOUS PENIS' from EP by DVN. coz no matter who you are, you HAFTA sing it!!!!

goovie is married! Back · 21 years, 4 months ago
oh, totally "he leads a double life"/"says he'll leave his wife," and the a cappella break in "3 fine daughters." and "I DON'T LIKE HER, I DON'T LIKE HER, I DON'T LIKE HER AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!"

fruvous-wise, i miss all the call-outs in "geh," "sports!" in darlington darling, "two!" in video know, all of those.

all of "life is large," "this town is wrong," "easy people," "gentle arms of eden." the choruses of "i wish i were" and "enormous penis." "these kids today are all heathens!" from wa9's "born again." the callbacks in "i just killed kafka" by eric schwartz and "the supermarket song" by russell wolff. the choruses of deirdre flint's "the boob fairy," dar's "as cool as i am," the nields' "keys to the kingdom," cadence carroll's "evolve." all the "oh, estelle!"s in "la petite mort."
Shelly Back · 21 years, 4 months ago
heh. i forgot about supermarket.

i was gonna put the 'oh estelles' and the call-outs, too, but dinna know iffin that counted.

miss that silly band now.

Gordondon son of Ethelred · 21 years, 4 months ago
I have to sing along.
J · 21 years, 4 months ago
Im not sure why but I catch myself singing The Eels - Last Stop This Town

"You�re dead but the world keeps spinning
Take a spin through the world you left
It�s getting dark a little too early
Are you missing the dearly bereft?"

I think it is usually cause Im thinking of someone I'd like to see dead
danced with Lazlo · 21 years, 4 months ago
"I had to leave, I have this sister,
everyone likes her more than me
she's my twin I had to do things
diff'rently, diff'rently"
Mamalissa! · 21 years, 4 months ago

...this is�my favorite *non-lyrical* sing along:

all of the instrumentation on Abbey Road!!!�
"I Want You (She's So Heavy)" in particular!

Nik Chaikin · 21 years, 4 months ago
Nuf said.
K-Lyn · 21 years, 4 months ago

Especially the part where she spilts off and sings with herself ("Years go by and I'm stripped of my beauty and the orang clouds..."

I had a friend who would sing this with me at peak volume in the car and then we'd have to rewind and do it again switching parts.� She moved away. I miss her whenever I hear that song!

Samantha · 21 years, 4 months ago

I've gotta agree with GE&H,Enormous Penis and Silent All These Years... of course... lets see.. Barabajagal by Donovan is fun.. and ... god i know this is SO dumb.. but "Hey Leonardo! She Likes Me For ME!" by Blessid Union of Souls...

*hides*...*squeaks out* "and every song on Bat Out of Hell"....


Rachel Marie aka RAI Back · 21 years, 4 months ago
Dude, they rhyme "Pavarati" with "hottie." You are totally forgiven. ;o)
Rachel Marie aka RAI · 21 years, 4 months ago
Okay, never been a big Bon Jovi fan, but hello. Whenever I hear "It's my liiiiiiife and it's now or never, I ain't gonna live forever!" etc, I just have to crank the volume. Actually, the best Bon Jovi song forever has to be "WHOAAAAA We're halfway there WHOOOOOAAA! Livin' on a prayer!!!!!"

You Give Love a Bad Name ain't so bad.

Everyone needs their driving-fast-in-a-car-with-the-bass-cranked-and-windows-open-screaming-the-lyrics-'cause-you-can't-hear-yourself songs. :o)

And aside from that, the 21st (22nd?) movement of Carmina Burana is just ADDICTING. "O, o, o! Totus floreo! Iam amore virginai totus ardeo! Novus novus novus amorest! Quo pereo! Quo pereo!"

...Yeah, I'm a choir geek.
goovie is married! Back · 21 years, 4 months ago
another choir geek here, and yeah, that *is* fun to sing. :)
Bruce Rose · 21 years, 4 months ago

My list is in the profile... it keeps growing.� Some of them have special meaning, others are just good sing log points.

Shelly · 21 years, 4 months ago
ok, seeing Tracy last night reminded me how much fun i think it is to sing

o/' sleep-in with a stran-ger in a no name town
Thanks-giv-ing din-ner at the Top Hat lounge
Christ-mas Eve at the Fan-ta-sy tan
oh Lord have merc-y on a croc-o-dile man
Lord have merc-y on a croc-o-dile man o/'


o/' this is my home, this is my on-ly home
this is the on-ly sac-red ground i have ever know
should i stray through the dark night alone
rock me Goddess in the gentle arms of Eden o/'

and, of course

o/' here in the shin-ing cit-y here in the end-less summer
here in the cave of won-ders, num-ber nine-ty-two
the Gods will lounge a-round un-til the show is thru{or the other words depending on which chorus
but it's alright, it's alright with me if it's alright with you
{but the last is the best coz you get to sing the}
hey yay yay yeah yeah yeah
hey yay yay yeah yeah yeah
hey yay yay yeah yeah yeah o/'

John J. Ryan Back · 21 years, 4 months ago

D&T songs are definitely going to enter my repetoire of sing-along songs.

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