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FRFF 2003 Roll Call |
FRFF 2003 Roll Call
· 21 years, 9 months ago
I usually hate roll calls, but...
Ok, so I've looked through the FRFF discussions and I've gleaned a list of some of the people who I =think= are coming. Any of you who want to correct me, do so. Everyone else who is coming, stand up and be recognized! A.J. and Lisa (and the kids) Nate De Rose Leanne Bill and Trung John Ryan Andrea Krause Chaya Karen Muzzulin Ellen Gersh Lisa LaFleur Shelly Sholly Kat Kunz Angie Armstrong Sally Block Carey Farrel Gordon Nash? Gella Solomon Stacey Melissa Shick Lori and Steve Martin Josh Woodward
Carey Farrell and Neal Shankman. :)
Gordon is definitely coming. So are Lawrence and Keli. And Leanne isn't coming this year. :( I'm coming too!� I'm coming too! ;) I'll be floating around the festival grounds at random intervals.
That's me. I long to be a plane but others try to keep me in line
Any of you who want to correct me My last name is spelled Schick :-} also:
if you're schick, then i'm simons. ;-)
*HUGS* see you friday. with jon in tow. :)
well, at least i'm not the only one whose name was spelled wrong. :)
tho i can't fault aj for that -- when on earth was the last time i used my last name around here?
hey...just be glad you have a last name :)
it seems i have turned into something like madonna or cher...where my last name just doesn't exist
I can spell your name right. What do I win?
At least he didn't say "Shelley Sholly"
Of course I'd just say "The Evil Queen from Snow White." Is that Lisa who lived in the Bronx?� BXFruhead? Lisa Goldberg (I think that's her last name)
yup, lisa goldberg...yay, it's been way too long since i've seen her. :)
Sara's coming with me. I know that Lacy is coming as well, but I don't think Talcott can make it.
Correct -- as of... I think it was Monday it was official that he won't be able to make it, so unless something changes in the next few days, he's out. I'm going to be calling him at one point over the weekend and passing my cellular around so folks can talk to him for a bit if they'd like to. bad news - I don't think cell phones work in Hillsdale.� Anyone know differently? I had cellular one/cingular wireless 2 years ago, and it worked fine.� i've got new phone and service now (nextel) so i'll be interested to see if it works... including trying to direct connect to one of my co-workers because our plan is state-wide (i wish they'd up it to coast to coast... cause that would just be insane haha). angie
I have a Sprint phone, and I have always been able to get service, although sometimes it's roaming. However, all my calls have gone through ONE way or another.
Looks like I'll be missing FRFF again this year.� Have to work Thursday and Friday, going to see DeadFloyd Friday night and�there's also the�company picnic which I'm expected to attend on Sunday... oh, and this matter of transit which I'd hoped wouldn't be an issue at this point, but still is, and I'm rambling aren't I?
Donna Donna Bo Bonna Hunt. she is coming. hide your chocolate. :) and ellen buckley is coming as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! has anyone heard from amanda potter?�� was just curious if she and her beau were comin again this year.....i don't have her on my tent-space list thus far and she always camps lower with us.....please frum me if y'all know� ;) Andrea Krause plus Paul Reid aka Shrinkman :) Wish we could bring the kitties!
I will be there, as usual, with a bunch of friends mostly not from the fruhead community (though I think they all liked fruvous :). There's almost no need to even ask me, you can just assume I'll be there. The last time I didn't go to Falcon Ridge was 1995!
To find our camp, look for the large pride flag in lower camping. I'm going!� (just for Saturday night and Sunday) that is all :) *S*
soul groove feline
· 21 years, 9 months ago
you forgot everyone's favorite DJ, Beth...and her Jon.
*hugs* thanks for having my back, stace. ;-) see you friday! :)
I'm hiding, yo.
· 21 years, 9 months ago
Seeing this whole big list is reminding me of the year that I got my letter from the fruheads at FRFF. *feeling teary* I MISS YOU GUYS!
Rachel Beck
· 21 years, 9 months ago
I was wondering if anyone who's going to be at FRFF would take copious, atmospheric notes, sort of old-school, show-review style. I'd love to read the highlights of both the concerts and the extracurricular fun. (Sigh. Durned job.)
i always do. i'll probably post them in my lj, but i'll be happy to send them to anyone who wants 'em, too.
bored, bored, bored....
· 21 years, 9 months ago
Will not be there. Will never be there. Stupid distance...stupid cost.....stupid not getting to see old friends and not getting to meet new ones....stupid having way too many gigs in July *wah, pout* I need a hug..... -Lisa, aka "Treehugger" (y'all have a great time)
*huggs* Lisa :)
I'm gonna miss y'all this year!! Damn money and American exchange *pout*
Hey, good point - I get to see Jaci and Renita and you guys don't. So there, nyah. :-D
Kat Kunz
· 21 years, 9 months ago
...mom is sick with pneumonia and has to stay home. i'm very sad about this, but daddy's coming, at the very least (which is good, 'cause my car just broke down and i need to get from new haven to falconridge somehow. love how these things happen all at once). she sends her love, but keep her in your thoughts & prayers so that she gets better soon. see you guys in a matter of days! xo--k.
Oh no, that's terrible!� Send her my thoughts in getting better!
oh, nooo! frff won't be the same without jillmom. send her our love and best get well wishes.
aww :( hugs for JillMom... and um, yeah... I'll have something for you... *hangs head in embarrassed shame* angie awww...:(.� I hope that she feels better soon.� I was looking forward to meeting jillmom, though I could have sworn I met her�for a moment�when I was at�FRFF last year on Thursday, and she (or someone that looks just like her) let my friend, Sharon, borrow some seam sealer and she was also trying to figure out where to put up the Lower Camp Fruvous sign.
Oh no! FRFF without Jillmom?!? Send her my love and lots of huggs for a quick recovery.
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