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Poll: What's your favorite hot morning beverage?

Coffeeeee!!! Black! Strong! 11 (11%)
Coffee, but I put stuff in it to make it sweet or creamy. 28 (29%)
Tea. I'm, like, british or something. 23 (24%)
Hot chocolate. Mmm... chocolate... 9 (9%)
None of the above, just give me OJ. (no, not the murderer) 24 (25%)
I'm sick.... theraflu. 2 (2%)
   Discussion: What's your favorite hot morning beverage?
Josh Woodward · 21 years, 2 months ago
That's the only way for me. Especially a nice light-roasted Ethopian or Kenyan coffee. Something that makes me stand up and say, "DAMN, that's coffee.".
Talcott Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
I agree.
Sometimes if it's in the evening, I'll get something with chocolate and such, but that's like hot ice cream, not coffee.

I've never understood/liked cream and/or sugar in coffee. It just takes away from the taste of the coffee itself.
Bruce Rose Back · 21 years, 2 months ago

I can see this argument with lighter roasts, because the flavor is a bit more delicate and could be easily overpowered.� I favor dark roasts with some sugar to counter the acidity.� You still get a strong flavor, without being eaten away by the coffee.

I still don't understand cream.� Especially when people use so much that the result looks more like milk than coffee.

stealthlori Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
easy. cream (or milk) makes coffee creamy. if you want it astringent-tasting, you don't use cream. if you'd rather have a creamy mouth-feel and body, along with a hunger-satiating feeling, you do. vive la difference!

i don't "understand" black coffee with sugar -- or any coffee except coffee ice cream or candy with a LOT of sugar -- but i guess it's kind of the same thing. for me, my stomach as well as my taste buds rebel against black coffee. but give me dark dark coffee (almost espresso-strength), an equal amount of hot milk, and just a smidge of sugar and I'll drink a couple of quarts a day if I'm not careful.
nate... · 21 years, 2 months ago
Talk about old.. I don't even remember submitting this.
nate... Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
Oh, and... for me.... I like my coffee strong and black. Just like my men.
goovie is married! Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
they cut that joke out when they broadcast airplane! on the family channel. boo, hiss.

and my best friend is the work cafeteria's cappucino machine.
nate... Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
Editing of that movie is blasphemy!
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
I've seen worse. I went to visit my friend in the hospital. He was asleep when I got there so I went to the lounge to wait. On the TV set When Harry Met Sally was playing. I decided to wait there till the orgasm scene in Katz's Deli was over. They got to the scene and skipped the entire orgasm. All you saw was the punchline, "I'll have what she's having."
danced with Lazlo Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
Why the hell would they show Airplane! on the freakin family channel??
Zach Back · 21 years, 2 months ago

"I like my coffee hot and I like my and strong....with a spoon in them."

-Eddie Izzard

K-Lyn Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
I love that man! (See my President of Burundi comment below).
Talcott Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
That's even worse than most of you realize, because the line was spoken by none other than little Mary Jane from Gravity.

(Anyone who has seen Gravity gets a bonus point)
(Anyone who can get me a copy of Gravity gets all the bonus points they could ever use ;-)
Wintress · 21 years, 2 months ago

I have a cool hand-held frother at home.� It's basically a piece of screen that makes the milk� froth without heat.� :)

At work, I use the non-dairy creamer.

Out and about, I use real cream.

My parents used to insist that coffee was to be consumed black and black only.� As kids, we would drink the black stuff at home, but once we moved out, we ALL dumped something else in it!� I prefer the darkest, strongest, sludgiest stuff out there.� I had a cup of "scrape me off the sidewalk next week" coffee at a little hole in the wall place in Baltimore.� *mmmmmm* *twitch* *twitch*

Bruce Rose Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
My parents used the same line.� They also said that drinking coffee would stunt my growth, but that just proves that parents don't always know what they're talking about.
Andrea Krause · 21 years, 2 months ago

I picked none of the above but I don't do OJ usually either. I have my morning Dew for my caffeine fix. Hate coffee and tea and such.

Rachel Marie aka RAI · 21 years, 2 months ago
I'm obsessed. I have to have a chai or a snapple every morning because it helps me wake up and it's VERY yummy. I used to be a fan of the "coffee" deal, but it makes my stomach do circles around itself.
sheryls · 21 years, 2 months ago

i've been obsessed with creamed, sugared coffee since i was a kid - my mom and i also made ice coffee.

but i generally have sweet & low (i prefer splenda, but we dont have it at work) and non-dairy creamer in the crap my company calls coffee :D

Agent Scully Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
You mean sludge. :)

That's what my work serves. :D
renita Back · 21 years, 2 months ago

love the icon!
Bel kjfdxcvuyjh8 Back · 21 years, 2 months ago

>love the icon!

Strong Bad rules!!

ellen Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
dood, that's what bringing your own sweet, sweet Splenda is for.

I bought a box of 700 packets at Costco :D
stealthlori Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
holy crap that's a lot of sweet.

I saw the same box at BJ's today. Too bad they didn't have a mega-size supply of the type that measures like sugar, for baking.
Adam Hartfield Back · 21 years, 2 months ago

I've found that the bulk Splenda doesn't have the same sweetening power as that in the packets. Odd.

(I buy my Splenda at Costco, too.)

stealthlori Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
No, it doesn't. It's supposed to measure like sugar -- ie. a teaspoon = a teaspoon. i think it has more polydextrose in it to bulk it up.

a teaspoon of the splenda in packets would probably = @ 2 tablepoons of sugar. I know I use a third to a half of a packet in my tea, whereas with regular sugar I use slightly more than a teaspoon.

Gordondon son of Ethelred · 21 years, 2 months ago
I like coffee I like tea
I like the java jive and it likes me.

OK I don't really like tea.

I love hot chocolate but it is too fattening
goovie is married! Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
you know how i feel about that song. bastard.
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
nitsita · 21 years, 2 months ago

See, out of those choices, I picked Coffee, but I put stuff in it to make it sweet or creamy but in the morning morning, if I have coffee I get sick.� a nice tall glass of water (with a drop or two or three of peppermint oil - great for that morning nausea) or, when I can, cranberry juice.

But mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmcoffee.� usually with a small cloud of milk, and a little bit of sugar if I'm at home, and if not, some mochalatt� or something like that...� the best I had was at Capo's in Easthampton, where the owner of the caf� was told that I had been up for a really long time, and I had to last until that evening.� it was 2 in the afternoon.� So he made a huge mochalatt� with 3 or 4 shot of espresso in it.� YUM!

George E. Nowik Back · 21 years, 2 months ago

yeah, where was the water option anyway? (:

�-= george =-

nate... Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
You drink hot water?
George E. Nowik Back · 21 years, 2 months ago

nope.� cold water.� one glass.

i'm weird that way . (:

�-= george =-

Andrea Krause Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
I think nate's point was that the poll was hot-beverage-specific. :)
nate... Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
stealthlori · 21 years, 2 months ago

...for that first cup of steaming wake-up call.� I have never been picky about leftover brewed coffee OR tea -- as long as they're not kept warm on a burner and not stored in metal, they don't offend me if I reheat them.� And I find that hot liquid matters a lot more than caffeine in terms of getting me going, so usually my home-brewed coffee is at least half decaf (organic and swiss-process, so there's no nasty embalming fluid traces in my brew).

Once I'm awake, it depends strictly on what I feel like drinking that day.� It's going to be either latte --�A lotta lotta latte, sometimes with flavoring syrup�-- or�tea with milk and sugar.� � And for tea the milk should be evaporated canned.� I don't know why, but it just tastes better than regular milk in tea.

I don't do black coffee.� When I buy "coffee" to go at Wawa, it tends to be half dark roast and half hot cocoa.� In restaurants I get coffee�with 2 half-and-halfs, no sugar, or I go with tea.

In the summer, iced tea/lemon and sugar is the default beverage.� Occasionally I'll make some frozen cappuccino and have that to start the day.�

And now it's time for�today's second�cuppa joe.�

ellen Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
it tastes better because it's more concentrated. Unless you mean that you actually thin out the evaporated milk before using it, in which case I just think you're on crack. ;)
renita Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
in germany there's not real cremo.

it's all just 9-12 % fat condensed milk.

weird yo.
stealthlori Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
I may be on crack, but I'm not *that* much on crack.

It's weird, though, because you'd think if you just used twice as much regular (whole) milk, and slightly stronger tea, it would yield the same taste. But it doesn't. So I always have a can of milk in my fridge ... and people tend to look at me pretty funny the first time they visit, when I drag it out to slosh into my tea. :)
hkath · 21 years, 2 months ago
For that "What? I've been up for hours!" feeling. :D
dirty life & times Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
dude. diet coke rules. especially the cherry kind.

& i have diet black cherry dr. brown's for special occasions :).

in general, i like to change things up, chai & coffee, & coke, my stomach likes it better & i feel less addicted that way.
Nik Chaikin Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
K-Lyn · 21 years, 2 months ago

I don't do coffee but I loves my chai! (try it with a gingerbread shot!)

Although I really like it when people say "do want some coffee?" 'cause it so rarely implies actual coffee drinking. (Unless you are with the President of Burundi of course...)

beth-pseudocanuck! Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
mmmmmmmmmmchai!!! try a raspberry shot sometime. it's heavenly. :)
K-Lyn Back · 21 years, 2 months ago

Took you advice this morning.

Say...say...not bad!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I'd drink it in a boat, with a billy goat,
I'd drink it in the rain in the dark on a train
In a car, up a tree, it's pretty good, you see
So I'd drink it in a box with a fox
I'd drink it in a house and with the house-mouse
I'd drink it here, I'd drink it there
I'd drink it in my Fruit-of-the-Loom underwear...

well, you get the point

Bender · 21 years, 2 months ago

a running joke with ray and me comes from something one of his friends overheard:

these little teen goths were at a diner, and they said to the waiter, and I quote, "I want coffee as black as my soul"

emilie is CRANKY Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
ahahahahahahhahaahah :D
iPauley · 21 years, 2 months ago
I likes hot chocolate, and tea as a backup. Me no likey coffee. Toooo bitter.

-- Pauley
Desiree THE Turkey · 21 years, 2 months ago

mmm....I have to admit I despise coffee...period.�And I'm not too fond of tea either...they are both just is two strong and tastes�like foot �and the other one doesn't taste enough....So juice it is!�� I loooove juice...any's better than pop and it just makes you feel good mm-mmm juice


Josh Woodward Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
Hot juice? Eww. :)
Andrea Krause Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
How about hot cider?
siobhan's a londoner · 21 years, 2 months ago
am british drink tea.� there is nothing that cannot be fixedwith a good cup of tea as my mum always says before saying she needs it as she is dehydrated forgetting that caffeine is a diuretic and the worst thing for dehydration.�� Yes.. maybe that cannot be fixed with� a good cup of tea.
Kat Kunz · 21 years, 2 months ago

...because [twining's] english breakfast tea + milk + sweetener of choice (mine is equal, but i go for honey sometimes, too) = nectar of the GODS.� SO good.� yum.

used to love coffee, but had an instant coffee + dehydrated milk experience that left me scarred for over a year.� even the smell of coffee made me sick.� i can drink it now, but only on occasion... and only with milk and sweetener.� :D� OJ makes my stomach all unhappy--too acidic.� erp.

stealthlori Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
Kat, have you tried Irish Breakfast tea, or just plain old Assam? I'm a bit of a tea maven, and have a shelf full of assorted teas, but that's my favorite and everyday choice.

And does anyone else who drinks tea NOT like Ceylon or Darjeeling teas? I find them thin and flavorless.
danced with Lazlo Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
*shrug* I love Darjeeling.

And I don't understand the concept of tea with milk. Coffee with milk yes, but tea with milk just seems wrong.
stealthlori Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
It doesn't seem wrong to the Indians and the English. ;)

Milk in tea requires a more flavourful tea (not longer-brewed, just more flavour). Since you like Darjeeling and jasmine teal you probably prefer other, lighter-flavored varieties as well that simply don't stand up to milk. If you put milk into a cup of Ceylon, for example, you'd wind up with a cup of hot, vaguely milky-tasting water. Ick.

I rarely drink tea without milk -- if I do so by choice it's jasmine or herbal. If I do so not by choice, it's when I have a cold or an upset stomach and shouldn't have any dairy anyway, in which case I'll drink regular black tea -- but not enjoy it nearly as much.

BTW, even the Indians and English say NEVER put cream in tea.
Kat Kunz Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
*irish* breakfast, eh?� i'll have to look that up sometime.� i know twinings sells an assorted box; maybe i'll do a taste test some week.� :D� thanks for the tip!
Doktor Pepski, kommie · 21 years, 2 months ago
I didn't drink coffee since '96 when I had probably a bit too many (16 cups) one college morning and my went went places I didn't know I could reach. in one second. time seemed to have moved to a crawl as I needed those coffees to get through my second allnighter of the week. but I was insanely jittery so i had sworn not to drink any more. but as of late, I have been insanely tired in the morning hours when I get into work, so I had no choice but to start drinking coffee again and it does perk one up!

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