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who's coming to frff this year?
goovie is married!
· 19 years, 10 months ago
and where are you staying? and...stuff?
i'm massively homesick for frff right now. humor me.
We fervently hopes you gets a job ... that starts July 25. :)
i didn't know when it was gonna happen, and didn't want to show up and be all like, "hi, none of you know me because i haven't been on the dar-list in five years, but i have my guitar and am going to make you all listen to my annoying songs about my fish and my coworkers!" let me know when it's happening this year, and i will be there. :)
you have my word. i'll be there. just tell me when. :)
the song circle pretty much happens at the end of the main stage music each night (and a much much smaller one on Wednesday night) and goes on until whenever people conk out, which can around 4AM or so. And you can just stop on by at any time between then. People who want to play just take turns in a circle to perform whatever they want...be it a singalong or an original work. Several people each year just wander in from wherever and play when they come up in the circle. We're very welcoming and relaxed and would love to hear your songs about your fish and former cow orkers!
sounds absolutely perfect. i've always been nervous about visiting other camps, but i think i could handle camp dar. :)
��� The World family will be representing as per usual.� Andy's mom is house-sitting in Egremont, which is like 5 miles away from the festival.� ������Judging from Maddie's behavior at the DVN show last Sunday ---�� grinning and telling everyone� "Hi!", strutting around going "ME!",� giggling and clapping at dogs, insisting on standing right next to the speakers, the better to shake her groove thing, and being so cute that Storm had to serenade her---� this year should be a hoot and a half. Though I am on the this list and have attended FR for 5 years I don't really know any of you but I and my family are volunteering at FR. We are camping in the volunteer camp. I did come up to the Budgiedome last year after the main stage shut down but no one was there. Just bad timing I guess. What time do the evening performances usually start? Paul
This year I'm going to shoot for a half hour after the main stage ends. I think that's enough time for people to make tehir way up the hill.
*gasps, then cracks up*
i read that as "solo orgy anyone?" :D
I am still reading it as "solo orgy" and I I will continue to do so.
ummm, I don't need FRFF as an excuse for a solo orgy *wink*
my tent is 8x8, and I will have a car onsite too.
i guess i should soon start a 'Pirate's Patch/Lower Camp' forum due to the death of my computer/my Patch database with people/tent sizes/car sizes, etc and this week i am on the quest for the telescoping flagpole. and nate, we'll hafta coordinate our *ahem*�purchases this year for our theme nights & such.....heh. this time we have SHAKERS!!�� =)
100% dainty!
· 19 years, 10 months ago
oh I will be there, along with two good friends of mine. We'll be staying in our own camp again, but making trips to budgiedomeland of course. :)
Oh I will!!! :) Is there a budgiedome lineup yet? That would be cool.
there is ... Gordon knows the details, but so far it includes Sean Altman, the Kennedys, Cadence Carroll, Teresa Storch, probably that rising new artist Carey Farrell :), and a few other folks whose names might be familiar to you. (Gordon, anyone else you want to add to that list?)
if you want in on budgiedome news and discussion, go to groups.yahoo.com and join Camp_Fruvous_FRFF. It's a moderated group, and it starts to come to life about this time every year.
i've also heard rumors about david morreale, amy speace, and fellow rising new artist bill michalski. :) but again, gordon knows best.
Always good advice.
Those are the people I can think of off the top of my head. I'll have to go through my emails to see who else wants to play. For the first time ever I might have to tell some people we don't have time for them to play.
· 19 years, 10 months ago
I'll be there. Staying in a motel off route 23. Not the Days Inn in Great Barrington this year, though, 'cause it was booked up. I'll be on the other side of the festival this time. (which will be convenient when I arrive Wednesday night, as I won't have to drive as far :)
not so lame. :)
i used to tease non-campers about being wusses, but then i got strep throat at frff in '03, and i don't think it would have been so bad if i'd been staying someplace warm and safe and quiet. so we're staying at our favorite b&b again, and enjoying all the fun of frff *plus* delicious gourmet breakfasts every morning and a beautiful room to come home to every night. so we're wusses. but we're happy and comfortable in our wussiness. :)
hrmmm..I may considering motelling it next year. I had a pretty bad panic/breathing attack due to the cold air and was quite tired driving home, but did it anyway, so both were a bit scary. I would have thought about it this year if I wasn't spending even more money the weekend after to stay at a hotel in Maine for a wedding.
do you have to be back to work on monday?� coz a bunch of us {the ^kat^fambly, donna, meg & jer, sometimes anita, the usual suspects...}stay there sunday night, too, go out for dinner after the closing durge, then de-compress from the weekend & just hang out with each other and then get up and pack the tents/the rest of our stuff and go off on our merry ways. i highly recommend.� =)� {though i know that everyone can't coz of work.� this year i'm lucky coz i don't have to take a vaca day since i work 4 10's...i just have mon and not friday off that week..yayeee!!!}
I would, considering that I'm taking the whole week after FRFF off as well. But I think what motivated me most to get home even in my tired state was the warm shower and flush toilet that awaited me when I returned back to my apartment. Though with the girl from Buffalo performing, I may cut out early enough this year on Sunday for it not to be a huge issue.
I just need to remember to get more sleep before the festival this year (or teach Reinhard how to drive. :).
I think what motivated me most to get home even in my tired state was the warm shower and flush toilet that awaited me when I returned back to my apartment.
amen to that! Yeah, I'm usually about ready to roll come sunday morning. I pack up camp as early as possible that day so after I see the last act I want to see, I can just hop in my car and head back home. Granted, I have a much shorter drive than a lot of folks, so I'm sure that's a factor....
we always stay sunday and monday nights, then leave on tuesday, so we have time to decompress and play in great barrington. i highly recommend it as well. :)
totally not so lame. *raises wussy (not to mention middle-aged) hand in solidarity*
I likewise have gotten sick every single year I've camped exclusively. Some of us just can't tolerate the combo of great outdoors + diesel fumes + no sleep. So I camp the first night or two, then move into a ginormous condo in GT Barrington for a week, which gives me a few days of post-FRFF stillness. And it gives Steve a really nice place to stay, get cleaned up, and have a nice dinner together Sunday night before he heads back to real life.
I'm surprised anyone can still make such an absurd comment after last year's rain. Plenty of people I knew who always insist on camping were envious of the fact that I had a warm, dry motel room to return to, where I could dry off with clean towels (they even delivered more!) and change into dry clothes.
For me, heavy rains at Falcon Ridge have been some of my best memories. I still clearly remember the wonderful sudden rainstorm during a mainstage set by a world music band whose name I'm blanking on, and how well they worked the interruptions into their set.
Last year's rain helped catalyze a newly-forming relationship for me :) This reminds me of that time that rain killed my whole family. ACTUALLY, Tom Waits only said two things, EVER:� #1, something fully incomprehensible, #2 "I'd rather have a full bottle in front of me than a full-frontal lobotomy." My mom used to make me watch his appearances on Fernwood 2Nite.� Now, I must figure out how to end this useless post-reply.
ChrisChin is Getting Old
· 19 years, 10 months ago
I'll be there on the slopes of Camp Dar. It's not FRFF for me unless I'm sleeping on a slant.
and being run over by the Budgiedomers rolling each other down the hill. :D
Andrea Krause
· 19 years, 10 months ago
Probably will. Depends on finances, as usual. And whether the kitten's old enough to be left with her sisters.
Dude. If she wasn't already named I would SO consider PopTart. :)� Maybe it can be one of her many nicknames.
Well if you'll be there it's definitely another point in FRFF's favor! :) I'll find the money somehow. It's just slow going, because we also have to buy a tent. Hahah no. There are fruheads out there in much more dire need of fundage at any given time. :)
· 19 years, 10 months ago
I'll be hanging at the Budgiedome when I'm not near mainstage, but I'm not sleeping onsite after Thursday night, because my allergies can't handle the pollen and diesel fumes 24/7. I have rented a condo in Gt Barrington to take refuge in.
I'll also be visiting downstairs a coupla times, because *some people* never seem to make it upstairs, and I'd like to see them anyway. :P See? I'm sociable! :D
is that a suggestion to ease my allergies, or a suggestion for sociable me?
either way ... sure! *raises a glass of wine to Andrea*
Sorry, Great Big Sea conditioning. Something about saying "Sociable!" and then drinking. It's been a while so my memory is fuzzy. :)
ahhh ... I don't recall that bit of audience participation. (or maybe it was band banter?) But I've only seen them ... *counts on fingers* ... maybe six times, so it's not all that surprising I missed it.
So now we can start cueing one another for GBS lyric-moments like we used to do back in the day with Drinking Song and Pisco and King of Spain and Horseshoes? hee.
You are old school. I haven't heard them do the "socialble" thing since they started playing in the larger venues. All it was that if someone said Sociable everyone had to raise their glass then take a drink.
Yeah, precisely...I haven't seen them in years, since they were playing mid-size venues like Pearl Street in NoHo.
They waft through the backstage/food/performers/med tent areas, and when the breeze is veryveryVERY wrong they float up the hill. They sting my eyes. If you ever see me wandering around FRFF with tears streaming down my face, by all means give me a hug, but I'm probably not in the clutches of dire emotional woe -- just suffering from diesel. :(
i don't think i've ever smelled diesel fuel itself ... just the exhaust.
but i like the smell of gasoline. :D (not that i, like, purposely sniff it for mind-altering effects, but whenever i'm at a gas station and a little has spilt on the paving, i have a little olfactory joy.)
trunger is counting...
· 19 years, 10 months ago
yeah...so i botched my wisdom check so i think i'm gonna end up driving with mr. bill to ny. heaven help me....i'll be so broke....
Kat Kunz
· 19 years, 10 months ago
the ^k^fam will be there, weds afternoon--monday morn, camping lower. However, I will *definitely* make a point of visiting the b-dome for a couple of the post-show events, particularly since the ever-fabulous Sean Altman will be making an appearance! ohh, I am so excited. :D
omgwtf. seriously? where in chicago?
and believe me, i will give you all the info. :)
I'm going to be living in the gold coast district (1100 N. Dearborn, if that makes a difference) and attending Northwestern Law (in... Streeterville? I think?). and I need serious Chicago help, because even though I live less than six hours away from the windy city, I've been to *falconridge* more times than I've been there. :D lots to discover! woo!
oh wonderful. :) maybe i will get to see you for more than like three seconds this time.
Rachel Marie aka RAI
· 19 years, 10 months ago
How come everyone goes to FRFF and not Philly Folk Fest? I can never go to FRFF 'cause it's too far away, but I've been going to Philly Folk the past three years (my mom's been going for like, 12 years). Actually, I don't even know if I can go to PFF this year as I'll be moving near the end of August. Not that there's much to see that's interesting besides Tempest.
...Y'all suck. So do I. :o(
It has great acts but everybody I know that has been there tells me it is a zoo. That is actually cause and effect, they get so many people they can afford top priced talent.
Years ago Rita Houston at FUV told me that FRFF was the best and I got hooked the first time I went.
Yeah, I've often seen the Philly Folk lineup, or heard about it on XPN, and thought "wow, that looks like it could be awesome ... "
And then I remember the horror stories I've heard from other people who have gone and regretted it. The occasional rowdiness/vandalism/scary late-night behavior witnessed at FRFF really pales in comparison to what seem like endemic security and crowd issues at Philly. It's a shame, because it's so close to me, but that reputation -- and the people I know who have *stopped* going because they didn't want to put themselves through it -- have kept me from ever seriously considering going. I didn't even go when Fruvous played in '99.
That's just silly. I've never experienced any of that... just singing, dancing, drum circles, free hot dogs.
well, everyone knows I'm silly. :)
and my summer festival schedule's quite full enough without adding a questionable experience to it. in fact, in the past Ottawa FF has often been the same weekend, and that's a relatively small and sweet festival that I really dig.
The camping is pretty tight. When I heard people park cars @ FRFF I was amazed. It's sardine-land there. You are lucky to have enough room to create common living space.
But I still go. Last year was worth it b/c WA9, DVN, and Girlyman were there - among other awesome acts. I'm not so excited this year. i also think it speaks VOLUMES that gene shay, folk dj at XPN/MC of philly folk/major player/connected to philly folk fest takes his vacation every year -TO- FRFF. i live right here and i don't like philly folk.� it's too spendy and their camping thing is bizarro{though i've never}. the only time i went besides when fruvous last played was when i did merch check-in/out for the band{EFO} and the nields the other year.� but there were decent-ish acts that year, too...like old john gorka, mary chapin carpenter, and others that i can't remember right now. FRFF is da way to go.� even if it's a bit of a journey for us philly....folk.�� heeeh!� =)
yissss. WE are philly ... folk. :) we just travel 4+ hours to really folk it up.
· 19 years, 10 months ago
I just got paid! (under the tablewootwoot) and I think I have enough for the mystical frff ticket.... although i'd like to camp it out I have been freed of my tent and other campy like items by my fatherbastarddevil... so. I'm still trying to figure out if I'm going to go and sleep curled up next to a trash can for protection or what. we shall see. I may even make it up to THE dome this year as I'm dramaticly LESS of a pussy than I was the first frff I attended... I have retired the "duck and cover" method of meeting people as it is not so much the meeting as avoiding, word up. talcott never does anything so I don't know if it will be the zilcott or just the lone zil. if he actually TRIES to ask for time off he might be able to go. this "try" thing is hard for him. he's special. ;-)
don't curl up next to a trash can. curl up in the dome. it's warmer. :D
true enough. *loathes the 90F+ temps featured the past two weeks*
in which case ... curl up in the dome! it's cooler! :D
Cos (Ofer Inbar)
· 19 years, 9 months ago
It will be my tenth in a row. I actually first heard fruvous because they came to Falcon Ridge (in 1996), rather than having found Falcon Ridge through fruvous or fruheads. Strange, no? :)
caroline: tired.
· 19 years, 9 months ago
no. i'm not going. bah. hopefully next year. i tried, though:
me: is there anything, anything at all, that i could do to change your mind? mom: yes. move it 2 or 3 hours closer, and change the date. yeah...it's pretty easy to convince her, if that's all i have to do. :P
how sad....but now you have to convince her to let you go to see Dar Williams on August 21st at KoP AND the XPN festival on Sunday, July 24th featuring Erin McKeown and the Indigo Girls. in Camden, NJ
I knew about the XPN festival...but it's on the same day as the twins' birthday, hence teh non-frffing as well. dan's going, lucky duck.
however, i will surely try my best for Dar in August. Because KoP is easy. And everything that was wrong about FRFF is right about the Dar show. So ha.
I am so annoyed about the XPN show. I can't go to both. :(
J. Andrew World
· 19 years, 9 months ago
I will be camping Camp Andy. This is the final one. I have camped Camp Andy sence 1997 (I moved their in time for 1996, but had no clue about FRFF.)
Brian Dinsky
· 19 years, 9 months ago
I aim to camp along the back of the hill, along the road, against the tree-line, hopefully near where the road circles back around. Say hello to me, mortals! You must first create an account to post.
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