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Viewing User: Shelly

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Basic Information

Username: Shellyus
First Visit: Nov 19, 1999
Last Visit: Tue, Sep 1, 2009, 6:29pm
Location:Media, Pennsylvania (19037)
About You:time for a new profile!!! hi!! i'm shelly!! thanks for stopping by!!! i am: ~matriarch/Queen of The Pirate's Patch{Camp Edhead--thanks evilellen for the kick-ass flag!!!}...merch maven extrordinaire......fearless Edhead volunteer.....idiot......Princess.....Queen Shelly.......proud captain of 'Team Schaefer'{i captain to keep him organized :) }......EFO lost and found girl...Edhead cruise trivia quiz organizer{one of 4}....Eddie's concubine.....all of these things have been used to describe me.....latest fave seems to be ShellsBells? ~fondly known to fwiends and extended fambly as shells, shellzo, shania, or shayla =) ~internationally famous chocolate chip cookies, world-renowned waffles, rice krispie treats that are decadent, kick-ass spinach dip that rocks -some-rock stars worlds, and pumpkin spice bread that is a must-have in at least -one- VA household on Thanksgiving and Christmas{and whenever the mood strikes me to make it ;) }...these are the culinary things i have become famous for. ~I work in travel. I have a little old man dog named Sancho. ~I am on the Falcon Ridge Folk Fest Site crew{the hardest working crew in show bid'ness!!} and we kick ass!


Me & Ike G!!!me and my 'Prom date' ;)doin' the Joe, nassau style; Kid Schaef rocks OUT!!!My Babies, Phantom & Edgar(Phantom on top level)
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