Localized Forum Chat with people on a local level - More Information |
Oct 3, 2004 |
10557 |
Recommendation Sorting Recommendations are now sorted by a combination of weighted average score and number of votes. |
Dec 14, 2003 |
8730 |
Customized Frequent Contacts Now you can customize which names show up in your frequent contacts, rather than using everyone's ever-changing obscure name. Click the "Edit" next to the Frequen Contacts box. |
Dec 11, 2003 |
9152 |
Email Notification of News Articles You can subscribe to news categories like this at the bottom of the main news page. Emails will be sent when news is added. |
Nov 5, 2003 |
8282 |
Decline Instant Messages Do you prefer standard messages to instant messages? You can now globally decline instant messages using the "Customize Profile" screen. |
Nov 5, 2003 |
8369 |
Message-to-Email Forwarder Under the "Customize Profile", you can now have your incoming messages forwarded to email. |
Nov 5, 2003 |
8209 |
Site Search You can now search all of the major parts of the site in one fell swoop. See the new search box on the side panel. |
Aug 27, 2003 |
171034 |
New Forum Threads The icon will now show on the front page next to forum threads created in the last day. |
Aug 25, 2003 |
8608 |
Polls in Forum Threads You can now add polls to forum threads that you create. |
Aug 21, 2003 |
8471 |
RSS Discussion Syndication You can now subscribe to a discussion category by RSS. See the bottom of a discussion page. |
Aug 7, 2003 |
7652 |
The <user> Tag Put someone's username inside this tag and it'll expand to their full name with a profile link. |
Aug 5, 2003 |
7381 |
No New Homepages Due to folks who abused this, no new homepages are available under normal circumstances. |
Aug 1, 2003 |
7793 |
Diary Referrer Tracking Diary entries now show the owner the referrals, and there's a new page for all referrals. |
Jul 21, 2003 |
7261 |
Tour Date Syndication New feature: you can now syndicate the tour dates by RSS. You can even filter by distance from you. It's beta, so let me know if there are any problems with it. |
Jul 1, 2003 |
6887 |
Birthday Photos & Ages When you sign birthday cards now, you'll see the age and a photo. |
Jun 10, 2003 |
7259 |
New HTML Editor I'm using a new HTML editor with FHDC now. Report bugs :) |
Jun 5, 2003 |
7529 |
Homepages Upgrade Homepages are now easier to use. User interface improvements were added, as well as a nifty image resizer. |
Apr 23, 2003 |
7262 |
Diary Interface Upgrade The diary entry form is now simpler. It also adds a "Read More" feature, where you must click to read the full text of an entry (great for long entries that you don't want to clog up your main diary). |
Apr 23, 2003 |
6984 |
Diary Search You can now search through diary entries. It's linked from the main diary menu, and you can link to it in your template as /mod/diary/search.php?username=yourusername . |
Apr 23, 2003 |
7463 |
Discussion Thread Watches Sick of refreshing a discussion thread waiting for new posts? Watch it instead. It'll email you when a new message is posted. Just use the "Watch" link in the discussion header. |
Apr 22, 2003 |
7160 |
XML News Syndication Not that it'll be wicked useful for most people, you can now syndicate news categories. Look for the icons in news entries. |
Apr 21, 2003 |
7512 |
Presign Birthdays Is a friend's birthday coming up, and you know you'll be out of town? You can now pre-sign birthday cards. |
Apr 16, 2003 |
7157 |
Diary Reader You can now read diaries (or any other RSS news) from FHDC. This is still in beta, let me know if there are any problems. |
Apr 7, 2003 |
330 |
Instant Messages Private power walls with other members. Send instant messages. Fun. |
Apr 2, 2003 |
267 |
Profile Location Links Fixed The map links in the profile location were broken. They're now fixed, and should work internationally. |
Apr 2, 2003 |
6252 |
Message Reply Pointers When you reply to a message, FHDC now remember which message you replied to and stores a pointer to it. The little icon links back to the original. |
Apr 1, 2003 |
6324 |
Thumbnail Pics Profile pics are now thumbnailed for your viewing pleasure. |
Mar 30, 2003 |
6678 |
Discussion Archives You can now search discussion archives. There's now a Recent Posts button on each user's profile. |
Mar 19, 2003 |
6389 |
Diary Image Uploading Want to link an image into a diary entry? You can now point to a URL or upload from your hard drive. It will be automagically resized. |
Feb 19, 2003 |
6555 |
HTML Text Entry If you have IE 5.5 or above, you will now default to an HTML editor for forms. Go here to change it. |
Feb 19, 2003 |
6228 |
Automagic Thumbnail Photo Scaling You don't need to scale your own thumbnail avatar picture anymore, it'll do it for you. |
Feb 11, 2003 |
5985 |
New Poll Suggestion Interface It's much easier to use now, and has better editing features. Enjoy and submit lots of polls. |
Dec 19, 2002 |
6191 |
Flat Threading Style Option Insteading of viewing indented threads, you can now view messages in the flat "forum" style. |
Dec 15, 2002 |
6131 |
Post Edit / Delete You can now edit or delete your discussion posts. Deletion is safe, and collapses the replies down a level. |
Dec 15, 2002 |
5994 |
Diary Trackback I've implemented a MovableType-comliant trackback to diaries. Click for more information. |
Oct 3, 2002 |
7813 |
Diary Syndication You can now access a raw XML feed for your diary. Click the story for more information. |
Oct 2, 2002 |
6228 |
Autolinked Wall URLs If you type a URL on the wall, including http://, it will be automagically linked. |
Sep 27, 2002 |
6185 |
New Discussion Posts Highlighted When you visit a discussion for the second time, the unread messages are highlighted. |
Sep 6, 2002 |
8297 |
Discussion Forums Ongoing discussion forums on several topics are now available. Enjoy! |
Aug 30, 2002 |
313 |
Post Moderation Dropped For now, I'm removing the post moderation scheme. It's not really needed and it causes too many problems. |
Aug 28, 2002 |
5931 |
Poll Archive Improved I added the number of posts and votes, as well as the start date for the poll to the poll archive. |
Aug 21, 2002 |
6013 |
Number of Posts on Polls This is self-explanatory - the number of posts for a poll now shows up on the front page block. |
Aug 21, 2002 |
5759 |
FruMessage Quoting Now you can quote FruMessages when you respond to them. This is still beta, please report problems. |
Aug 12, 2002 |
6230 |
Discussion Moderation Accountability By request, you can now see who's giving thumbs-up and down to what. |
Aug 12, 2002 |
6077 |
Recent Picks Just like the recent diary entries and discussion posts, here's one which will show you the recent cultural picks. |
Aug 8, 2002 |
6161 |
Book and Movie Picks Just like the music picks, now you can rate your favorite books and movies. |
Aug 7, 2002 |
6916 |
Recent Diary Entries New block - shows who has recently added entries to their diary. |
Aug 4, 2002 |
5846 |
Fruhead.Com FAQ I created a long-overdue frequently asked questions page for the site. |
Aug 2, 2002 |
6033 |
Amazon Links on Music Picks I finally got around to re-adding these to Entropy. Buy from the link and I get referral money! :-) |
Aug 2, 2002 |
5514 |
Recent Discussion Posts New module: Recent Posts. This shows you the 10 most recent posts in all discussions. |
Aug 2, 2002 |
6494 |
Multiple Editable Front Pages This allows you to not only edit the layout of your front page, but to create new ones. Click for details. |
Aug 1, 2002 |
5069 |
Inactive Users Not Shown On Birthdays In order to save space on the birthday module, people who haven't logged in for the last year or so aren't shown. |
Jul 22, 2002 |
5531 |
New FruMessage Notice Now you'll know if you have new messages, no matter where you are on the site. |
Jul 19, 2002 |
6602 |
Homepage Quotas This will affect a small handful of people, but there are now quotas on homepages. Click for more info. |
Jul 17, 2002 |
5499 |
Shrinking Stuff When you vote for a poll or sign birthday cards, the blocks on the front page shrink. |
Jul 17, 2002 |
5504 |
Thumbnail Profile Pictures These nifty buggers show up next to you in things like discussion posts. |
Jul 16, 2002 |
5791 |
What's New? :-) A new news section with feature-oriented site updates. Available in module form! |
Jul 16, 2002 |
5734 |
New Feature: Notes Collect your scattered notes into one handy place. Create public or private nested folders, search, annotate, the works. |
Jul 16, 2002 |
5505 |
Polls for Diaries Diaries may now have polls, with one poll per diary. Use the %%poll%% tag to insert it in your template. |
Jul 16, 2002 |
5546 |