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Poll: What's your favorite day of the week?

Sunday Bloody Sunday 9 (10%)
Monday Monday 3 (3%)
Ruby Tuesday 8 (9%)
Wednesday Morning, 3AM 8 (9%)
Blue Thursday 8 (9%)
Thank God It's Friday 23 (25%)
Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting 33 (36%)
   Discussion: What's your favorite day of the weak?
ChrisChin is Getting Old · 21 years, 2 months ago
Friday - Beginning of�my Weekend...Stay out Late or just go home and not have to worry about work the next day...very relaxing.
Andrea Krause · 21 years, 2 months ago
My answer to this is always Saturday. Friday you have an open night and can stay up late, but you have to work that day. (Well, *I* do.) Sunday is great to sleep in and stuff but it's a work night so you can't stay up late. Saturday is the best of both worlds. I can sleep late AND stay up late and not have to be sullied by work.
Zach Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
Friday tends to be the day when people are available. Less chance of boredom makes Zacques a happy man.
zil · 21 years, 2 months ago
its always 3am
betsy =) · 21 years, 2 months ago
no one's favorite day of the week is tuesday? but but why?
meh · 21 years, 2 months ago
Friday I'm in love!
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 21 years, 2 months ago
Does anyone know a better song for Thursday? I couldn't think of any myself, I found that on AMG.
nate... · 21 years, 2 months ago
I luffs thursday.
It's my friday. :)
iPauley · 21 years, 2 months ago
It doesn't really work out with my current employment schedule (which I hope will be changing sooner rather than later), but gotta be Sunday -- that's race day :)

-- Pauley
sarah did not die · 21 years, 2 months ago
On tuesday i still have energy from sleeping on the weekend, but the monday fog has lifted. A lot of people i know are so happy that its not monday that they are actually cheerful. It is close enough to the previous weekend that you remember the weekend well and can reminice, but you haven't been slammed by the current week to be overly anxious for the next. I normally did not get massive amounts of work on tuesdays nor had to study or anything crazy like that because tests were practically never on wednesdays. Tuesday is a chill day of the week. You feel productive because you are in the work week doing something, but its nothing too taxing on the mind and you haven't been worn out yet, as long as you had weekend sleep. It's a happy day.
Michael (foof) Maki · 21 years, 2 months ago
The weekends intimidate the hell out of me. Too many unscheduled hours. Too much anxiety (will my friends want to hang out with me? If not, is it because they never really liked me? If so, is it only because they're having pity on me?)

Mondays are...well...Mondays. Heh.

Tuesdays I have therapy, which is good for me, but not really what I'd consider a really great time.

Wednesdays, I get to go home right after work, take a nice bubble bath, watch a couple of episodes of That 70s Show or Malcolm in the Middle that my PVR nabbed for me, and then listen to Loveline while falling asleep.

Yeah, I know I'm weird.
Doktor Pepski, kommie · 21 years, 2 months ago

1. for those working days, such as myself, there is really no need to set the alarm, well unless you are planning on some sort of long road trip. but if I don't wanna get out of bed before noon, not gonna happen.

2. usually the day is my own. I decide what happens, more often than not, and do not have to really answer to anyone, well unless schenaigans get out of hand.

3. why? Frankie say relax.

4. I'll go to bed when I darn well wanna thank you very much.

5. alcohol? sure why not?

Bruce Rose · 21 years, 2 months ago

I'll have to say Monday... not that it's a great day on its own.� Look at it this way: no matter what goes wrong, you always have the Monday excuse.� Everyone accepts it, or at least sympathizes.�

I have to agree with the song choice.� If you'd used "I Don't Like Mondays" the voters would have been confused and demanded a recount.

ShrinkMan · 21 years, 2 months ago
I had to go with Saturdays, because they are the closest I get to having a guilt-free 24 hours. There is as much room for self-indulgence as a day can offer... Mostly because there is still Sunday ahead, but generally no absolute demands inherent to the day itself.

I must say however, that Tuesdays are second best, because Tuesday is media release day, when the week's New Books, New DVD's, and most important of all, New Music is released... Yea for books and music!

Most of the rest of the week's offerings usually suck, mostly - like the little girl in aliens said, "they mostly come out at night... mostly."
Back · 21 years, 2 months ago


Wahooo! I'm with ya Pauley....oh, and church..


Rachel Beck · 21 years, 2 months ago
because it's my last night at work for the week. I get to go out for fun!
Rachel Marie aka RAI · 21 years, 2 months ago
I would just like to say that this was the coolest poll ever.

I picked Wednesday. Because... I unno, it falls right in the middle. Three days in front, three days behind.
nate... Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
Wife-beatin and budwieser!

he-yuck he-yuck!

Aw jee whiz, maw... break out da shatguhn.

Zach Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
I think that "Insults and Flame Wars" thread is having a profound effect on the atmosphere around here....fuckers....
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
I love "I Don't like Mondays." The Boomtown Rats rocked.
Annika · 21 years, 2 months ago
I like Monday's because it's the beginning of the work week.�YAY!!! I *heart* work!!
Arbie · 21 years, 2 months ago

Hmmm, it really all depends. When I was self-employed Sunday was the only day I didn't work. The next job was completely screwball, several different rotating schedules were tried, plus it was night shift, so I never knew what day it was most of the time but anyday I wasn't working was a�good �great day. The last job I had was the first time I've had Sat. and Sun. off regularly. That only lasted a year. Now I'm working (actually Robin and I are both working) as weekend managers in our apartment building. I can't decide on a favourite.

Ok, I've decided. Payday is my favourite day of the week. Yuppers. None better.

nate... Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
Naw, I'm just being a wiseass.

They know I'm kidding. :)
erica is so cold Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
Oh yes it is all about thursdays. Keroyke (yeah that can't be spelled right:) at BW's and dancing at Dill street. i don't know about other�schools but thursdays are the night to party!
dirty life & times · 21 years, 2 months ago
it's been friday for awhile now... it's a day off for many israelis (& me with my fall schedule) & i love grocery shopping & cooking all day for shabbat... & when you're almost too tired, taking a long hot shower & having a great big dinner, hopefully with loved ones. .... & a whole saturday to veg out after that.

but i voted saturday. gotta give props to my girl elton john :)
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
For those of you who don't know it, It is about a real life school school shooting. When they asked the girl why she did it she said, "I don't like Mondays." That is part of the reason I love the song. it is about something so dark and tragic and shows its connection with the mundane.
Shelly · 21 years, 2 months ago
well, i voted for saturday, but am actually torn aboot whether i'd choose saturday or sunday....i tend to just lounge around and enjoy sunday for what it is...a be lazy day of rest....

but saturday is kewl, too.


maybe i SHOULD have voted for sunday......

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