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Viewing User: Arbie

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Basic Information

Username: Arbie
First Visit: Aug 10, 1999
Last Visit: Sun, Feb 14, 2010, 1:29am
About You:I play the trumpet (sometimes reasonably well), I like to pound the keyboard of any and all computers, and musically I am extremely eclectic, I'll listen to anybody who can carry a tune (well ok, I have listened to Tom Waits on occasion and he can't carry a tune and I won't listen to most opera singers but I will listen to Andrea Boccelli). Currently my listening is skewed heavily towards the Blues. I have many more hobbies and interests than I have time for on the theory that Red Green is right: "If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy" The latest new thing in my life is that I just got married (June 2/2001) to Robin (Rabean),another fruhead who I first became aware of on #moxyfruvous, the fruvous irc hangout... Modern times and modern lives....

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