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Poll: Whats the lousiest reason you've been given for being rejected? |
Whats the lousiest reason you've been given for being rejected?
dirty life & times
· 20 years, 11 months ago
the worst rejection i ever got boiled down to, "you responded to my advances & therefore you are too big of a slut for me."
Jillian Bird
· 20 years, 11 months ago
I tried to date a really religious guy (who was also a very nice, good looking polite chap). He took me to a dance at his church. At the end of the evening, I asked for a goodnight kiss and he ran out of the room and vomited.
· 20 years, 11 months ago
I got told all at once her parents felt that she was too young, it would be a distraction from school and church, I was too much like a brother and we should just be friends her father was coming home soon and to cap it all off she slamed the door in my face. That took a while to get over since it was the first time I ever asked a girl out.
I can't recall being "rejected" in order to receive one. I tend not to put myself out there unless I'm really damn sure the feelings are mutual. I mean, yeah there have been plenty of people I've wanted but not been able to be with, but in those situations I didn't even try because I knew it wasn't gonna happen.
ChrisChin is Getting Old
· 20 years, 11 months ago
Hrmm...I have gotten the "I'm not dating right now" quip, but it wasn't the lousiest. The worst rejection for me is a variation of the friends thing and goes something like this:
"I thought about it for a long time this past week, and I just don't see this working out between the two of us us in the future and I don't want to be bogged down by this while in school, so let's just be friends" uh..wtff?
· 20 years, 11 months ago
Well, I most often had gotten "I'm just not interested in you like that" type crap. Once though, I was actually told the reason was that I was ugly. She phrased it as "I'm not physically attracted to you in the least", which somehow made it worse, not better.
I can look back on it all now and laugh now that I'm married to a super beautiful woman.
Alan Mendelsohn
· 20 years, 11 months ago
"I can't be your friend. I'm your *teacher*." um... yeah. *runs*
Will work for anime
· 20 years, 11 months ago
..."I'm leaving you for my ex-girlfrined who is pregnant with someone else's child."
· 20 years, 11 months ago
i've never been rejected because i've never really put myself out there...
but i have delivered the following "i'm just "not dating" right now" which was true, and i think that's a valid reason, i was NOT in a place to develop anything that could have been a healthy relationship, realized this and acted accordingly. i have never regreted it. "i'm taken." if that the worst let down you've received, power to you. further more i DO NOT see that as a lousy reason, i can think the world of you, bu tthat doesn' tmean that i want to leave my significant other, and if you think that's a lousy reason, well, shame on you for wanting to interfere in someone else's happiness. "i've got too many things going on right now" though that was a part of the "just not dating" reason. and frankly, why would you want to start dating someone knowin gthat they didn't have the time to spend on developing a good relationship?
Gordondon son of Ethelred
· 20 years, 11 months ago
"I wouldn't date someone I met on the Internet. She then proceeded to join internet dating services.
The truth is most reasons are going to make you feel bad, the rejection is what matters not the reason. The only exceptions are, things like "I"m married" or "I'm gay/straight" which make it not a rejection of you as a person. Of course you would probably know those things before you ask.
One of my problems is that I interpret everything as a rejection of me as a person.
Great big ball of neurosis, I am...
· 20 years, 11 months ago
So there was this guy who was always hanging out in our house, and he really seemed into me. I mean, always over, flirting, having fun.
So, for his birthday, I bought a card that had two ants in togas on the cover - the inside said "For you Birthday, how about a little Rome Ants?" And I wrote "I just wanted to see if we're on the same wavelength." Turns out we so were not. He'd been secretly dating my housemate for a while, which was both why he was over all the time, and why he didn't seem to pay any attention to her at all. Worse, a couple outher housemates knew (and knew about the card before I gave it to him), but didn't say anything. They're married now.
the worst was telling me that he didn't want to date me because I don't look like julia stiles
At least you weren't told you look like Ryan Stiles
Suck.� Well, that's what you get for taking any sort of emotional risk, I guess.� Never do that.� Perhaps from now on you'll do what I do and push those feelings deep deep down inside of you until they're so far down, you're walking on them!� That's my motto -- "None a' yer beeswax how I feel! �"
but other things can also make it not a rejection of you as a person.
for instance, when i was not into a relationship... it wouldn't have mattered who the hell asked me out, it wouldn't have happened. funny. but my not wanting to date was about ME and not the OTHER person.
Doktor Pepski, kommie
· 20 years, 11 months ago
really the only reason I have ever been given, seeing as I do not think that the opposite sex even considers me to be a sexual being. oh well bah.:(
ya what ever happened to that option? i was thinking ive never been rejected but then it hit me, i was once.... it was an old crush who came back into my life, and i put myself out there by saying "so what would you think if i said i was still interested?" i cant remember the exacts, but it was something like "im not dating right now, but trust me, if i was, you'd be first choice". then he kissed me on the cheek. not bad for my only rejection, methinks :) jen
among those, i have delivered the "i've got too many things going on/i'm too busy right now."
to which the fellow in question replied, "but i am much more busy than you!" to which i had no response but, "touche. i just don't want to date you."
well, yes.
it was, of course, soon clear that rejecting me was the nicest thing he ever did for me :)
danced with Lazlo
· 20 years, 11 months ago
What about "I prefer the opposite sex" you insensitive clod?!
Some others: "I thought of dating you, but then I got to know you" "I thought you were going to be like your sister" "I decided that it would be unhealthy for you to date me" And of course "You're too young."
Magical Bob
· 20 years, 11 months ago
The first time I nearly asked someone out, they shot me down before I could ask. A friend mentioned that a girl liked me, so I asked her, thinking he was just being a jerk. I was still hopeful though. She said, "Nah, just friends."�Of course, we weren't even friends.� Not really that sad but kinda mad at my friend. I've had to use break-up lines only twice. The first time, I was actually not ready to start dating. I told her so. Worked out okay. Never actually saw the person face-to-face at anytime during our relationship, but hey, who's checking? The other time I said the same thing, after a miserable date with a girl. Barely saw her then either. Both in the same year. Both the only real "relationships" I had been in until recently. Now, I'm in a great relationship with no problems on the horizon, so I don't plan on hearing any of those lines or saying them any time soon.
Gordondon son of Ethelred
· 20 years, 11 months ago
I once had a marriage proposal rejected. What made it interesting is that I never proposed and the thought had never even entered my head. It was a preemptive rejection. Sort of an extention of the Bush Doctrine.
Gordondon son of Ethelred
· 20 years, 11 months ago
Not quite on topic but related. Christine Lavin has a song that is nothing but unwanted responses to saying "I love you."
My best was. Me: I love you Her: That cake looks really good.
John J. Ryan
· 20 years, 11 months ago
(To the tune of Be aggresive, B-E-Aggressive)
I'm pathetic, I'm so pathetic! I'm pathetic, I'm so pathetic! I don't see you in that way, I only wanna be friends I'm dating someone else, or I'M A LESBIAN!
· 20 years, 11 months ago
if you try to pick someone up... and you know that they're away from home for a "study-away-year"
and they respond, "no i'm involved with someone back home." DO NOT try to change their mind with the brilliant, "Well, do you REALLY think that your boyfriend(girlfriend) is being faithful to you?" comment. This does. not. work.
Narcissist. ;-D
Yeah. I can process intellectually that if someone is straight or married or involved, or generally fUx0red up, that he wouldn't want to date me. But emotionally, that just comes way too close to the "Mommy don't you love me" energy to not get wrapped up in it.
dwd, neither. It was a mid-penguin-pre-superhero high school thing. Curse my rotten luck!
Hah.. it never struck me that "B-E Aggressive" might be a real cheer. I always thought it was part of a Faith No More song, which puzzled me coming from you ;)
but...but...the cake *did* look really good.
I knew I should have applied for that opening at CoNDoM. A three an a half hour commute each way isn't that bad right?
That isn't neurotic, in your case everything is a rejection of you as a person. Now don't you feel better? J
but...but... wasn't that like the day after my birthday?
My fiance ryan just gave me the green light to share his worst dumping reason: "I'm leaving you to marry my stalker who just bought me a house" When I say stalker, i don't mean he-calls-a-lot-and-is-annoying.� I mean video-cameras-in-the-car-and-following-to-class-everyday-even-though-he-doesn't-go-to-this-university.
Heh. Gordon, always in with the practical advice. :-)
Yeah, all of the above 3 for me as well, pretty much. Back in college I got myself totally enfatuated with a woman and finally finally told her. The response was more or less on the level of "let's just be friends" but it wasn't a quip, so I am not sure that counts.
My (female) German roommate while I was abroad found that the best way to keep the Spaniards at bay was not to tell them "I have a boyfriend at home" (which was true), but to say "I have a girlfriend" and kiss me on the cheek if I was nearby. :) The significant-other-back-home thing is often an insufficient excuse because, a) there's that whole out of sight, out of mind kind of thing you're talking about and b) a lot of times there's the "well guys/girls where you come from don't know anything, let me show you why my country's better" sort of attitude. (Fortunately I look too close to Spanish to have been much in demand there. The blond Germans, though, they were a novelty.)
no, it was the day after *my* birthday.
you didn't even buy me cake for my birthday. and you expected an "i love you"? ha.
goovie is married!
· 20 years, 11 months ago
i've never actually asked anyone out. but i've been rejected for being ugly a million times without even trying.
· 20 years, 11 months ago
"Not Coming Home"
awww, shucks. :) but you have to remember, i come from redneck land, where i was feared and mistrusted cos i didn't look like anyone else *cough*cos i wasn't inbred*cough*.
· 20 years, 11 months ago
After much other stilted rambling, he concluded with, "So... consider yourself mocked."
We stayed friends. Then we did end up dating like two years later. Of course, he's also the one who dumped me on an Easter Sunday, essentially over the phone. "Just so this isn't a surprise later, I think we should go back to being just friends." *chuckle*
Gordon keeps telling me who I'm going to marry and I keep rejecting him... but I don't reject him to him, because he doesn't want to marry me either... I just have to keep rejecting him to Gordon. It's really quite fucked up
Kris 'engaged' Bedient
· 20 years, 11 months ago
I've not ever really been dumped, the relationships all just kinda fizzled, and it was obvious to both of us, and we just kinda moved on. But the one time there was a firm break, he had heard false stories that I had no chancee to refute, had a job more important than I was, and told me to move out. I was way too emotional to remember it, but it was a full rejection of me as a person. And then I attempted...but that's another story (yay, emotional dependance!). I don't think it technically qualifies as being "dumped" though. Maybe it's just my connotation, but I think of being dumped as being before a relationship gets going, and not at the end of something that has already been going.
tall lanky funny geek boys are teh best, especially when they are also amazingly sweet, like the one I am aiming for.
· 20 years, 11 months ago
I actually haven't ever been turned down when I was seriously asking someone if they wanted to date. No no no, I get the rejection after spending a few months with them, trying hard not to do my usual "Ack! Relationship! Run!" thing. Which makes me all the more bitter because... well.. damn it, I'm supposed to be the one leaving, not them!
My worst rejections (because I'm an asshole I have more than one) - 1. I'm sorry, I really can't stand you. 2. You need to bathe, I'm really not into the Kurt Cobain smell for men. 3. My sister doesn't want to date you anymore, I'm sorry, I like you... you know.. as a person. (this is over the phone to 2 or 3 of my sisters ex's) 4. I'm dating your sister, I can't date you (that happened with my ex-g/f Tesha's brother Ezra) And perhaps the worst - 5. You know why. (walk away before they can ask, and you don't have to come up with reason) You must first create an account to post.
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