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Poll: How many first cousins do you have? |
How many first cousins do you have?
George E. Nowik
· 20 years, 5 months ago
i have none. my mother's brother and sister were both married at one point but had no children. my father is an only child. kinda weird, considering both of my parents both had a gajillion first cousins...
ChrisChin is Getting Old
· 20 years, 5 months ago
I believe there are 19 in total (14 on my mom's side and 5 on my dad's side), unless there are some that popped out in the last few years that I did not know existed. They come from a total of 9 sets of aunts and uncles. I think my youngest cousin is 9 and my oldest is 43.
Gordondon son of Ethelred
· 20 years, 5 months ago
12 I'm guessing that I have more uncles and aunts than most people here, 7, but not more cousins. The family hasn't been that fecund since my grandparents' generation.
i have 7 uncles & aunts. 8 if you count the uncle who is dead.
Hahah...that's exactly my answer. My mom had 7 brothers, my dad had one sister. One of my mom's brothers has died. So I have 7 aunts and uncles, 8 if you count the uncle who is dead. Heh. I said somewhere between 11 and 20. I know I have at least 11 but I don't know how many total because I've been out of contact with most of my mom's family for years. But I doubt it's over 20.
danced with Lazlo
· 20 years, 5 months ago
My dad has 3 brothers, and they each have 3 kids. My mom has 2 brothers. One has 2 kids, and the other has 3.
ummm, how exactly does your dad being an only child make your mother's side only be able to have 2 cousins? 8P
I think the meaning is....I have 2...and they're on my mother's side because my dad was an only child.
I have an Uncle Steve and an Uncle Don and an Uncle Mike and an Uncle Tom and an Uncle Bruce and an Uncle Bill and an Uncle Dave (dead), and an Aunt Kathy. And don't even ask me to remember their spouses, because I don't, and don't even know who's married and/or divorced anymore. :)
Wait, doh. I actually have fewer because 2 of the 6 are actually second cousins, I just forgot since their mom was younger than my mom (trust me).
And 2 others are actually only half-cousins since (dirty family secret or somesuch) their dad and my dad are half-brothers. So, really only 2 real first cousins, one on each side of the family. One of whom, my thirty-something cousin Eric, I haven't seen in years and years, and have probably only met a handful of times in my life. The other, my 16-year-old cousin Roxanne, is the only one I'm actually close to.
· 20 years, 5 months ago
depends on if i can count my step cousins.
my paternal grandfather has remarried since Nana died and i got a slew of first-step-cousins. also, my mom's dad remarried and his wife had several children and grandchildren. but i went on blood-first-cousins here and i think i have 11: mom's sister kelly & husband ed: 2 mom's brother mike & wife thresa: 5 dad's sister fran & husband arthur: 2 dad's brother don & wife kitty: 2 if i had to add kathy's grandchildren and lee's grandchildren, then hell if i know :P if i had to add kathy's grandchildren and lee's grandchildren, then hell if i know :P What about Gifford's grandchildren? :)
Matthew Scott Slawinski
· 20 years, 5 months ago
20 exactly I believe .... except my one uncle, I don't really know who's kids are whos...cause he has been remarried.� I think one of them is his.� That would be 21. �smatts
A girl named Becca
· 20 years, 5 months ago
My mom has 4 siblings, but two of them are childless. So I only have 8 cousins, 3 of whom are on my dad's side. I like all of them quite a lot, though, so I don't feel too deprived.
my grandmother tried to set me up with the cousin of my cousin once. no relation between us, i was related to the uncle, he to the aunt. but WEIRD. and i had a cousin from my mom's side once point out that we're not really related, so it'd be okay. but ew. wouldn't it be weird?
eww...though I have to say there is one. :) But still, it's weirds me out thinking about it.
I think there's a Straight Dope article about cousin intermingling and how it's not nearly as dangerous as portrayed and most countries allow it and we're just all reactionary about it as a culture. :) I mean...beyond the supposed genetic consequences (which aren't significant, according to what I was reading), what's the obstacle? The "ewww" factor? Is it growing up with them as "family"? What if it's a cousin you barely knew all your life and encounter them again as an adult? It's just interesting to look into what obstacles are based in facts or science and what is the squick factor of cultural taboos? Blah blah blah. Heee. I did have a crush on a cousin when�I was, like, 12. He's grown up to be kinda skeezy though. :)
what is the squick factor of cultural taboos
I was travelling with a first cousin once removed (my mom's first cousin) who's about 5 years older than me. We were in Jordan, and our guide suggested that we'd be a perfect match for marriage. We were kind-of grossed out, even though 1) he's my great uncle's step-son, so we're not actually biologically related and 2) we really didn't meet until I was in my late teens. so, yes on cultural taboos. (and a resounding no on squicking.)
well, in the case of this crush, there wouldn't be genetic consequences, as neither of us have a uterus. :) So it's totally cultural taboos in my feeling and he's still pretty darn cute today.
my mom has a half-sister she's never met.
i've always had a slightly squicky fear that I might meet this great guy, fall in love, blah balh blah, and then find out that we're related. o.O that's why it's good that I know chris' heritage ;-> everyone immigrated from poland. there's no way we're related. \o/
I've had a crush on 2nd cousins, but not so much on 1st cousins. Might be because one is a pool of 50+, and one is a pool of 4.
(insert gene pool joke here. i'm too lazy to think of one.)
i have had crushes on first cousins only insofar as i have had crushes on everybody.
but, i have a second cousin who is absolutely perfect. he's so amazing. i have wanted to marry him forever & i bet i still do. i have no problem with that (though others in my family might if we got together).
Let me explain a little... my maternal grandfather died 3 years before I was born...and by the time I was old enough to remember things, my maternal grandmother had already remarried my maternal grandfather's younger brother... making my own mother and I second cousins! And no, I have never had a crush on my mother, you sick bastards.
And "Eww!" on all of you that immediatedly leapt to physical and sexual interaction at my use of "crush". I am talking about plain old recognition of beauty and a sense of compatibility! Go washout with soap whatever appendage or orifice you deem appropriate. 8^)
but my mind is constantly in the gutter and there's no hope of it getting out of there. :)
· 20 years, 5 months ago
it depends.
my grandmother remarried when my mom was (8?) and the man she married had a bunch of kids. so, they aren't blood related, but my mom grew up with them. we rarely think about the fact that we aren't related. so. Dad's side 5 aunts and uncles. 13 cousins. mom's side. 1 uncle 2 cousins 6 aunts-uncles that she grew up with. cousins, i'm not sure. there's at least 6, which puts me over the 21 limit. but uncle shamy had a bunch of kids, with several different women, and it's possible that uncle clare did too. you may or may not count the aunts and uncles from my grandmother's second marriage. but considering my mom grew up with them, and i grew up calling them all aunts and uncles and cousins. i do.
me too...and there is a fewer than 5 option and a more than 5 option...they just don't love us.
Doktor Pepski, kommie
· 20 years, 5 months ago
I haven't really been close to my mother's side of the family, so I can't give a hard number on how many I have. *shrugs*
· 20 years, 5 months ago
It's interesting to see the world "real" used in place of "biological." As a member of a family where some of us are adopted, I guess I've become sensitized to that usage. Other families that have half-siblings and step relatives are also probably aware of when the word "real" is used.
i think hkath and i are the only ones who have used "real" in that context. and both of us were talking about our families with half-siblings and step relatives. i guess, i'm aware of it, but i usually don't think about it. when i think about "family" it isn't a question. but if i'm thinking about bloodlines, then i qualify statements. I guess what's also interesting, is i mentioned my sdtep-aunts and uncles, and i separated out my mother's half-sister, but my mother's brother is a half-brother, but i always forget that. my mom's side of the family is very interesting.
· 20 years, 5 months ago
I'm not actually sure.
It's 6-10. There's 1 on my Mumma's side. Then on my Dad's, there's Alan and Bobby (Aunt Betty's), and Mary and Stacey (Aunt Brenda's). And, uhm, Aunt Judy's kids. I think it's 2 or 3 boys. Much older than I am. And no one on Dad's side is that close to Judy. So, er, yeah. Now if you want to count second or third cousins, I have a lot more. But I totally lose track on my Dad's side, because they're not nearly as close knit as Mom's is.
· 20 years, 5 months ago
My mother is an only child, and each child in my father's family had 2 children. (my brother and I are the only mixed-gender brood; the others are 2 girls in my aunt's family and 2 boys in my uncle's family.
When you get to second cousins, the number is somewhere in the bazillions, though. =) I don't know them all, and I can't keep track of the ones I do know.
Interesting genetic factoid. If your parents didn't have any children the odds are you won't either.
ahhh, but if your parents didn't have any children, they wouldn't be your parents
Hence the statistic.� Not existing would make it extremely unlikely that one would reproduce.
that's weird, my father has 2 girls, his brother has 2 boys, and his sister has 1 boy and 1 girl :P now my sister has 1 kid and probably isnt having more. it's a boy. my other sister is pregnant and they think it's a girl. so if i only have one, wtf does that mean? :P
Will work for anime
· 20 years, 5 months ago
Uncle Thon - 2
Aunt Thuy - 3 Aunt Suong - 2 Aunt Von - 2 Aunt On - 5 Uncle Une - 1 Aunt Huong - 1 Aunt in Veitnam (i fogot her name) - 3 that's just on my mom's side...i have no first cousins on my dad's side. as for my husband..he has 7 in canada and at least that many if not more in england......family reunions for us are so much fun....................... You must first create an account to post.
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