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New Feature: Localized Forum

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New Feature: Localized Forum

Posted by: Josh Woodward on Sun, Oct 3, 2004

You can now easily talk and conspire with people in your area. You can plan local events, tell people about good local concerts, etc. Click for more information!

The new Get Local! Forum is a beta feature that lets you post new topics with specific locations attached. By default, you'll only see topics "centered" within a certain radius of your home base (and this can be configured).

An example: Let's say you live around Bowling Green, OH (like any self-respecting Fruhead) and you want to plan a get-together at Pollyeyes. You would post a new topic to this forum. When you are adding the message, it will also ask you for a city and a state. This will be used to filter to only people in your area.

I defaulted everyone who has listed their location to within 50 miles of their home base. You can change this, or even add other locations that you're interested in, from the forum.

Let me know if you see anything strange. The only bugs I know of right now:

  • The copy-to-email function doesn't work yet.
  • The local threads don't show up on the front page (and probably won't).
   Discussion: New Feature: Localized Forum
emilie is CRANKY · 20 years, 7 months ago


nate... Back · 20 years, 7 months ago
sheryls Back · 20 years, 7 months ago

mmm, butterysticksoflooooove.

with RANCH. the worlds THICKEST RANCH.

and a huge beer omg.

Matthew Scott Slawinski Back · 20 years, 7 months ago

Chicken n' cheese baby! chicken n cheese!! ......... pepperoni and cheese is good too ;)


sheryls Back · 20 years, 7 months ago

see, i think their chicken is gristly and i don't like it. their cheese is good, but my lactose intolerant self thinks it's a bit much with the ranch. so i choose one or the other, and i usually go with the ranch.

esp since it's like CONCENTRATED RANCH or something because it's TEN TIMES AS THICK AS ANY OTHER RANCH EVARRRRR!! :P

so just pepperoni in mine, kthx ;) with extra ranch.

omg ranch.

sheryls · 20 years, 7 months ago
Let's say you live around Bowling Green, OH (like any self-respecting Fruhead)

ahaha, josh, you rule :P
dave "buh" · 20 years, 7 months ago
Do active Localized threads for your area show up in the list of Active threads on your home page? That would be very useful.

tibbar · 20 years, 7 months ago
Great I am in the middle of no where compaired to the rest of you all. ~_~

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