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Poll: XPN Top 640 Poll - #47

Pride In The Name Of Love - U2 3 (17%)
Sweet Home Alabama - Lynyrd Skynyrd 1 (6%)
Positively 4th Street - Bob Dylan 1 (6%)
Paranoid Android - Radiohead 5 (28%)
Chelsea Morning - Joni Mitchell 1 (6%)
Kashmir - Led Zeppelin 0 (0%)
Good Vibrations - The Beach Boys 1 (6%)
American Pie - Don McLean 6 (33%)
For You - Bruce Springsteen 0 (0%)
Enola Gay - OMD 0 (0%)
   Discussion: XPN Top 640 Poll - #47
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 16 years, 2 months ago
Another poll that I have no clear choice on. The issue really is that it isn't always true that one song is better than another. They can't all be compared. They are good in different ways. So the ones grabbing me are:
  • Pride In the Name of Love
  • 4th Street
  • Chelsea Morning
  • Kashmir
  • Good Vibrations
  • American Pie
And the winner is .... American Pie. Want to start a thread discussing the symbolism?
Rachel Marie aka RAI Back · 16 years, 2 months ago
I know all about the symbolism, but as a former marching band member who hated our football players and thought that football games were a waste of my time, the line "The marching band refused to yield" held lots of obvious symbolism for me as a high schooler. 
J. Andrew World Back · 16 years, 2 months ago
 I am wondering why sweet home Alabama wasn't on your list or why it wasn't up against Neil Young's Southern Man.
Melanie the Goob · 16 years, 2 months ago
This time Radiohead wins.... not just because of the wonderful original song, but also because of a night many years ago at the Philadelphia Folk Festival when a guy named Mike and a girl named Selah played this song as a duet... and a girl named Vanessa played the part of the Android. Good times. The best times, in fact.
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 16 years, 2 months ago
One more vote for American Pie to break the tie and one for Kashmir, it doesn't deserve to be shutout.

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