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Music with dance magic!
Andrea Krause
· 18 years, 10 months ago
OK, in honor of my just dancing around my apartment like a sweaty madwoman to Kodachrome, howsabout y'all tell us what songs can you not resist dancing to? Ones that are just so infectious you at LEAST can't avoid bopping a bit, and if you're alone just have to full-out dance.
Kodachrome by Paul Simon is one of the most powerful for me. I just cannot NOT dance when it comes on. And I can't not smile either. :)
hee! i totally just made an enormous itunes playlist called "crazy underwear dance."
"Come on Eileen" by Dexy's Midnight Runners is a huge one for me.
Also "Dragostea din Tei" by O-Zone (AKA The Romanian Song). I'm sure there are a lot more but those are the most obvious to me.
100% dainty!
· 18 years, 10 months ago
Def Leppard - "Pour Some Sugar On Me"
Great Big Sea - "When I'm Up" Moxy Fruvous - "No No Raja"
Ooh, seconds on "When I'm Up"
And I'm gonna throw out "Breakfast at Tiffany's" by Deep Blue Something. It's a constant car-dancing song when I hear it.
K. D. Lurker
· 18 years, 10 months ago
I simply can't resist dancing around to most TMBG songs, but especially "Damn Good Times" and their cover of "Yeh Yeh!"
Yeah I was just dancing around to that one on Saturday.
oh, i love doing the "stand" dance. and doing any sort of stipey dance.
well it didn't until NOW. Jeez, woman. And I don't even own the soundtrack to purge my brain.
yeah, I DID. But I scrapped all my tapes in a move because I was JUST SO SICK OF TAPES OMG. :) So I need to get it on CD eventually.
There is a way you can transfer tapes to the computer. All you need is a dual prong headphone jack-like thing that they have at Radio Shack, a cassette Walkman (or any tape player will do as long as it has a headphone jack), the tape you wanna transfer, and some program (any good freeware?) that will capture the audio coming in. Finding a good freeware program that'll clear up the background hiss seems to be the hardest problem to solve.
yes. but then again, "magic dance" is way up there on my list of "songs with dance magic."
· 18 years, 10 months ago
I'm no Michael Jackson fan per se, but every time I hear "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" I lose it. Mamma-say-mamma-sah-mamakusah!
Oh, and whenever I'm at a sporting event or large group activity with my friend Graham, he tends to get everyone around him excited during the intro to YMCA, and then, when the chorus comes around, he messes up by shouting "C!" first, and then breaks down in tears. I think it's pretty funny.
Will work for anime
· 18 years, 10 months ago
My friend from college made up a drunken dance to "Snowman" that he swears he saw in a dream....oh those college dayz....so now every time i listen to that CD (granted that I'm not in my car) I have to do the "Snowman Dance"
Other must dance to songs include "Only the Good Die Young" "My Life" and "Uptown Girl" by Billy Joel and "Send me On My Way" by Rusted Root You must first create an account to post.
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