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So who are you going to vote for?
Bush / Cheney |
8 (12%) |
Gore / Lieberman |
61 (88%) |
is this a little late on purpose, or no?
anway, gore/lieberman all the way. :D sucks that they lost. i mean...i hope they win! i can't wait until election day this november 2000.... it'll be a cold day in hell when bush jr. takes the white house. and even if he does, he'll never get a second term....
*sigh*...wishful thinking. if only i could vote.
Gore did win. Remeber more people voted for Gore then they did for Bush.
I know. that's why the electoral college is stupid. well, it wasn't stupid back in the day. but it's outdated now. because we know who the candidates are, and we're informed. well....some of us. :P
Josh, is this your way of telling us to submit more polls?
I submitted one that hasn't been used yet... dunno if it sucked that bad... :-P
-- Pauley
ya me and caroline made one up called "who would you like to see perform naked at the superbowl halftime show?" and it didnt get accepted. depressing! now i wanna know who would win.
I'm voting Bartlet/Hoynes
or, failing that, I'm all for Vinick
what? stop looking at me like that.
· 19 years, 11 months ago
Would that we could vote for Bartlet again... *sigh*
I'm for Santos. You know that.
I admit that Vinick is a good fellow, and I understand your annoyance with the "Silverboltness" of Santos... But with Leo as VP? There's no ticket I'd rather my mark go down for.
OK, now you can stop looking at either of us like that. ;-)
Well, yes, I'm all for Leo for VP. I just don't want to hear any more "I am strong and honest. Vote for me for I am noble" speaches ;-)
Josh/Leo would be good
Josh/Sam would be great (although I doubt Rob Lowe would come back)
ok, ok, this is reading like bad West Wing slash *shudder*
It had been a long day, and Toby just needed to relax. As it happened, ace reporter Danny Concannon was working late.
*my brain*
Think of the fun they could have in a Vinick White House
They could bring back Ainsley Hayes, and maybe even have Donna join in the loyal oposition role (I think she's going to get Josh's or Sam's old job either way).
i havnt been following the west wing all season, and i didnt know bartlet's term was almost over. meh.. i just want matthew perry's character to come back. the second of his three episodes was really good.
Yep, it looks like they have half a season at most.
Although Leo might become VP.
If not, Alan Alda will be president.
well, that makes to for Bartlet.
If we are voting with time machines...
I remember doing the time warp...
· 19 years, 11 months ago
It's just a jump to the left...
and then a step to the right?
· 19 years, 11 months ago
put your hands on your hips.
definitely jefferson, but what about the election of 1828? i don't like jackson. i'd vote j.q. adams.
I know someone who isn't getting a job in the Jackson administration. Haven't you ever heard of the "spoils system?"
I have heard of the spoils system...I had to write an essay test thing on the Jackson administration. Haven't you ever heard of the "kitchen cabinet?" Jackson's a big fake...his real cabinet was a joke. a facade, if you will. ;)
wait...hold on a moment....Burr shot Hamilton. So he's not cool in my book. However, Jefferson makes up for Burr ten times over. so i maintain my position. :)
Sox Clinton for president. I'd rather him than most people.
I'd vote St. Francis of Assisi/Michael the Archangel. ... too bad they weren't american :-p
· 19 years, 11 months ago
Buddy for President. Socks for Vice President.
This is just getting ridiculous. Buddy or Socks for president. The presidency is a serious matter and not to be made light of. Neither Buddy or Socks can be president, neither of them is 35 years old. Or do dog years count? Are there cat years?
...and don't forget about buddy's criminal record - chasing cars, digging holes on public property.� Sock's caterwauling was just a misdemeanor and not a felony, but still, is that really the sort of character you want in a Presidential Catidate?
Where's the Mondale/ Ferraro ticket?
Since it didn't work out last year perhaps in '08:
what about
I find it refreshing that there's a candidate without a hidden agenda,
How could any think of voting for Bush/Cheney in the next election? Bush will not be eligible as he will have already served 2 terms.
· 19 years, 11 months ago
I'm still maintaining hope that the sprig of broccoli will make a miraculous recovery in '08.
What's the deal with the 4-day poll?
Another poll that won't die. Why is Josh punishing us? Should we make a human sacrifice to appease him?
You volunteering to be sacrificed? ;)
either way, I'm going to vote... that the poll be changed. :)
-- Pauley
this is getting pretty obnoxious.
Is josh just.... like, mad at us?
i submitted a poll a couple of weeks back & i NEVER submit polls & i promise it wasn't that bad, it at least didn't suck nearly as much ass as this one.
maybe he just wants to see us beg?
I'm willing.
And, if we can get back to every 3 days, I'll give up my first born.
it has recently been ever 2 days, so this 5 day poll that josh wrote seems to be a bit harsh. his songs are much better than this poll. is he trying to make some kind of a point that everyone is just missing? why would he put up a poll about an election that happened four and a half years ago? has anyone talked to him lately? is he posessed? o.O
· 19 years, 11 months ago
Talk to him about once weekly, on average.
To the best of my knowledge, he is not possessed.
Well there is the - er, - wait. Sorry. What is discussed After Amici stays After Amici. *nodnod* ;-)
Oooo...maybe he IS posessed!
That would explain the inhuman qualities of his sweet ass.
· 19 years, 11 months ago
I don't think he wants your first born. I think he just wants you on your knees... Begging I mean.
OK if the poll isn't changed tomorrow we have an agrarian revolt! we march with pitchforks and torches on Josh! or Pittsburgh. I can never tell the difference anyway.
Pitchforks.... a spade.....
guys, dont march on findlay. it's bad enough there as it is! ;) those poor folks are dealing with their second wal-mart. march on toledo. now THERE'S a place begging to be pitchfork'd.
· 19 years, 11 months ago
No! March on Oak Harbor!
Bring some excitement to my little corner of nowhere!
(And hey, then we could all hang out.)
maybe he's planning a big "to do" for the passover and can't be bothered with petty polls right now.
He's so popular sometimes, maybe we should forgive him
Don't hate him because he has a sweet ass....
The stroke of midnight passed, I came to FHDC with high expectations and found the poll still here. Josh, Why have you forsaken us?
· 19 years, 11 months ago
He didn't forsake you, he just... misremembered you.
I have it on good authority that a new poll should be up soon - hopefully today, in fact.
your good authority was right
· 19 years, 11 months ago
My good authority also tells me polls should be running on time for at least the next month or so.
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