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Poll: Which fruvous Album Should I Get For My Birthday? |
caroline: tired.
· 20 years, 1 month ago
My birthday is coming up. I discovered fruvous last year, and I want to get an album. I have b, bargainville, live noise, and ywgttm. Should I get Wood, Thornhill, or C*?
*(if I can find it...)
Well, out of two votes, yeah. :) I'll be it stays pretty close to unanimous for Wood, though. Bargainville got the most attention, but Wood is their masterpiece. Very, very yummy.
yep. i was leaning towards wood, because i've heard "down from above" and "present tense tureen" before, and really liked them. Also, horseshoes and fly are favorites of mine from live noise. one more thing: i was on FDC looking at the discography, and it said something about a wood box set. Im guessing it is going to be impossible to find now tho. probably only sold at shows or something. but there was a picture, and it was in this neat wooden box and came with a single of down from above. anyone know anything about this?
· 20 years, 1 month ago
Thornhill has its shining moments, but yeah. Wood is the masterpiece, and in some sense paves the way for the deeper songs on Thornhill.
yeah they're both sort of like the "mike misses his wife" songs.
. . I think. :)
caroline: tired.
· 20 years, 1 month ago
it's 12 for wood, one for C. looks like wood....by a landslide so far.
I'm not certifying the vote till the voting irregularities in Ohio are investigated.
I think there may still be some pregnant chads in Florida...maybe we should bring in the Supreme Court...
Yeah all those pregnant chads are not getting paid any child support from the deadbeat chad-dads.
There's no paper trail with this electronic voting. How do we know the results ain't been tampered with?
All the polls leading up to this poll have indicated that Wood is more popular than Thornhill or C.
That might be skewed, though. People who really like Wood tend to be pretty solid in that believe, and will enthusiastically answer that it's their favourite. But what about people who prefer Thornhill or C but are lukewarm to them? They might hang up on the pollsters, because they don't have as firm an opinion.
Exactly, perhaps Josh is getting kickbacks from the sales of Wood. Or is diebold have the contract on Fruhead voting?
Yeah and we can't forget how Indie Tape was shut out of the debates and forbidden from being put on the ballot in 39 states.
I already have ywgttm. and it rocks. so...rock on ywgttm lovers...its my fav so far..
100% dainty!
· 20 years, 1 month ago
I think it's funny how there are ZERO for Thornhill
It does have its shining moments, but still, doesn't do it for me across the board. I am reminded of Sunscreened Fruvous :) "Enjoy the power and beauty of Thornhill. Oh nevermind. You won't be able to grasp the power and beauty of Thornhill until Fruvous is long gone. But trust me, in thirty years, when the radio is playing nothing but Britney Spears-clone crap, you'll look back on that album, and realize the hidden gems it contained. "When she Talks" is NOT as annoying as you imagine."
well, i was thinking more of "Independence Day" and "My Poor Generation". :p
Well so was I actually. :) It just fit the parody.
And "I will hold on," I am quite partial to as well. For sentimentality.
Well so was I actually. :) It just fit the parody.
um, yeah. :D
*looks around*
not here! dammit! i hear there's one being planned in Toronto, though.
last i knew it was buried deep in your profile. (edit)however, it no longer appears to be there. this can only be construed as A Good Thing. *fear*
oh, right. i wouldn't want to be a book-burner. or even a rare-priceless-artefact-manuscript-burner.
thanks for reminding me of my non-censorship roots.
Tom Lehrer put it best, we have to defend it on high moral grounds but the truth is that smut if fun,.
hey, you guys chose where this whole thing went...I just asked a question. and for crissakes, i'm turning 14....
i don't need to know what you are doing at the moment. or what you have done or are planning to do, for that matter.
ahhh, but then there's what we joke about doing or planning to do. :)
this place is sort of Silly Tangent City. you'll get used to it. :)
as opposed to an Evil Cosine City. Those pesky functions.
LOOK! A Bunny!
Cosines are not evil, they are misunderstood. Believe me I know my students never understand them.
i hate cosine....i had to use it for science fair. even tho i didn't know what it was...took me 2 hours to figure it out.
and for crissakes, i'm turning 14....
yay! we're not age-ist. :)
Gordondon son of Ethelred
· 20 years, 1 month ago
Yay two other people voted for C. I just didn't want Thornhill coming in second. Come on, one more vote for C.
Well for one thing before it was released I ran into Jian before a show and he told me that the new album was for me. Of course BNL said the same thing about their first album.
haha i would love to hear that, even if i knew it wasnt true.
I would like to meet Jian in any way, shape, or form. Or anyone else from Fr�vous, for that matter. So believe me, you are very lucky. In fact, being at any live Fr�vous show would be amazing. Because of my age and my late discovery of Fr�vous, I found out about them last year, and by then they had already been on "hiatus" for awhile... Just read my profile. I've explained it so many times to you nice, welcoming, people I've grown just a little tired of telling my little story. Anyway, Jian is amazing. I dunno what it is about him. especially the things i've heard about him, and fr�vous in general, how very kind and thoughtful they are. Jian is cute too. :p ;) And I promise if this leads to playful Jian-teasing, I won't get mad. pinky-swear. yes, it's juvinile. but oh-so fun...And C, well, I've never heard C. I may've heard a few songs. Is Guinea Pig on C? 'cause i've heard that. it's a great song. But I also love I Will Hold On. which is on thornhill. I think. I don't have thornhill either. there's somthing i like on every album, i believe. At least the ones i've heard.
Edit: i figured out what it is about Jian. There's this "jian grin" that just makes me smile. i don't know why. it just is...happy. and cute. sorry, i'm driveling.
I just figured this out while looking at a picture. i noticed that in three pictures, there was this same jian grin thing happening. and i knew that was why he's so awesome.
Yes Guinea Pig is on C. Mike did it at his solo show on Friday. Dave Joined him.
thought so. thanks. of course i could've looked it up, but oh well. thanks. i wish i had been there. sadly, i was...hmm. i was at indoor soccer i think. that's usually what i do on fridays this time of year. anyway, since i can't drive or fly, or teleport, i wasn't.
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