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The Giddies

   Discussion: The Giddies
Andrea Krause · 20 years ago

OK, Just going to geek out right now.� I'm listening to live Fruvous for the first time in ages and it's just putting this profound joy into my chest. LIke, I can actually feel the happy. Anyway...this also happens to me with the Beatles and XTC...these are my favorite bands and I know that but I'll let them slide for so long while I listen to other things that are new to me. It's like an old friend you lose touch with because you know they'll always be there and you're off meeting new friends at college or something. :) I dunno. But...when I go back and listen to these groups I am overwhelmed with how much I love the music and how much I've missed listening. It's a very strong physical reaction.

It's also happened to me recently to a lesser degree with BFF and BNL.

So am I crazy? Does this happen to y'all too? And what bands/artists inspire the reaction in you? What old friends do you need to get in touch with? :)

sheryls Back · 20 years ago

oh, of course it happens :P it happens with fruvous shows and albums, and i'll smile and sing along and remember that one show where that one person did that really funny thing and then we all went to that one restaurant, remember that? and the waiter did the thing where..

you get my drift. memories flood back and it brings joy into my heart :)

Also, sometimes i'll play a james album that i havent heard in a long time, and i'll rediscover the meaning in a song, or get a new meaning now that time has passed and my lessons learned are different. and the music makes my chest swell and the tears prickle behind my eyes and i couldnt� be happier...

my old friends i need to get in touch with are definately James, along with Anything Box, and Spiritualized.

hkath Back · 20 years ago
i'll smile and sing along and remember that one show where that one person did that really funny thing and then we all went to that one restaurant, remember that? and the waiter did the thing where..

And there was NO COFFEE. And NO, they couldn't make MORE.
sheryls Back · 20 years ago

? was i there for that one?

i remember going to the purple unicorn (is that the name?) which was nice and dark in case you're too hung over, after sleeping on the hardwood floor because AJ snored too loud :P

hkath Back · 20 years ago
You must have been there, because it was at the legendary Pollyeyes. Obviously it didn't scar you quite so much as it did me or AJ (who I believe was the person most in need of coffee).

Damn, I hate when my stupid little jokes go right over somebody's head...
sheryls Back · 20 years ago

i'm sorry, i'm actually terrible with remembering things, i do this all the time. people say "remember when we were in X city and Y thing happened?" and i'm like "um. no."

i'm just as bad with movies. if i've seen a movie once, i'll be damned if i can remember what it was about or who was in it, much less be able to quote it.


John: *witty quote from movie we watched last night*
Me: "wtf are you talking about?"
John: "It's from the movie we watched last night?"
Me: "oh."
John: "Remember when Major Actor said to Hot Blonde that he blah blah blah?"
Me: ""

..but if i watch it again? i have it practically memorized.

A.J. Back · 20 years ago
I don't think you were there Sheryl. Some people went to your house and some people went with Josh to Pollyeyes. We were in the latter, and then when Tobey decided to go to sleep rather than party, we wanted to go to to your house but we didn't know where it was and had no phone number. So all we did was look for BUNNIES!!!!!
sheryls Back · 20 years ago

oh. good. because i totally felt like an ass there :P

so while that was going on, Misch was at my place breaking my futon. right :D

A.J. Back · 20 years ago
Misch broke your futon? You guys must have been awefully excited. ;P
sheryls Back · 20 years ago

i believe he was the cherry on top of a pile of people.

my roomate was pissed :P

..hey, i thought it was funny.

hkath Back · 20 years ago
Whoopsies, I'm sorry. You weren't even there. Mehee.
Talcott Back · 20 years ago
I'm still kicking myself for not going to the Pollyeyes meeting afterwards.

Then again, I was too busy trying to get a friend to admit she liked the show ;-)
*ducks flying objects*
meh Back · 20 years ago
Ok, so you? Would've had fun.
I probably would've been put into shock, and run screaming from the fandom, never to reveal how much fun I'd had at the show. *nodnod*

*um, hides*
Songbill Back · 20 years ago
I haven't gotten the giddies over Fruvous in a long time. I've tried, but I wore that music out sooo much over a period of years.
sheryls Back · 20 years ago
for me it's more the memories than the music itself.
Ligeia Lester Back · 20 years ago
how can you NOT get the giddies from Moxy Fruvous?! I just don't get it. I mean, I DO get it. I get the giddies every time!! I love it the most, tho, when its been a good long while since I listened to it, and I'd forgotten how fabulous the music is. yum!
zil · 20 years ago
led zepplin, beatles, janis joplin, rancid, RAM, cyprus hill, Bare jr, fruvous! some of my other wicked favorites I don't ever lose touch with because I always keep them close at hand like: phish, modest mouse, mmmulvey, joshw, olivia tremmor control, ben harper...
100% dainty! · 20 years ago
Oh it totally happens to me. Definitely with Fruvous, and with BNL at times. Old Skool Susan Werner (like REEEALLY old skool. Pre-LOTGSG) The cute songs of the Arrogant Worms. And Jimmy Buffett. And TFIA.
goovie is married! · 20 years ago
fruvous and dvn, especially. and the nields and dar. and rem rem rem. and the monkees.
lawrence · 20 years ago
usually when I listen to whole albums, though. I can hear individual Fruvous songs and it doesn't affect me all that much, but when I sit down and play Bargainville, I'm immediately brought back to Frutripping and the whole Fruvous experience.

The other day, I listened to TMBG's album, Lincoln all the way through, something I don't do often - I used to have it on cassette tape, though, and had no choice in how I listened to it. It was weird hearing songs like Santa's Beard and You'll Miss Me that I otherwise never listen to anymore, but that somehow brought something back for me.

It also tends to happen when I'm playing guitar. I'll flip through my chord book and play a song I've not played in 5 years. And I'll gain a new appreciation for it, or I'll arrange it differently than I did before (because 5 years ago, I was, well, still rather inexperienced as a guitar player) and it's fresh and new again, and feels great.
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 20 years ago
Hedwig always makes me happy.
dirty life & times · 20 years ago
i get the giddies from fruvous, bnl, the beatles, janis joplin & paul simon, but it doesn't always happen when i put their albums in.

i get the most giddy when they suddenly come on the radio, or a sound system where i'm at, cause i didn't plan it & it's just a joyous surprise when it happens.

i was visiting friends at my old college in seattle awhile back, & i was left stranded reading in the cafe while everyone else was in classes... & suddenly they played a whole shwack of "gordon" & i felt so happy & like dancing (& canadian).
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 20 years ago
This was a rare friday when I'm home and I saw The Avengers on BBCA. Hearing the opening theme and seeing Steed give Mrs. Peel the note saying, "Mrs Peel we are needed." Made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I've always loved that show.

The original Star Trek theme does the same thing for me.
Bender Back · 20 years ago
the Star Trek Voyager theme does for me, for some reason
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 20 years ago
That's because you are an embryo.

I'm geeky enough to know that Alexander Courage wrote the Star Trek Theme and Laurie Johnson wrote the Avengers.
soul groove feline · 20 years ago
most of You Will Go To The Moon makes me squeeful. i'll always remember packing for my first falconridge while playing the YWGTTM tape i won at my first frucon.

derek harrison · 20 years ago
fruvous of course, even though it wasnt 2 years ago when i discovered them, but they were the first of a huge wave of musical exploration that just recently slowed down, so a few weeks ago i started putting fruvous cds back in and it made me giddy.
anyway, i must admit blink182 does it to me. im not someone whos just grown up with music and its always been around in my life, i started listening to music at about the age of 11 or 12. among the few bands i listened to in the early months (greenday, everclear, acdc, godsmack, and limp bizkit) was blink182, and that were the only band who actually stuck with me. i've loosely followed their career since then, and last week i listened to their two latest cds and tom's boxcar racer cd. i got the giddies.

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