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Magazines |
Gordondon son of Ethelred
· 20 years, 5 months ago
I think we've done this before but these things change.
What magazines and periodicals do you read regularly?
For me its:
For me...
Entertainment Weekly Utne Reader Paste Magazine Time Out New York Social Work
stuff magazine fhm (i swear they're my boyfriend's. but in my tireless efforts to avoid homework, i do end up reading them every time.) i don't subscribe to any magazines, but i always get a magazine when i go on a trip. these include, jane vanity fair gq when i'm at my partner's folks' house, canadian vogue the new yorker when i'm at my folks' house, newsweek the new york review of books.
next year when we have money, i intend to pick back up on:
Paste Mental Floss Newsweek (International Edition, if possible)
Josh Woodward
· 20 years, 5 months ago
Tape Op is the only one I ever read. And only then because they send me it free. I guess I'm not much of a magazine guy.
goovie is married!
· 20 years, 5 months ago
but i like to read:
dirty linen entertainment weekly bust venus pistil and i also dig fashion magazines and teen magazines, because i am twelve.
Kat Kunz
· 20 years, 5 months ago
...so much so that if I skip a week, I get woefully behind. woe! it also means I don't do a lot of other reading:
time newsweek (subscribed through 2013! and I have no idea how that happened) jane blender spin rolling stone a free trial subscription to entertainment weekly a free trial subscription to golf digest health (when I can... I usually just skim... same goes for readers' digest)
They say they're good. I've only got 2 issues of it so far (6 issues/year). They don't accept any advertising either, so they basically try to stay independent (ala Underwriters Laboratory). They may praise a particular OXO product in one article, then go on to trash a different OXO product in another article. The recipies are thouroughly tested too, and are quite good.
I recommend picking up a copy at a newsstand first, though that will set you back about $4.50 or so.
100% dainty!
· 20 years, 5 months ago
It's all about Adbusters for me.
mmmm, canadian anti-corporation Situationist political goodness. You must first create an account to post.
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