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create your very own band!

   Discussion: create your very own band!
emilie is CRANKY · 20 years, 1 month ago

i finally got around to developing my USA pics (except for the last roll, which was still in my camera. bah). they're mostly lame, but as soon as i find a space to put the good ones up, they will be here for all to see. bully for you. :D

in the meantime, i have an exercise for you all in the spirit of those fark photoshop threads.�make an album cover from the following picture. at the very least, they need a band name and an album title. funniest one wins a magical prize, or something. :D

Josh Woodward Back · 20 years, 1 month ago
Misch Back · 20 years, 1 month ago
Oh, I am so in this... if I only had some extra time...
100% dainty! Back · 20 years, 1 month ago
Band Name: Ned and The Corresponding Ovals
Album Name: You Insensitive Clod!
Songbill · 20 years, 1 month ago
I sorted through my record collection and found this:

ChrisChin is Getting Old Back · 20 years, 1 month ago
LMAO! Very Awesome! I wanna hear Chariots of Fire!
sheryls Back · 20 years ago

i, personally, am holding out for "jumpin jack flash."

:D that *rules*

Josh Woodward Back · 20 years, 1 month ago
You, sir, are a genius. :-D
Kris 'engaged' Bedient Back · 20 years, 1 month ago
that rawks! it looks really good too.
Andrea Krause Back · 20 years ago
*now loves Bill even more than she did before, which was a lot*
nate... Back · 20 years ago
That is SO freakin awesome. :D

goovie is married! Back · 20 years ago
that? is the best thing i've ever seen.
100% dainty! Back · 20 years ago
I highly agree. Holy crap you're a genius!!
emilie is CRANKY Back · 20 years ago

*wheeze* *wheeze*

dude. that is freakin' AMAZING. :D

iPauley Back · 20 years ago
Bill wins.

[/fark cliche]

-- Pauley
Misch Back · 20 years ago
Oh great... now I'm going to have to do a photoshop with the squirrel for this to be a real Fark contest. :p
emilie is CRANKY Back · 20 years ago
come onnnnn already. make something. *folds arms* *taps foot*
iPauley Back · 20 years ago

Damn. :-P LOL

-- Pauley
emilie is CRANKY Back · 20 years ago


well. that certainly is, um, something.

:D :D :D

emilie is CRANKY Back · 20 years ago
haha. *tackleschnuggles*
iPauley Back · 20 years ago

-- Pauley
Songbill Back · 20 years ago
Now that I think of it, I should have added "Going the Distance" by Cake to the tracklisting. Oh well... next time.
emilie is CRANKY · 20 years ago
for anyone interested, i've whacked a whole bunch of my photos up here. hopefully there'll be some more at some point. :)

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