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Poll: Lawrence needs a Utilikilt.

Yes, he must free hinself from the bondage of pants. 9 (69%)
No I don't 4 (31%)
   Discussion: Larence needs a Utilikilt
J. Andrew World · 20 years, 8 months ago

As desided at Falcon Ridge, Lawrence needs a utilikilt.� Lawrence has disided that he doesn't want one.� However, we, as Lawrence's freinds, *MUST* free him from the bondage of pants.�� Plus, he would look totally hot in a kilt.

lawrence Back · 20 years, 8 months ago
uh, sorry, this is not appropriate. please take it down.

and another thing. you are seriously deluded if you think YOU are my friend. my friends don't photoshop me onto stupid pictures and then post them for the entire internet to see.

next time, why don't you think before you post.
Jºnªthªn Back · 20 years, 8 months ago
oh relax. Clearly your underwear is WAY too tight, so the Utilikilt might do you some good. .oO Oh, I'm Free... Free-balling...Oo.
Samantha · 20 years, 8 months ago
hoooooooooooly christmas. Down boys!

Utilikilts are great.. just not when photoshopped onto non-consenting victims.

I think all parties involved in photoshopping or disagreeing with the opinion of the said photoshopped kilt-wearer.. need to grow up.

to you who who has been photoshopped [cause unfortunately, I don't know you]... Sorry on behalf of the aforemantioned.

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