I like the Neilds as performers. They have always been a solid performance, but
they did a mixed job as Fr�vous at Transperformance.
The Good:
River Valley: It was a good choice of song that wasn't dependant of 4 part
harmony. It show cased the Neild's streingths.
"Hello Boston": Nerissa perfectly capured Jian's Persona, dispite the fact that Dave
hower as Murray was playing the drums.
Katrina wore "Mike Shoes":The costumes was good. However Neressa went
as "Jian from the Bargainville Era" Dave Hower wore a Murray Shirt even though
he played a kit drum, Katrina was mike, right down to his shoes and Dave
Chalfant was Dave Matheson. They did a good job as dressing up as the lads!
The Bad:
King of Spain: I hate to say this but dispite doing down to the Into of King of spain
it flopped because the daves can't really sing. Chalfant did a ok job and Hower
Kept missing his Cues.
2 part harmonies?: KoS is an accapella song yet there was only 2 part harmonies.
If I was the neilds I would have recruted "The Moxy Fr�vous back up singers"
Any questions? I video taped it so I am way up on this! ;)