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Poll: Name my kitty!

Romeo 1 (3%)
Orsino 3 (8%)
Othello 17 (46%)
Some other Shakespeare character 10 (27%)
Shakespeare is stupid 6 (16%)
   Discussion: Name my new kitty!
K-Lyn · 21 years ago

OK, I need your help again. We just got a new kitty and can't pick a name. In our family like to name our cats after Shakespearean characters (so we have had Phebe, Orlando, Puck and Hero so far). This one is proving a challenge.� I've given the top three options. They had been calling him Nemo in the shelter (????) so we like the idea of ending with an 'o' so as not to confuse him to much� but then...a cat by any other name will still ignore you.

Details (Photos are in my profile)

5 months old

black, but with grey patches (as if he were�really back but had been playing in powder)� and green eyes

ChrisChin is Getting Old Back · 21 years ago
oooh...he's sooo cute...he just looks like an Othello. First Shakespeare character that popped into my head (without even really paying attention to the choices, mind you).
Phoenix Back · 21 years ago

*so* cute. I can only go along with Chris. A perfect Othello! (the last poll option really gave me the creeps though:)

K-Lyn Back · 21 years ago
I placed it there as a joke but someone selected it! Ack!
Nik Chaikin · 21 years ago
Puck, he just looks so mischevious.
K-Lyn Back · 21 years ago
We've already had a Puck in the family and this little guy doesn't even come close! My aunt went through 4 sets of curtains 2 sofas in his lifetime. Have always loved the name though. We used to call him Puckster.
Josh Woodward · 21 years ago
Because that one's already taken ;-)
Andrea Krause Back · 21 years ago

Hamlet's such a pretty*runs from sara*

Sara Woodward Back · 21 years ago
you better run! i just don't understand how anyone thinks my cat looks like a girl. yes, he's fluffy, but he acts like such a boy, and i've never seen him with a girly expression on his face. he is handsome, but looks nothing like a girl cat. i just don't see it...
zil Back · 21 years ago
... ;-) I think he looks a BIT femmy.
Andrea Krause Back · 21 years ago
I think it's mostly because the lighter a cat is in color the more I think they're girly. Most boy cats I know have been dark in color. :)
Bruce Rose Back · 21 years ago
I have to object.� We have two cats, Pharaoh (male, Siamese mix... mostly white) and Empress (female, Burmese mix... all black).
Andrea Krause Back · 21 years ago

I'm not saying it's true or logical, just that my experience has colored (heh) my perception of the kitty gender issue. :) Thus, to me, Hamlet looks like a pretty girl! :)

Mamalissa! Back · 21 years ago
don't be silly. all cats are girls. dogs are the boys.
zil Back · 21 years ago

is grovers tail back to normal?

Josh Woodward Back · 21 years ago
Heh, no.. he's just going to have to be my rat-tailed kitten.
zil Back · 21 years ago

oh poor groverkitten...

;-) do the make fur plugs for kittens? like hair plugs for men? *snort* will he start doing a comb over?

Joe Navratil · 21 years ago
...with Yorick. But that's probably just because I've been reading too many comic books recently.
Nik Chaikin · 21 years ago
K-Lyn · 21 years ago

From non-fruheads we have Tarquin and Reynaldo suggested. We likfe both. Feel free to add comments on those if you like or dislike...

Bruce Rose · 21 years ago
Unfortunately, I'm not really into Shakespeare.� My short time at the engineering school wasn't occupied with literary pursuits.� I like the names Mercutio and Petruchio, but I don't remember much about either character.
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 21 years ago
Don't name hill Othello, he'll get jeaous and strangle you.
K-Lyn Back · 21 years ago

*I* like Mercutio too...but it's a hard sell to my mom. She doesn't like Othello now either because he was a 'bad guy' and she can't name a sweet little kitten after a murderer. To which I pointed out that Tarquin, her other momentary fave was not only a murderer but a violent rapist...

Now she likes Nym.

I can't keep up. We only have 24 hours to figure out the name as we all agreed that he needed a name when we take him to the vet so they can start a file on him and he isn't just "Kitty Thompson". ick.

I'll lobby for Mercutio and see what happens.

stealthlori Back · 21 years ago

I wasn't sold on Mercutio until I took a look at little wee kitty.� He's TOTALLY a Mercutio.� And he's beautiful and dignified looking, too.

Bender Back · 21 years ago
Dude!� That was my reaction, too!� Mercutio all the way!
goovie is married! Back · 21 years ago
i agree. :)
Will work for anime Back · 21 years ago's been a few years since my senior yr in HS when we read Othello, but i didn't think�Othello was the "bad guy"...Iago was.� Othello just acted�upon his�"tragic flaw" of jealousy beacuse of all the stuff Iago orchestrated to ruin him.

That been said, your kitty definatly looks like an Othello

Andrea Krause · 21 years ago

How about Oberon?

jen · 21 years ago
Phoenix Back · 21 years ago
hmm. according to Kristy the kitty is a he but why not being creative:)
As I rarely post without a musical reference -Here it is.
jen Back · 21 years ago

oops, didnt read :)

Mollie Back · 21 years ago
How about Ophelio...the masculine form of Ophelia? Okay, okay, doesn't work.
Misch · 21 years ago
Helium. I see its two eyes sitting there, nd it makes me think of the nucleus of the helium atom. (I know you Star Trek: TNG fans are probably thinking "two eyes in the dark, one eye circles is HYDROGEN!", but I don't care. It's just a name!)
renita Back · 21 years ago

you caught me :)
Joy- new picture! · 21 years ago

Looking at this kitty, two names spring to mind.

1. Ariel (again withh the sprite name)

2. Proteus (sneaky fellow from Two Gents. Really interesting character. Name reffers to the God of Change)

K-Lyn · 21 years ago

Well, we promised he'd have a name before we take him for is first vet visit and when it came down to it the name he responded to that we could all agree on was Claudio (Much Ado). Of course when we went to sign in the gal tried to spell it C L A W...

Well, that's the good news. The bad news is he has ringworm!?!?!?!?�� Has anyone else had to deal with this? I've been cleaning and doing laundry for 5 hours now. Sheesh. It's a good thing he's so cute and has such a great personality...If I come down with it I might have to pull an Othello and smother HIM with the pillow...ok, I couldn't do way. I'm already hooked but it's going to be a tough couple of weeks!

Laura P. Back · 21 years ago

�Of course when we went to sign in the gal tried to spell it C L A W...

My brother's cat is named Clawed LeMew

Rachel Marie aka RAI Back · 21 years ago
That. Is awesome.

I once had a hamster named M.C. Hamster.

Gotta love corny pet names. :o)
K-Lyn Back · 21 years ago

My friends in college had a dalmation named Spot and a tabby cat named Stripe.

I dug it.

Yvonne Back · 21 years ago
My family's cats are Dusty and Rusty.� One's grey and white and the other is an orange tabby.� It's very fitting.� :)
Jillian Bird Back · 21 years ago

>The bad news is he has ringworm!?!?!?!?�� Has anyone else had to deal with this?

About a year ago, we got a $90 chinchilla and had to spend over $300 in vet bills to get rid of her ringworm.� It made her loose all her hair on her nose.� Trust me, a chinchilla with a bald spot looks *weird*

Samantha · 21 years ago
K-Lyn Back · 21 years ago
It was discussed, although eventually shot down due to the new Harry Potter reference that it holds as well...Can't name a�sweet little kitty after a Malfoy!

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