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Torrent request!! anyone?

   Discussion: Torrent request!! anyone?
100% dainty! · 21 years ago

Hi! Does anyone have the Philly Folk Festival 1999 concert taped that they could make into a torrent for us to download?

Or the upper merion 1998 concert (at the gazebo. the "gazebo to gazebo world tour")

i would *love* to have those concerts, ESPECIALLY the PFF one b/c it was the only one I was at.

nate... Back · 21 years ago
I know this is nitpicky.... and.. I actually even feel like an asshole for saying it... but... it would rock if you could actually include the date...

as in:

Philly folk fest is: 8/29/99

Upper Merion is: umm.. actually.. I can't find it... hrm.

But yeah, that said... I will look at my tapes when I'm back to my room. :)

100% dainty! Back · 21 years ago

Sorry! I didn't know the date of the upper merion one. I believe it's june of 1998 though.�

should have known the folk fest one. lo siento.

100% dainty! Back · 21 years ago
yes :)
*joolee* Back · 20 years, 11 months ago
Heehoo!� I was at both those concerts! :D
goovie is married! · 21 years ago
does anyone have these shows:
4/30/00 allentown symphony hall, allentown
5/2/00 rams head, annapolis
6/2/00 vault, baltimore
6/3/00 appel farm
A.J. Back · 21 years ago
Not nescessarily for a torrent, but does anybody have a copy of the Martyrs show from 10/10/98 that was webcast? I used to have a copy I made from the RealAudio files when they were avialable, but someone decided that James Marsters needed it more than I did and gave it away. So I need a new copy. The same thing happened with the 2/21/99 Frucon 2 Sunday show. Is anyone planning on torrenting that one?
John J. Ryan Back · 21 years ago

Damn Spike for�taking a bit out of�Fruvous!

A.J. Back · 21 years ago
Indeed! I mean I'm as happy to have him converted as anyone else, but not with irreplacable discs!
Adam Hartfield Back · 18 years, 10 months ago
Deadest of the dead threads...but I do have the 10/10/98 Martyrs webcasted show.. both audio and video. Unfortunately they're in Mono.... Both files are about 40 MB. The bonus in the audio is that the raffle for the chess set with the Nields is included! If anyone has hosting space I could upload the files.

"Ronald Maruszak! Here he is on stage!"

"Take it away, Nerissa!"
" ... "
" ... "

A.J. Back · 18 years, 10 months ago
OMG! 2 years later you replied! Yay! Could you you possibly yousendit me the audio file? I used to have it burned onto a CD, but then someone *coughLisacough* decided to give it away as a gift to James Marsters at some Buffy convention. :-\

[email protected]

dgodwin Back · 18 years, 10 months ago
I'll be torrenting both the audio and the video shortly. Look for it soon.
Adam Hartfield Back · 18 years, 10 months ago
Thanks Dan. :) More people can enjoy it that way.

Does anyone know if this show was recorded by a "real" taper? I've never seen any mention of it....
Paul D. Beasi · 21 years ago
12/07/97 - Iron Horse; Northampton, MA
12/06/97 - Met Cafe; Providence, RI
06/05/98 - Valentine's; Albany, NY
07/25/98 - Styleen's Rhythm Palace; Syracuse, NY (don't think it exists)

And ones previously mentioned:

10/31/98 - Iron Horse; Northampton, MA
10/30/98 - Iron Horse; Northampton, MA

Fruvous and Dan Bern's sets:

01/02/99 - The Bottom Line; New York City, NY
01/01/99 - The Bottom Line; New York City, NY
12/31/98 - The Bottom Line; New York City, NY
Agent Scully Back · 21 years ago
07/25/98 - Styleen's Rhythm Palace; Syracuse, NY (don't think it exists)

That was such a great show!

I'll add another styleen's show request December 5, 1997


12/31/97 Hard Rock Cafe Niagara Falls, NY
dgodwin Back · 21 years ago

I have 07/25/98�on cd.� I think I got it from Jordan.�� GregM from rochester taped the show, and it wasn't the greatest quality to begin with.� Additionally. my CDs�have a few dropouts, etc.� However, If you'd like, I can upload the show.�

If Jordan has a copy on DAT, or a better CD copy, I think it would be better for him, or Greg (the taper) to upload the show.� I don't know if either are able to seed torrents though.

Paul D. Beasi Back · 21 years ago
I'll take whatever I can get. :)

You rock!
Agent Scully Back · 21 years ago
Me too!

Dan is God!

As opposed to Clapton. ;)
roB! "Rob" Johnson Back · 21 years ago

12/07/97 - Iron Horse; Northampton, MA
12/06/97 - Met Cafe; Providence, RI

Already had 12/06/1997 queued up and I can add 12/07/1997 as well.
Paul D. Beasi Back · 21 years ago
Awesome. Thanks!
nate... Back · 21 years ago
I'll take care of 6/5/98.

Paul D. Beasi Back · 21 years ago
Wow you guys are all awesome. :)
lawrence · 21 years ago
6/4/00 - did they ask us not to share it at all, or just the video? (I guess this one is moot if we can't share any of it)
4/20/00 - featured in the CBS Sunday Morning segment
2/19/00 - Frucon 3 set
11/27/99 - the live debut of B&B (er, that wasn't in their "no taping" run, was it?)
9/17/99 - just a generally great show
Paul D. Beasi Back · 21 years ago
I have the 11/27/99 show, but I know for a fact it was taped by people with far better equipment than I had at the time, not to mention the fact there was a really annoying rattle coming from a vent right near me.
nate... Back · 21 years ago
I'm all over 11/27/99.

Mark Back · 21 years ago

I have the 9/17/99 Magic Bag Show... No idea how to set up a torrent though. If you want to set up a trade FruMessage me.


stealthlori Back · 21 years ago

> 6/4/00 - did they ask us not to share it at all ...

I think the question is moot, since there was no audiotaping and the video sound is considerably less than ideal.

hkath · 21 years ago
I know someone posted the 11/27/99 Zaphod's show, but the one I really want is the 11/26/99 show at Zaphod's. Really. Really really. And I'm sure it's doable and of considerable quality, since the 11/27 show sounds so smooth and professional and wonderful and amazing... (flatter-flatter).

nate... Back · 21 years ago
alas, I was only there the second night.... but, I'm sure SOMEONE taped 11/26.

hkath Back · 21 years ago
Yes... you're right... Mr. Chad "make sure the tape is ok while I puke" Mahoney taped it.

Now... where is he?
nate... Back · 21 years ago
Mr. Chad "make sure the tape is ok while I puke" Mahoney


Agent Scully Back · 21 years ago
Paul B also taped it. (I believe since I got a copy on CD from him)
hkath Back · 21 years ago

*looks longingly at Paul*

(no, not that way, geez people get your minds out of the gutter)
Paul D. Beasi Back · 21 years ago
You better look more longingly at Nate, since he has my MiniDisc player right now. ;)

I did not keep a copy of the CD I made and since it would have been an analog conversion at the time, it wouldn't have been that great anyway.
hkath Back · 21 years ago
*looks at Chrissy longingly*

oh wow. I just realized I had a dream that Chrissy came to Frucon!! It was so great!! I miss you girl! :D
100% dainty! Back · 20 years, 11 months ago
So . ..any luck on the Folk Fest 99 tape?
Jason Reiser Back · 20 years, 11 months ago

Philadelphia Folk Festival is hard core anti-taping.� That's not to say that tapes aren't made there anyway, but the mainstage ones I've heard rarely sound good.� Chris and I both taped the '97 Philly Fest but that was the last time I'll pay to go to that dump.

100% dainty! Back · 20 years, 11 months ago
Okay thanks for the info!

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