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Poll: What band has come closest to replacing Fruvous in your life?

Great Big Sea 7 (7%)
Eddie From Ohio 10 (10%)
Da Vinci's Notebook 5 (5%)
They Might Be Giants 2 (2%)
The Nields 2 (2%)
Ben Folds 3 (3%)
Guster 1 (1%)
Peter Mulvey 6 (6%)
Somebody else 26 (27%)
Nobody has come close 34 (35%)
   Discussion: What band has come closest to replacing Fruvous in your life?
Josh Woodward · 21 years ago
Because he da man.
Andrea Krause Back · 21 years ago
hear, frickin' hear.
Nik Chaikin · 21 years ago
lawrence · 21 years ago
sure, when I traveled to see them, I mostly saw JUST Fruvous, but now there isn't any one band I go see that consistently. I think pretty much everyone in this list has collectively replaced Fruvous.
Rachel Marie aka RAI Back · 21 years ago
Agreed, fake triplet. In my span of knowledge of Fr�vous to their hiatus, I think I saw them 5 times. I've seen Guster once, DVN once, "The Nields" once (Folk Fest last year... it was just the girls), Dar Williams once, John Flynn twice, BNL once (going to see them again on 3.3.04 though), am going to see GBS 4.3.04... So all of them really. They're... just not... as Fr�vous. :o(

I miss them. ::sigh::
stealthlori Back · 21 years ago

No *energy* to replace them, here.

Seriously.� It was great, and I got y'all out of it, and that's more important than the severe damage to the wallet, the car, and the calendar.� But.� Constantly planning roadtrips�was not a sustainable lifestyle for more than a couple of years, and i wouldn't do it for another band.����I probably wouldn't even do it again for Fruvous.� If they came off hiatus i'd stick to local shows, occasionally travel on weekends to someplace within 200 miles, and catch summer festivals.� That's all.� Yeah.� erm.� ;)�

Andrea Krause Back · 21 years ago
I think that's the case with a lot of us. Because we' :)
stealthlori Back · 21 years ago
and lazy.� you forgotsed lazy.
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 21 years ago
That's all I ever did. I only travelled to see friends, which of course I still do.
stealthlori Back · 21 years ago
see, i travelled to see heaps of people i didn't know.� like you.�
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 21 years ago
For me it's DVN, I've seen them 30+ times since Fruvous went on Hiatus. I've seen the Kennedys almost as much, but it is different. I usually see the Kennedys. I go to DVN with groups of friends and meet others there. It is the social aspects that they have replaced Fruvous. Now that they are slowing down I don't think I'll really have a band like that.
goovie is married! Back · 21 years ago
it was dvn til i moved out here. now? i dunno. it's harder to do frequent road trips in the midwest, and there's enough stuff going on right in chicago that i don't need to travel for bands. i guess i see (or try to see) andrew bird and kevin o'donnell the most, but it's not like frushows. and i miss the whole frushow thing in some ways, and in other ways, i've got too much else going on in my life to have time for that anymore. :)
Wintress Back · 21 years ago

It's not that it's so HARD to do roadtrips from the midwest ... it's that you have to be willing to spend some cash and a LOT of time in the car!!� :)� ("Oh, come on!� It's only a 5 hour drive to Dayton!")

But, yeah, it's hard to catch a lot of the folk music artists smack dab in the middle of nowhere.

Pacho · 21 years ago
...but then again, i think i was more into bargainville than fruvous in general
George E. Nowik · 21 years ago

barbershop, mais oui. :D

�-= george =-

ellen · 21 years ago
how about "I don't really need a replacement"

John J. Ryan Back · 21 years ago
Perhaps this poll can be called, "Hi, We're The Replacements..."
Eri Back · 21 years ago
A girl named Becca Back · 21 years ago
Or more specifically (for me), how about "I got into Fr�vous a little too late for their shows to have been all that important in my life"?
iPauley Back · 21 years ago
That's a part of it for me... I've never been able to afford a ton of shows, only saw 3 meself (opera house for FC4 inclusive). I chose Great Big Sea, though, without having seen them live yet, because between friends met through Fruvous and friends met outside of Fruvous, they're the band I've gone the most nuts about, buying CD's and such.

Truth be told, I'm starting to get a Carbon Leaf itch from my like for GBS... I've also gone on a Blues Brothers kick lately, too, but that has nothing to with Fru or GBS, I've liked them far longer. :-P

-- Pauley
100% dainty! · 21 years ago

Well. . . .considering the fact that I discovered almost all of said bands plus Fruvous�at the same time (except TMBG), I can't really answer this question.�I saw�four of them live for the first time this summer and plan on seeing at least the Nields and DVN again, and hopefully GBS for the first time.�But I obviously never did the Fru-trip thing, and probably won't for these guys either.� I go to local stuff and FRFF.

But though I love all of them, none of them had the effect on me that Fruvous has.� Their music has simply changed my life.� Profoundly.� And that doesn't happen every day.�

Pre-Fruvous, there were a few people that I was pretty close with this level of fandom, Susan Werner and Jane Siberry.� I'm still pretty obsessed with them, actually.� But nothing beats Fruvous. . . . .Man I wish they'd come back.

danced with Lazlo · 21 years ago
I don't think anyone can replace Fruvous for me. Ever. In any sense. I'm not gonna lie and say I was only in it for the friends or that its just live music in general or anything like that. For me, it was Moxy Fruvous. That's what I came for. I'd have gone to see them if not a single other soul I knew was there and I'd probably go if the rest of the audience consisted of drunken assholes. That's just the way it was.
danced with Lazlo Back · 21 years ago
Oh, and I didn't mean to imply that other people here are lying. Cause I just know someone's gonna jump on me for that...
meh · 21 years ago
Mostly because he's the one out of this group I think I've seen the most often. Not really a replacement, but a comperable "I am willing to make something like a trip to see a concert" kind of thing.

I don't know, my brain doesn't make sense lately. Just ignore me. :-)
dirty life & times Back · 21 years ago
right, i said great big sea, cause i really dig em, & i really dig their shows.

but they don't strictly speaking come close cause i... have never gone to an out-of-town show, let alone flown halfway around the world for them, plus i haven't joined any online gbs groups, or met anyone through their shows, or even felt part of a group dynamic when at a concert (they usually play to much bigger crowds than the venues where i saw fruvous, & thus i felt less close to everyone there).

i don't mean to say that i couldn't develop this kind of relationship with that band (i really truly dig them as does my family).... it might be just the old/busy/lazy factor that other people mentioned.
Fr�Bill · 21 years ago

It's wild that Ben Folds is on that list. It started with a friend showing me the video for Rockin' the Suburbs, then I got a cd and heard The Luckiest, and since then I've been eating up every tasty note. It has given me something else to obsess about.

Oh ya and the other thing was the line from the Counting Crows song Monkey "All dressed up no place to go, got Ben Folds on my radio right now." Being a huge crows fan, that propelled me to check it out.

I don't think I have the heart to go back to the obscure-folksy-eccentric bands just yet, too many wistful memories. I miss hearing new music from Fruvous. I think what really impresses�me about a band is their changing and evolving from album to album.

PS- bonus points to whoever�gets the subject line

dirty life & times Back · 21 years ago
that's my first ben folds song :)
ShrinkMan · 21 years ago
Is this going to turn into a "The Replacement" fansite now, hrmph...I have never really listened to anything Fruvous save Wood which I liked a lot, but was warned by FruHeads close to me that no other FruAlbum was anything like it, so I never ventured further. And while I have a couple of The Replacements cd's, I have ALWAYS had my ToadHead stuck firmly in this silly-looking Wet Sprocket.

I know I don't belong here...Shutting Up Now.
Wintress · 21 years ago

Bruce burned me out on Fruvous...and then the Nields.� So, if I were to choose the band that replaced the lads in the cd changer, I'd have to say it's the Nields.

As in...."Bruce tortures Teri by playing the Nields."� *scream*

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