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Poll: Ever been on a road trip?

Yes 72 (89%)
No 5 (6%)
Yes, after reading Jack Kerouac's "On the Road" 2 (2%)
No, Because I read Jack Kerouac's "On the Road" 1 (1%)
Road trips are for burned out hippies. 1 (1%)
   Discussion: Ever been on a road trip?
Kevin - King of WiFi · 22 years ago
jack kerouac.... *shudder*
J. Andrew World Back · 22 years ago
*sings the 10,000 Maniacs song*
.o0Hey Jack Kerouac0o.
Kevin - King of WiFi Back · 22 years ago
*sings the barenaked ladies*
.oOI'll renounce the jack kerouac and all of that romantic crapOo.
Agent Scully · 22 years ago
and you know who you are! :D

J. Andrew World Back · 22 years ago
I havn't taken my pimp movil on too many trips...yet, my old car, lo, the many times it broke down in strange places! The bumper in Statin Island, The gas Leak in London, ON, the engine blowing up on the mass Pike, The map sensor going in Toronto, or even the time where it just crapped out in Monterey, MA and Stamford, CT.

I really don't miss that car!
danced with Lazlo · 22 years ago
Yes. It's called a Fruvous weekend... or FruCon.
sheryls Back · 22 years ago
or it's called living 1 dorm over from Josh.

hello! bg->fredoooooooonia->concert->bg in 1 day?! :D

or toledo->boston in 1 day? :D

or countless others?:D

(do excuse the poor design of this page. it's nearly 5 years old.)
Agent Scully Back · 22 years ago
Sheryl what about Fredonia '98?

First time I ever met you. :)
sheryls Back · 22 years ago
that's the fredonia i'm talking about! of course! :D
Agent Scully Back · 22 years ago
hello! bg->fredoooooooonia->concert->bg in 1 day?! :D

oh duh! how could I miss this part of your post! :D Maybe it's the "one eye" thing. ;D
sheryls Back · 22 years ago
wha..huh? you only have one eye? oh jeez - i didn't notice..sorry there ;)
Josh Woodward Back · 22 years ago
*rrrrinnngg* *rrrrrriiinnngggg*

"Hey Sheryl! Fruvous is playing in Fredonia today. It's only like 7 hours away."


"Well, no, I don't actually have tickets. I don't know if it's a public show."


"Yeah, I have classes tomorrow, too. I guess we'll have to come back after the show."


"K, see you in a few. Bring some snacks."

I wish I could still do that. I get cranky after an hour or two in the car now. :-)
sheryls Back · 22 years ago
seriously. i took a 12 hour plane ride and i was like "dear god, how did i ever do this in cedric* every week?" i was all crampy and bored and sleepy - and i had an LCD screen with movies, tv and gps to watch. sheesh! :D i'm so spoiled now!

*note: cedric = josh's car.
Talcott Back · 22 years ago
see, this is why I think I got to BG just a little bit too late :)

Agent Scully Back · 22 years ago
Sure it's called:

Ottawa Folk Fest 1998 Buffalo -> Bus to Rochester -> Car ride To Ottawa 5 hours

Buffalo -> Toronto -> mississauga -> Windsor -> Ann Arbor -> Toronto -> Buffalo
(now that was one hell of a weekend and I got into trouble for crossing the border twice in two days??? WTF?!)

Buffalo -> Oswego -> Rochester -> Syracuse -> Rochester -> Buffalo
But that's not really a road trip.

damn...what fun times and the Visa 2000 was in working order at that time. =D
Melinda J. Beasi Back · 22 years ago
Speaking of great roadtrips, Gella and FruCon... well, I took a roadtrip with Gella to Frucon III... high up on my list of favorites. She didn't know me at all and even came along while I collected water from the Erie Canal. Hee. :)
sheryls Back · 22 years ago
hee! i had a few trips with people i didnt know - i once hitched a ride to falcon ridge the night before they left from 2 people heading that way (mother & daughter) who didnt know me, i didnt know them, but ADAM knew them, oddly enough, even tho they were from MY smalltown and adam is from massa-frickin-chussetts.

she was on some folky email list, and a DJ at my radio station where i was a dj, actually. but i did not know her. and she drove me to frff98 for the price of 1 tank of gas. when i got there, i met up with moz, drove to maine with him after the weekend, and then had no ride home.

i stayed with my sister who was stationed there (coast guard) and coincidentally, moz lived right up the road (we were dating at the time).

i eventually got home when my mom bought me a train ticket home. boston-> toledo = something obscene liek 13 hours. i met a hippie phishhead on the train and we sat in the smoking car, killing our lungs and talking about following bands.

that was a badass roadtrip :D
goovie is married! Back · 22 years ago
hmm. well, there was the time i got a ride to allentown from some weird bastard i'd only met briefly in the newark airport, and then there was that other time when i agreed to go to frff and a romantic stay at the inn at green river with a boy i'd never ever met. :)
sheryls Back · 22 years ago
dude, is that the hotel like a few miles down the road from frff?

i'd only met moz a few times when i went there and we ran over to that hotel the last night too :D
goovie is married! Back · 22 years ago
yeah, it's a bed and breakfast right down the road. we go there every year. best. breakfasts. ever. *makes mental note to bug neal about reserving the room soon*
sheryls Back · 22 years ago
hmm. i dont remember the breakfast. i do remember that it's a little white house, right?
goovie is married! Back · 22 years ago
yupyup. it's bigger now -- they added on some rooms last year.
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 22 years ago
That's funny I went to Allentown with some weird bitca that I had only met briefly in Newark Airport.
goovie is married! Back · 22 years ago
i didn't know megan was at the allentown show. :)
Will work for anime · 22 years ago
well...yes, frutrips do count...but try doing Rochester, NY to Redwood City, CA in 5 days, spending 5 days there and then another 7 days to get home. I actually wouldn't mind doing that again *now* but it was rather a drag when i was 12. I was greatly reminded of this trip when i read The Lost Continent by Bill Bryson.
Mamalissa! Back · 22 years ago
love Bill Bryson...his explanation of the International Date Line in "In a Sunburned Country" is priceless.
Melinda J. Beasi · 22 years ago
was a trip I took by myself up the coast of California and Oregon mostly on Highway 1. I drove from LA to Olympia, WA. Wow. For those who haven't driven that route, it is mostly on a cliff, so you can't drive much faster than 35mph without dying. It goes up through northern California and the redwoods... I had 5 days to do it in and I took my time, stopping whenever I wanted to, investigating anything or any place that seemed interesting. What an amazing week. Beautiful... sigh. I miss taking trips like that. Hopefully our lives will once again allow it someday.
Melinda J. Beasi Back · 22 years ago
Indeed I will. :) This trip was obviously taken before I knew any of you lovely people.
goovie is married! · 22 years ago
most recently, baltimore --> rochester --> chicago, thru night and day, snow and ice, in a moving van with a car trailer behind it. best trip i ever made. :)
ellen · 22 years ago
Yeaaaah. Moving Cross Country, just you and your car the the thousands of miles of open road... it's so freakin COOL. It's a get-to-know-oneself experience. But, that being said, frutrips were badass too :)
Lisa Kay Back · 22 years ago
that sounds familiar. El, you and I have taken THOUSANDS of miles of road trip in Uncle mom! mmmm. uncle mom!
Erica: movin' to Ohio!! · 22 years ago
ever been stuck in a minivan with two squalling younger siblings, a pair of arguing parents....and NO NEW BOOKS TO READ????????!!!!!!! thus was the summer of my seventh year; traveling to upstate new york. we camped, went to frontier land, lake george. and then back home, to white plains. but only briefly, for soon we were off again to the summer house in brigantine,n.j. more minivan funtime hours. danielle got carsick every few miles, john had a persistently runny nose and drooly mouth. mom, has that special kind of vacation spirit that requires her to be extremely touchy and volatile.(don't get me started on the camping trip of 2002) daddy just wanted to show us a good time and get us closer to nature and eachother. so, lemme tell ya, it was worth every aggravation, to see him smile.
danced with Lazlo Back · 22 years ago
Ahhh, the family summer vacation... The stench of the minivan... The nagging siblings... The cranky parents... The insistence that we "look at the scenery!" at 5am... The car tumbling off the road down that bigass mountain in Washington...
Rachel Beck Back · 22 years ago
Yeah, I used to get yelled at for reading instead of looking at scenery on the road, which seems a little irrational to me. I mean, we can look at the scenery when we get there, right? Now when the fam makes an annual car trip from Minnesota to Buffalo NY and back again at the height of snow season, I sleep through the cranky parents. That'll show them. :)
Lisa Kay · 22 years ago
so...where are those straggling non-road trippers and what do we need to say to you to inspire you to explore in your favorite old car?
John J. Ryan · 22 years ago
I think it is safe to say that our lifestyle as Fr�vous fans and music fans in general is the reason this poll is the most lopsided one to date. Go us!
Arbie Back · 22 years ago
ok....that and the general dependency in this society on the automobile.
And the pioneer spirit of adventure and questing...blah blah
Personally, I rarely get to travel the way I like to: no deadlines, no destination. Someday, maybe.

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