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I'm new here.
hey dan. what's up? I know soon, you'll agree with me about....the thing we talked about.
by the way, here i'm not soccersprout91....even though i am pretty much everywhere else. im just caroline....or today, snowday&birthday!!!!
yes dan, i did. i don't change it often. some people do though. but you can still kinda tell its them if you know them well enough. sometimes they are very similar anyhow.
Hey Dan, Not so many folks use��'s� around here, though the bare bones :) kind are in frequent use - especially when comments might be taken the wrong way.� Not that that *ever* happens.� Here, or anywhere else on the net, for that matter. ;-}
It's part of the WYSIWYG feature. It doesn't load at work for me, but it does at home, so I suspect it has to do with browser settings.
If you put the cursor over the person's name there username, which doesn't change appears on the bottom of the browser. If you ever see "drwhofru" you know that's me.
That kind of thinking is why my lawyers are after them.
I am currently (pun intended) reading an article about Tesla in Scientific American.
welcome Dan! Ooh..a monkey! I think that you fit in well here.
Meep! I didn't mean to offend. Monkeys are a good thing in my book! In fact, there's a traveling Curious Murray floating around somewhere in this world.
(speaking of which, anyone know where he is at the moment?).
wow, that didn't take long, I had to wait weeks before I was insulted for the first time
I heckle Storm's sister.
*runs off after some squirrels*
A list of wacky Spanish phrases.
Aren't you lucky, I still have the .txt file on my hard drive. The List With Which I Bribed Bernie Puedo comer vidrio, no me hace da�o. (I can eat glass, it does not hurt me) Libros y futbol son muy calvo con paraguas azul lucha libre (Books and soccer are very bald with blue wrestling umbrellas) Tu hacer pasar el caballo! (You have to vacuum the horse!) Ma�ana, nosotros visitar los platos (Tommorow, we visit the plates) La langosta es traviesa (The lobster is wicked) El oso esta en fuego (The bear is on fire) Bernie was easily bribed. Very easily. My new favourite Spanish phrases are "yo bebo pintura" (I drink paint) and "cuando corto el cesped los gnomos incindieron mis pantalones cortos" (when I cut the lawn, the gnomes set my shorts on fire).
i miss playing on bernie's combined catholic and irish guilt to get him to call on me.
and i miss bernie's catholic guilt coming out in nagging me about getting married. :) You must first create an account to post.
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