What happened to Carter? What idiot made up this poll?
I didn't mean to leave him out. I even voted for him. That is what I get for posting polls when I'm tired.
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Poll: Who is your favorite of the last 10 US presidents |
Who is your favorite of the last 10 US presidents
Gordondon son of Ethelred
· 19 years, 5 months ago
What happened to Carter? What idiot made up this poll?
I didn't mean to leave him out. I even voted for him. That is what I get for posting polls when I'm tired.
Yeah, and not even an other option? Because dangit, I wanted to vote Carter! :)
He has a degree in Nuclear (which he unfortunately pronounced Nu-cu-lar) Engineering, saw a UFO, and has been building housing for the poor, monitoring elections for fraud, and winning a nobel peace prize. Pretty much makes the other ex-pres's look like a pile o' puke.
That he had a degree in nuclear engineering is an urban legend. He took one course in it. I should point out that he never claimed that he did. He only said that he had training in nuclear engineering when he called for ending the U.S. program on breeder reactors.
Wow I actually remember that stuff from when it happenned. I am old aren't I. I remember history from when it was news :-)
I remember I once had a postcard from his daughter and it was my prized possession and I loved him because his daughter was nice. In retrospect it was likely just some form letter thingie but it meant the world to me as a kid. :)
That he had a degree in nuclear engineering is an urban legend. He took
one course in it. I should point out that he never claimed that he did. He only said that he had training in nuclear engineering when he called for ending the U.S. program on breeder reactors. Yah, and in doing so, screwed over the US energy policy for the next 30 years. I was a nuclear engineering major and made it alot farther into the program than Mr. Carter before switching majors. If he had bothered to pay attention in class, he would have understood that breeder reactors are more reliable, more efficient, safer, and produce less waste than conventional nuclear reactors. The only drawback is the waste they do produce is alot more radioactive. The French use breeder reactors for 90% of their power generation and they haven't had a single accident.
100% dainty!
· 19 years, 5 months ago
I picked JFK, even though in all honesty I am not particularly warm to any of the U.S. presidents of this century. Definitely nobody post-Reagan. Definitely not Johnson or Nixon. Ford, I don't really know much about, so he might be an okay choice.
They all did some shitty stuff in the name of imperialism, no matter what party they belonged to. But at least JFK wanted to end the Vietnam war, so I picked him.
· 19 years, 5 months ago
Man, being limited to this century makes it hard. I hold my nose and vote for Reagan simply because he was the only president this century that actually reduced the size of the federal government. He also proved that tax cuts increase federal revenues (but unfortunately also kept up the tradition of overspending).
Bush Jr - Probably will be the worst president of the new century. Clinton - In the top three for worst of the past century. Bush Sr - Ineffective and warmonger. Reagan - see above Carter - A buffoon who nearly crippled the US economy and drove us into another depression. Ford - Don't remember much about him, but pardoning Nixon was a mistake. Nixon - Another idiot who resembled more of a mafia boss than a president. LBJ - Screwed the pooch with Vietnam and was generally a real dickhead. His Great Society policies were almost as bad as the New Deal. JFK - Probably the nicest Democrat to hold the office, had some plusses but some real negatives. Ike - He gave us the FBI and the CIA and covert assassinations of leaders we didn't like and screwed the pooch with Korea. Truman - Again, don't remember much, but his domestic policies were crap, but he did have to make a big decision on how to end WWII. Thank god FDR wasn't put on here. Easily the worst president of the 20th. And he's in some pretty spectacularly sucky company. Bush Jr - Probably will be the worst president of the new century. He is also the best president this century. As he is the only president this century (except for the first 19 days of 2001).
He's the worst president ever, really. Some of the 19th century presidents did some fairly heinous things, especially those by Andrew Jackson to the native population. And in this century, Harding's administration was very corrupt, but none of those come close to Bush. Even Nixon and Reagan weren't quite this bad.
Well, he said "probably will be the worst," which I interpreted to mean that, by the end of this century, W will have been the worst President of the whole 100 years.
· 19 years, 5 months ago
It is nice to know that I don't really need to put thought into figuring out who the best presidents were. I think all i will really need to do is flip flop Andy's Best and worst lists, and I'll be all set.*
*Except for Bush II. There seems to be unanimous consent** to place him at the bottom of the failure pile. **as long as one or two people don't vote You must first create an account to post.
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