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Poll: Five-second rule?

Only applies outdoors: dirt don't hurt. 3 (5%)
Is applicable unless the food item is sticky by nature. 31 (48%)
Is applicable unless the food item lands on a carpeted area. 2 (3%)
A rule to live by. 21 (33%)
A rule I've never heard of. 7 (11%)
   Discussion: Five-second rule?
Andrea Krause · 20 years ago
It sometimes applies or doesn't apply based on who's watching. :)
hkath · 20 years ago
First time one of my polls gets picked :)

I voted for "a rule to live by", but I can't quite shake the image of a certain past roommate of mine dropping a lollipop onto a carpeted floor and then popping it back into his mouth.

Bruce Rose Back · 20 years ago
I could see someone doing that, but I've had cats too long to see myself doing it.
Talcott Back · 20 years ago
Yeah. I'm all for it, unless the item is sticky.

Then again, I'm also more likely to use it indoor than outdoors. At least I know what's on the floor in here ;-)

hkath Back · 20 years ago
Funny, that's why I *won't* eat stuff off my floor ;)
Jºnªthªn · 20 years ago
My rule is the "if I can remember dropping it" rule.
Kelz · 20 years ago
I think it applies to everything..eating stuff that has been on the ground is not tasty or anything at all.Its just plain GROSS!!
melanie · 20 years ago
i think that there are several important factors in assessing whether you should eat something thats been dropped.
-where its being dropped.
like yea if its outside in a sandbox or something... no-no
if its gummy.. or something else adhesive, who knows what its gonna pick up?
if you drop it and it keeps moving.. well i suppose it could go both ways: it could pick up more gunk or it could prevent it from picking up as much... .. judgment call.
-how much you wanna eat it even tho its been on the ground.
if i dropped my last gummy bear..i dont know that id care much about assessing its edibility. i mean common, ive been waiting the whole bag for this little guy.
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 20 years ago
What about, I heard of it but don't believe it?
derek harrison Back · 20 years ago
exactly. the options are incomplete.
i dont believe in it because i believe, depending on the food, it's either do not pick it up, or it doesnt matter how long it takes for you to pick it up, within reason.
Nik Chaikin Back · 20 years ago
thats where i stand too.
Bel the ever forgetful Back · 20 years ago
emilie is CRANKY · 20 years ago
what about the 10-minute rule? and the 5-day rule? i have an immune system and i intend to use it. :D
Nik Chaikin Back · 20 years ago
the, "until the ants get it" rule.
Bender Back · 20 years ago
the "until it learns to recite poetry" rule.

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