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I gave her the ring and she gave me the finger

   Discussion: I gave her the ring and she gave me the finger
Jeff Marsden · 20 years ago
I find this song listed all over the internet as one of the worst country songs.� But does anyone know who performed it?
Josh Woodward Back · 20 years ago
I don't, but Google does.
Jeff Marsden Back · 20 years ago

Thanks.� I tried Google (and Yahoo), but all I get are lists of the "worst country song titles ever" with no mention of who actually sang the song.

goovie is married! Back · 20 years ago
i gave her my heart, and she gave me a pen. :P
Jºnªthªn Back · 20 years ago
Best line in a John Cusack movie. Even better than "Two Dollars!"
Geoff Back · 19 years, 11 months ago
What about "I should've brought my gun" "What?" "Uh, should be fun!"
Talcott Back · 20 years ago
Along those lines, am I think only person who is getting a Dylan earworm everytime he sees the subject line?
Kathy Rae Back · 18 years, 8 months ago
> I find this song listed all over the internet as one of the worst country
> songs.  But does anyone know who performed it?

I first heard this song back in 1984 being performed by a local artist here in Portland, Oregon by the name of Darwin (Montana) Triplett .He thought it had been written by a man named Dub Jennings who at that time was residing in Tillamook, OR. Since then others have told me that they thought Dub just sang it and was not the author. I know some of the words but not all and was looking for words when I found this site. I know that the last verse goes :

She got the car I got the payments,
She got the house and the lot
She got my credit card and that was too much
So I got my gun and she got shot

I am continuing to search and will write more if I find any more info.
xplayer Back · 17 years, 9 months ago
Yes ,your right the song was written by Dub Jennings,the original song was on a 45LP,I might still be able to find it. on the other side of the 45 was another song he wrote called "oregon timber women"I beleve he recorded it out at a place called "the log cabin inn" in Oregon.
Martin Johnson Back · 17 years, 11 months ago

The name of the band was Mackinaw. and it is a great song on a great album called "Legends in Our Spare Time." It was released in 1979, I think, on a small midwest label out of Morton, IL. It was written by Crow Carroll.


Bill Back · 14 years, 8 months ago

It was done by a group by Peoria, Il named Mackinaw. They were a country band in the late 70's early 80's. Mackinaw is 15 minutes from Peoria. They had a few other good or interesting songs on the album. My buddy from ISU just asked me about it so that is how I found this site.

Jºnªthªn · 20 years ago
It's listed as being performed by Crow Carroll. A search of his name turns up an article, "That eventually led Carroll to the position for which he is best known, front man for 'Mackinaw,' a regional band wildly popular in the '80s. For four years, he fronted the band whose anthem was, "I Gave Her A Ring, She Gave Me The Finger."
Jeff Marsden · 20 years ago
A girl named Becca Back · 20 years ago
The reply button is your friend!
jen · 20 years ago
thats one of my dad's country favourites.
its worth it for the title alone :D
Jºnªthªn · 19 years, 11 months ago
Jerry Reid's "She got the goldmine, I got the shaft" runs a close second.
Shelly Back · 19 years, 11 months ago

OMG!!!!!! i scarily -remember- the lyrics to that least part of them.

o/' they� done split it all down the middle, and then they give her the better HALF� o/'��


Kathy Rae · 18 years, 8 months ago
First verse is :

We were married 7 years for the 3rd time around
I thought that we would build a home
Now all that's left is a repertoire of 4 letter words
Married people, yet we live alone
Chorus is :
I gave her the ring and she gave me the finger
She told me her and I were through
She gave me the ring and i gave her the finger
Tell me now what else could i do?

There is a verse that begins; She went back to her Mom
                                                      And i went back to mine
But I can't remember the rest of it.
Rimbo · 18 years, 8 months ago
I always liked Lyle Lovett's work . . .

"I could tell my ship had run aground / 'cause when I puckered up, you know she puckered down."
John J. Ryan · 17 years, 9 months ago
You get your dog back, you get your truck back, and you get your wife back.
Cord Vandervelden · 17 years, 7 months ago
xplayer got it right. about a year after making that very
45 record, dub jennings packed everything up and moved to nashville, tenn. hoping to make it big. after about a year or so without success, he moved back to oregon and started up a weekly newspaper called
"Country Scene" that had a run of about a-year-and-a-
half. although nashville never accepted him and he
probably considered his music career a failure, he al-
ways packed the "Log Cabin" out on hwy 26 in the glen-
wood hills.
how do i know all this?
he was with my mother for about 7-8yrs(married 5
those yrs) and since i was about 11yrs old(25yrs), he is
the only father i've known. william jennings bryan(real
name) passed away several years ago of heart failure.
about 2yrs before, new owners of the log cabin tracked
him down in medford, or. and invited him to play a few
songs at a re-opening because so many people talked
about how they used to love to come watch "Dub Jen-
nings and the Countdowns" perform every weekend. i
don't think i ever saw him more surprised(or happy). my long-winded(seemingly biographical) post is to defend
what is my dads history on this earth since he no long- er can himself. and to let everyone who posted on this subject that it's "SHE gave me the ring, and I gave her the finger"
Chris Curtis · 15 years, 3 months ago
Gary "Crow" Carroll actually wrote and copyrighted with BMI the song "I Gave Her The Ring" in 1980 just before we recorded it on our "Legends in Their Spare Time" album in 1981. If I wasn't so lazy, I'd type in the words to the whole song but the chorus was: So I gave her the ring and she gave me the finger... It must have been something I said.... Now old memories they're just starting to linger... They're just rambling around in my head. No - Crow was no Lennon-McCartney, but he was funny in the many tunes he wrote and especially performing them on stage. John Hartford played the fiddle on the album. It was only the second non-John Hartford album that he ever played on. He played a track for James Taylor a few years before but charged him $2000. He played for union scale on our album because he liked us, the tune, and had a hell of a lot of fun with us. ($108 at the time.) So check BMI - GDS Recording Label 1981 for the original.

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