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Poll: Do you ever do volunteer work?

Yes 46 (53%)
No 12 (14%)
Very rarely 29 (33%)
   Discussion: Do you ever do volunteer work?
nate... · 21 years, 1 month ago

"The fact that I seriously considered volunteering... made me feel better about NOT... volunteering."


Seriously, though, I have done some volunteer work for the northampton schools and such and for the food bank, through my mom. But I very rarely have the time.
Bruce Rose · 21 years, 1 month ago
My weekly radio show is volunteer... and we have some opportunities through our "Target the community" program.� Work volunteering... is it really volunteering?
Bruce Rose Back · 21 years, 1 month ago
I need to speed up my typing to get the first. *drat*
Yvonne · 21 years, 1 month ago
I took over my mom's job as team captain for the Canadian Cancer Society when she died...and did half the canvassing routes myself because it's nearly impossible to find enough people to cover them...and it nearly killed me trying to do that and juggle OAC courses.� Since then I've done volunteer teaching for the Waterloo school board to get experience for teacher's college.
dirty life & times · 21 years, 1 month ago
i said "very rarely", but i meant "not recently."

i volunteered full-time for a year, but that was several years ago.
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 21 years, 1 month ago
Has anyone not heard me go on and on about volunteering at WFUV? It's one of the best things in my life.
tygerlillie · 21 years, 1 month ago
that is what my sorority, Epsilon Sigma Alpha, �is all about. we did 14,000 hours of community serivce last yeah and earned 20,000 dollars for various charities such as St. Judes, Easter Seals, and various local ones in Muncie, Indiana,�and unlike other soririties 100% of the money we raised went to the charities.� i love giving back to the community...its a good thing:)
hkath · 21 years, 1 month ago
I volunteered for the Canadian Authors' Association, as a first-round judge for their short story competition. It was... interesting.
E(rin) is for Evil · 21 years, 1 month ago
Outside of� "mandatory" work or school related volunteering (ie. at The Body Shop volunteering with connecting organizations�was part of the job, peer tutoring) I have�volunteered with my�local Youth Services Dept. for six years, and in several other arenas as a result of connections through YS. Volunteering is definatly an experience I recommend, if you have the time, even limited time.� My personal growth has been enhanced on a�number of levels,�such meeting and working with some exceptional people on some cool events/worthy causes, and has opened up more contacts re: jobs and connections that can be tough to come by. The time I have availble to offer on a volunteer level varies from month to month, but it is something I aim to take part in on a regular basis.
ChrisChin is Getting Old · 21 years, 1 month ago

Well, I have done various volunteer gigs throughout high school and college.� My longest consistent gig was for a year on a suicide prevention crisisline in Ithaca and that pretty much convinced me that I wanted�to get into social work.� I also did a stint with AmeriCorps*NCCC, which we did get a living allowance, so it wasn't volunteer per se...but considering what the allowance was and the stuff we did, I would say volunteer is a nicer word than say slave labor. :)� However, there were several extra hours or ISP hours�(independent service projects..not to be confused how you connect to the internet) that we had to complete before we could get the education award.�

Nowadays, I find it difficult to volunteer on a regular basis due to the limited energetic time I have between work and trying to sleep.� But I'm trying to get back into the habit�of volunteering.� I�occasionally �volunteer�here and there (mostly park cleanups�and work related volunteer stints)�and�have signed up with New York Cares, which allows me to�pick and choose one shot volunteer gigs that fit in my schedule.� Next up, cleaning up after and playing with cats in a no kill animal shelter in my neighborhood.�

Michael (foof) Maki · 21 years, 1 month ago
I volunteer a couple of times a month facilitating a youth group for the Oak Park Area Lesbian And Gay Asssociation.
Starfox · 21 years, 1 month ago
Been helping build houses for four years now. Then they had to go and accept federal funding. I help out with St. Jude's Children's Hospital's local events when they have them.

Thanksgiving and Christmas I volunteer in a soup kitchen.
Jason Reiser Back · 21 years, 1 month ago
Wintress · 21 years, 1 month ago

The place I work at forces the entire business to shut down for an afternoon in the fall for the annual community volunteer week.� The employees, get this, are PAID, but the business gets to record that XXX hours and XXX dollars were donated to the community.� I refuse to wear the company shirt for the event.�

Also, this same business nearly strong arms us into turning in our volunteer hours.� There's a "party" once a year and prizes, etc are handed out accordingly.� This is so the president can go around the community, state, whatever and brag about the company's XXXX community hours given.

I refuse to turn in my hours.� Volunteer time is personal.� I do it for ME, not for the company I work for.� It's none of their darned business if I'm giving time.� I'm not wearing the company shirt - much as they'd like me to be.� (In fact, there is a FREE volunteer t-shirt the company offers for just such an occasion.)� BACK OFF!� Sheesh.

Andrea Krause · 21 years, 1 month ago

Closest I have come to volunteering in the recent past was doing the heart walk to raise money.

For the most part, I don't do volunteer work. I am lazy and selfish. I'm not proud of this.

I donate money from time to time to various things. But I tend to not donate my time or energy. I am a horrible horrible person. Bleh.

K-Lyn · 21 years, 1 month ago

I spent the day at the Oregon Food Bank and boxed bags of pinto beans as well as sorting decent potatoes from, well, FAR from decent ones.� It felt good and it was the most physical work I've done in a while (still sore as those pinto beans weight 24 lbs in a box...)

Hard to feel sorry for yourself when you know that there's food in your pantry after a day there.

Yvonne Back · 21 years, 1 month ago
Oh yeah, and I also volunteer for the CNIB occasionally with my youth group.� We get to check the returned books on tape and put video tapes in mailers and throw them across the room into bins.� It's fun.� :D
siobhan's a londoner · 21 years, 1 month ago
Used to do more will start again soonas wish to work in social welfare type jobs when I am older, a biut like my temporary job now.� Oddly enough working with complicated youths has given me a taste for it!� So am doing volunteer work with that age group when I go back to uni so I can have an advantage when I try later.� I also get a kick out of volunteering, guess it is the whole "no such thing as atruly selfless act" thing

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