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Murray in new TV commercial!? |
Murray in new TV commercial!?
i wanna know about murray and the tv commercial. more importantly, i want to see said commercial. mmm...murray.
Scot Lawrence
· 21 years, 7 months ago
Josh helped me fix the problem..thanks Josh!
(and "too cute", thanks for the offer to post, I appreciate it.) here is what I was trying to say! There is a new TV commercial playing here in Rochester, NY. its to promote Toronto tourism. "come visit us! Toronto is really cool!" that kind of thing,, it starts with the Bare Naked Ladies, and one of those guys from Beverly Hills 90210. (why he is in it I have no clue) well near the end, there is a brief street scene with some musicians featuring what appears to be Murray singing! :) the scene is quick, and you only get a brief glance, but im 99% sure its Murray! I imagine the commercial is playing all over Western NY, and probably other areas around the Great Lakes too.. so watch for a commercial about Toronto featuring BNL and that 90201 guy, and watch carefully near the end, its Murray on TV! :) Scot
if the 90120 guy is jason priestley, he's probably there because he directed the bnl film, barenaked in america.
hee. i forgot about that. that would explain it, too. :)
Short works of fiction.� I mean, his baby *is* hooked on�'em.
I usually see this commercial at least once a day (here in Ottawa). I'll keep my eyes open.
hold onto your neurons!� a brainstomping stretch of a Fruvous reference!!! so, silly me decided to see if mayhap this commercial was online (I too have seen this tourism commercial, i think there are 2 or 3 of them, probably trying to get us excited about the Fast Ferry Project as well as takin a bite outta SARS).� I googled "Toronto Tourism Commerical" i would suggest viewing it as text... scan and pan a little and then Edit --> Find (if you're using IE, i don't know what to use with Opera and Mozilla, etc) and type in "commercial" and find next a few times... see anything that mayhap reminds of say, the 'b' album??� Like i said, brainstomping... i have gray mush now. Hey Scot!!! long time no type!!! Angie
He doesn't want everyone else learning the secrets of peruvian llama harmonies.
I'm confuzled.� what do you mean by "scan and pan a little"?
scroll down (and possibly right and left) to�skim bits and pieces of the page.�
YES! I mentioned that, what, 2 weeks ago on the wall? Gordon agrees too.
Every time that commercial comes on I go "is that...? Wait...no...it can't be....is it?" etc. :)
that would be creepy. it would be liike "which is which here?".
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