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Poll: How do you brush your teeth? |
How do you brush your teeth?
ChrisChin is Getting Old
· 21 years, 10 months ago
Oh drat..missed first post by that much. :) Yes, regular toothbrush for me, using toothpaste, making circular motions, twice a day, and I floss about every other day. Electric toothbrushes scare me (something about the mechnical vibrations and sticking an electrical device into your mouth...reminds me too much of a dentist visit, I guess) and most are just too darn expensive.
You know, the "What's that Watermelon doing there" poll that I suggested hasn't run yet!
Not happy with the poll questions or options? Then let's see you do better, really! Suggest a poll!
No seriously, suggest a poll! ;-)
Under half of the polls submitted get used. Some are rejected because a certain topic is only used one in awhile (as was the case for your war poll). Of the serious polls, any showing a bias are usually rejected (the war poll showed a bias, and even if it was one I agreed with, objectivity is a good thing).
I also try to pace things with a really serious poll only once in awhile. We would have all killed each other by now if there were polarizing polls every day. Speaking of which, manual toothbruth, baby! ;-) All bow down before Josh, he IS God here. Speaking of which, ever think you were getting a God-complex? But yeah, polarizing polls would kill the community. We don't want to become enemies because of bickering over our personal opinions. We need to still leave them at the door like you would at a party. Remember the rule when you're talking with strangers: Two topics that should never be discussed are religion and politics. And oh yeah, electric! It comes in handy when I'm camping.
J. Andrew World
· 21 years, 10 months ago
On Ellen and I's first date we were in the hotel alone and I said "I need to Brush my teeth" and she joined me. Then she said, "You know once you see the other person spit, there is no turning back." That is so true. I am so glad that not only our relationship is built on Oral Hygyne, but it is built on spittle, as well!
<delurking> I've been using an OralB Oscillating Toothbrush for over a year. I love it... my dentist loves me for it... at my first visit after I started using it the hygienist sighed and said that she wished more people would use them because they actually do a wonderful job... and she gave me coupons for $5 off my next refill pack :D for anyone who's interested... there are a couple of different electric toothbrush styles available... a rotating head that spins round and round, and an oscillating brush that moves side to side, or up and down, or a quarter rotation left and right (which i believe is what the Oral B does). I found an article online that compared the different types, and the Oral B placed highest on the list. This isn't the article I read, but it is another supporting the use of electric toothbrushes http://www.floss.com/study_shows_oscillating_power_to.htm ok... back to lurking for me.
Well, if it means my mouth feels as gross as it does after I visit the dentist, no thanks.
Andrea Krause
· 21 years, 10 months ago
I have an electric toothbrush my dentist prescribed to me. It's called a Rotodent. Or Rotadent. I can never remember. But it's really nifty and apparently you can only get it through dentists and it makes my mouth happy. Some of the storebought ones have bristles that are way too hard and painful for me, but this one is soft--yet they still work very well. It also has separate heads you can put on that are shaped differently and can get in between the teeth and stuffs. Nifty!
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