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Review of "Mulholland Drive"


What's the movie's name?
Mulholland Drive
What genre is this film?
Cult Movie
Give a short summary of this movie:
Summary? uhh.... stuff happens, stuff changes, stuff happens!!!


Brian Dinsky:

As far as I'm concerned, I'll sit down to watch anything created by David Lynch. This movie was originally shot as a tv pilot that got canned. Lynch added extra scene and formed a movie out of it. Any review I, or anyone else for that matter, would only be reflective of what that particular person gets out of the movie. I saw it my way, you should see it yours.


How do you review a David Lynch film? I was able to suspend my disbelief until the last 20 or so minutes, when I was completely lost. This film does have lots of wonderful images that stick with you. I particularly enjoyed hearing Roy Orbison's "Crying" performed live and in Spanish ("Llorando") by a woman.


it took me a few times threw to actually get what was going on fully.
I think I know whats going on at least.


This movie is beautiful. I knew that before I understood anything about it. Then I asked my friend to discuss it with me. I now have *theories*. And it's still beautiful.


I saw the movie and everytime I got the feeling I sorta understand I didn't understand anything anymore, I left the theatre totally depressed

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