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Review of "The Princess Bride"


What's the movie's name?
The Princess Bride
What genre is this film?
Cult Movie
Give a short summary of this movie:
is this a kissing movie?



hello, my name is inigo montoya. you killed my father. prepare to die.

best movie ever. encompasses every genre, paying tribute yet also satirizing. reiner is a genius. young carey elwes is hot. robin wright is adorable. and billy crystal is hilariousl. that's all you need. :)

goovie is married!:

I don't even know why I'm recommending this, because just about everyone I know already has this entire movie memorized. Don't forget to read the book as well.

Michael (foof) Maki:

trunger is counting...:



How can anyone NOT rate this movie 10/10? Oh wait, no one has yet. I rest my case. :)


How can you not like this movie? It's INCONCIEVABLE!

Anybody want a peanut?


I really, really didn't like this movie. I guess I can understand why everyone thinks it's so fun, but it irritated the hell out of me.

A girl named Becca:

I was, like, the last person on Earth to see this movie. Yes, I lived to be 18 and then some without experiencing it. I liked it a lot...but I wouldn't call it perfect. I mean, it was funny, it was cute, it was sweet, the sword fights were cool...but I always think it's cheesy when people come back from the dead (that move ruins "Rent," too, IMO)...still, if you're weirder than I am and haven't seen it yet, you should.


Thank god it's a kissing book...BTW don't forget to read it in paper form. Although the movie for once really does it justice!


you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

this movie has everything - Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles...


It has some funny scenes, but the pacing is slow. Good performances by Mandy Patinkin and Wallace Shawn, and funny cameos by Peter Cook and Billy Crystal. On the other hand, Robin Wright was flat. The main problem with this movie is the moronic fanbase that runs around quoting it...

Karen is tired:

J. Andrew World:

What can I say about this movie that no one else has said? Columbo is in it!

Josh Woodward:

Overrated. Maybe it's just the genre I don't like, but this one has never been able to hold my interest.


Not a masterpiece... but you know what? It's NOT REALLY TRYING TO BE!!!! Now that I've stated this important point, I'll share the important stuff- it's a fun little adventure and CARY ELWES, YUM!!!!!


Any movie than can lend names to so many pets gets my vote!
Oh, and the book is definitely worth reading. You get everyone's backstory, and you all the long boring hat-related parts have been removed!

Rachel Beck:

It's not about being a good movie. It's about inspiring a moronic fan base, to which I guess I belong.

Ave. Meum nomen est Inigo Montoya. Tu occiderus patrum meum. Prepara te ad mortem.

Privyet! Menya zavoot Inigo Montoya. Vui oobili moyevo otsa. Pregotovtyes ksmerti.

My friends in high school and college learned it in Bengali, Japanese, French, and Spanish.

Nicole the Wonder Nerd:

HA! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The best known, of course, is "Never get involved in a land war in Asia", but only slightly less well-known is this: "NEVER go in against a Sicilian when DEATH is on the line!" BWA HA HA HA! HA HA HA HA--*thud*


This movie is the bomb. (and I don't use words like that.) Funny, dry, exciting, and Andre the Giant acts circles around all comers. Right on.

Tori Rose:

I dont think its possible to dislike this film.

If you dislike it, then I guess I dislike you...?

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