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Poll: How do you prefer to cleanse thyself?

With a shower 76 (90%)
With a bath 5 (6%)
Do what, now? 3 (4%)
   Discussion: How do you prefer to cleanse thyself?
ChrisChin is Getting Old · 20 years, 10 months ago
Shower definitely for cleaning..even when I take a bath, I still shower afterwards. For me, baths, rare as they are, are for zoning out and relaxing.
Bruce Rose Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Same here, but even better is to shower first, then soak.�
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 20 years, 10 months ago
Sand Blasting.
Andrea Krause · 20 years, 10 months ago

I am definitely a bath person. I only do shower when I'm in a hurry. Or, lately since I hurt my butt. Switching positions to dunk hair is paaaainful with an owie butt. :)

One of my biggest dreams is to someday have a tub that's nice and big and can handle my height.

Bruce Rose Back · 20 years, 10 months ago

One of my biggest dreams is to someday have a tub that's nice and big and can handle my height.


Bender Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
my current tub sucks.� it's smaller than any I've ever seen, and when I lay the right way, my back and the tub create a painful suction.
Rimbo · 20 years, 10 months ago
I prefer to dive head-first into a vat of that hand cleanser.
George E. Nowik · 20 years, 10 months ago
shouldn't "How do you prefer to cleanse thyself?" be something along the lines of "how dost thou prefer to cleanse thyself?"

putting "do you" and "thyself" make nerves twitch in my face... (:

-= george =-
A girl named Becca Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Damn, you beat me to it!! :P
siobhan's a londoner · 20 years, 10 months ago
as with most of the above i am shower for cleaning, as my hair is long and never feels clean when washed in a bath.

having said that, this past year i have had no bath and it has been awful.
i need a bath when my joints ache, after falling down an icy hill and sometimes just because...

gladly i will have a bath next year and will teach the boys i will be living with the importance of washing the tub and maybe of having a bath. many of my male friends have discovered the joy of a candlelit bath with soem chillled out music and a nearby ashtray....
Nathan · 20 years, 10 months ago
I used to take mostly baths, but, as of late, I've been sticking to showers. They're a lot faster, after all.
sheryls · 20 years, 10 months ago

omg, totally showers.

i never feel clean after baths.

Laura P. Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
I can't get over the "soaking in my own filth" factor with baths. If I do take a bath I look at it more like a way to relax rather than get clean, if that makes any sense.
dirty life & times Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
in my experience, once you start thinking of filth like that, you don't stop until you're totally disgusted by your whole body. i mean, you can't sterilize yourself.

i am a bath person: too lazy to stand while washing myself. i only shower after a strenuous workout.
Magical Bob · 20 years, 10 months ago

If anyone else here reads The Bathroom Reader series (very informative books concerning almost everything), there was one article concerning whether baths or showers were better. It said that baths cause the old skin to come off and clease you but when you stand up the old skin forms a film around you. Showers do not remove the old skin, as soaking is the only way. For best results, it said to first take a soak in the tub and follow it with a brisk shower.

Personally, I shower.

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