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My Noobie Introduction

   Discussion: My Noobie Introduction
Daniel · 12 years, 6 months ago
Hi There, I just spent the last 2 days on a deep binge, listening to every scrap of Fruvous that I could get my hands on.  I was first introduced to the music of the band in 1992 I think. It was before they released the first album. A guy in my high school choir had recently been to toronto and bought a copy of their demo. We were on a big "Take 6" kick, and I remember him describing them as a mix of Take 6 and Royal Canadian Air Farce. I listened to the tape, made a copy, and loved. I bought Bargainville as soon as I heard it was out. I went to the Stampede 5 times the year they played (94 I think) just to listen to them play. Then they came and played Repiblik the following year. That was the last time I ever saw them. *Sigh* I am a fan of Jian's show, and Great Big Sea (Since the early 90s as well). And that's about it. I would just like to say - Please, Oh, Please come back and do a reunion album. The conservatives are in power, we NEEED you! Cheers!

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