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2008 FRFF Emerging Artist Showcase Results

   Discussion: 2008 FRFF Emerging Artist Showcase Results
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 16 years, 2 months ago
I reposted this because I realized the context wasn't clear the first time.

The votes are in and the people have spoken. From a total of 440 surveys completely filled out this year, about a third of the usual since most were lost in the storm, the results are:

  1. Amy Speace - garnering votes from 30% of the voting audience
  2. Blue Moose & the Unbuttoned Zippers - a very close second at 29%
  3. Abi Tapia and Lucy Wainwright Roche - just about tied with 22% and 21% of the voters respectively
They will be on the Most Wanted Song Swap in 2009. There is no official preview tour but some dates my be booked.
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 16 years, 2 months ago
I didn't hear Blue Moose or Abi. Lucy is very sweet and I love her as a person but she can't sing. Amy is a major talent. I would not have said that two years ago. She has developed by leaps and bounds. Not only was she the best in the emerging artists showcase she is as good or better than any of the main stage performers.

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